

"You and I are nothing but strangers this marriage doesn't mean anything to me. Don't you dare touch me ever again!" ---------------------- Leah Jones was a 21-year-old girl who was forced to marry the most feared, wealthy, powerful, and heartless man in the world because her father's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. She thought that he was not as bad as they said he was, she thought that marrying him. was going to be the best thing but she couldn't be more wrong. He never touched her and he refused to touch her too. To him they were only husband and wife in name, but Leah refused to believe that he was that heartless so she made it her mission to try and bring back the smile that he once lost due to unforeseen courses, but that proved to be easier said than done because her tries only brought her nothing but tears and heartbreak.

lilly42 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Leah sat there on the bed waiting patiently for Alexander to come out of the bathroom. She still did not understand why he was being so cold towards her. Her parents had told her that he was not as cold as they said he was, he was only heartless to strangers not his loved ones, but this was a very different Alexander, she told herself that maybe he was in a bad mood and he would be fine after freshening up.

After about thirty minutes Alexander came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. There was water dripping from his hair. Leah couldn't help but stare at his perfectly toned body. He looked like he went to the gym everyday. She only imagined how his hard chest would feel on her hands, how her hand would feel on his abs and all the places that she could touch him.

She didn't realise that she was drooling. "Women."Alexander said and then he made his way into his closet. He had seen the way that she was looking at him and she was drooling. That's exactly what most women did when they saw him, some even went as far as trying to touch him but none of them succeeded. Leah mentally scolded herself for acting like that. This was not how she wanted to behave in front of him at all.

After a few minutes Alexander came out of the closet wearing his pyjamas. He got into bed and he just covered himself with a blanket and he turned off the lamp that was on his bed side and then he went to sleep. That was something that Leah was not expecting. Was this how their wedding night was going to be like? Just sleeping and nothing else?

"Alex?"She said, He just turned his head to her.

"Don't call me that."He said harshly.

"What should I call you then? Oh wait, I can just call you hubby, because Alexander is long."She said, Alexander sat up straight.

"Get out!" He said pointing at the door.

"What? Why?"Leah asked.

"You don't get to ask questions around here so get the hell out of MY room!" He said, the look in his eyes scared Leah to death. So she just got off the bed and she exited the room.

She closed the door behind her. It felt as if her colour had left her skin, the look in his eyes alone could traumatise a person. She had never felt so scared in her whole life. She walked down the hallway and to her luck she bumped into Alexander's butler.

"Drew, is there an extra room.in which I can sleep in for tonight?My hubby and I had a little argument so I just need some space."She said with a smile on her face, even though Drew was not convinced he did not ask any questions. He knew that it would be better to mind his own business than to stick his nose into other people's business.

"There is a guest room right opposite to the young master's room, you can sleep there."He said. She nodded her head in response and she turned around to find the room. She just hoped that Alexander was going to be feeling a lot better the next day and he wasn't going to be so cruel towards her.


The next morning Leah woke up and she walked out of the guest room. She had to go to Alexander's room because all of her things were in there. She stood outside his room and she knocked on the door at least ten times.

After a few minutes Alexander opened the door. "What do you want?"He asked.

"Uhm my things are in there so-"Before she could finish her sentence Alexander closed the door. "Hey! What is wrong with you?!"She asked, banging the door.

After a few minutes he opened the door again, he had two huge suitcases in his hands and he gave them to Leah. "These are your things. You are not allowed to step foot into my room ever again."He said and then he closed the door. Leah was shocked, was this the kind of man that she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with? If he was then there was no way that she was going to stick around. But the problem is that she had no choice, if she left him then her in-laws were no longer going to help her dad and they would just make his company's situation much worse than it already is.

She just had to be patient, but not weak. She knew that she had to learn to fight this man and let him know that she won't let him treat her like he pleases, but Leah was only taught how to obey and respect men by her father, she didn't know a thing about standing up for herself, she just had to learn, but that was not going to be easy.

Leah dragged her suitcase into what is supposed to be her room. This was really not what she signed up for. She dragged them into the walk-in-closet. She left them there and she went into the bathroom and she took a warm shower.

After taking a shower she wore a red long-sleeved short and tight dress and white sandals. She then tied her hair into a tight bun. After that she walked out of the room.and she made her way into the dining hall which was easy to find because it was the first thing that she could see downstairs.

She saw Alexander who was already seated and he was eating his breakfast. She sat down on the chair that was right across from him. She knew better not to sit next to him because he wouldn't want that at all.

One of the maids served her her breakfast and she just ate it quietly even though she wanted to say something so badly. She was not used to keeping quiet for a long time. She couldn't help but steal glances at Alexander while she was eating. He could not see that she was stealing glances at him because he was so focused on eating his food so that he could just get out of the dining room as quickly as possible.

Her presence alone annoyed her, he did not want to be in the same room with her. He still did not understand why his family forced him to marry someone he didn't even know, someone he did not even love. Love was not his kind of thing. He didn't do love, he didn't let any woman get close to him. If he needed someone to satisfy him, he would just tell his butler to get him someone for a night and he would get that someone.

"So hubby, where are we going to go for our honeymoon?"Leah suddenly asked. The silence was really starting to annoy her so she needed to say something to break the silence.

"Look woman, don't call me that ever again, and there will be no honeymoon. If you want to go on a honeymoon then you can go alone."He said.

"Honeymoons are meant for couples, so there is no way that I would go on a honeymoon all by myself, I have to go with my husband."She said Alexander felt like Leah was trying to test his patience and patience was what he did not have.

"You and I are not a couple, we are only a couple outside of this house but inside we are nothing but strangers."He said.

"Those are your words not mine."She said, Alexander stood up from his chair slamming his hands on the table, and that really scared Leah.

"Listen woman. I am not someone you can mess with, so if you think that I am going to entertain your nonsense then you are wrong. I am going to say this again, you and I are not a couple. There is no love here, got it? This better be the last time I am telling you this."He said and then he walked out of the kitchen.