
Chapter 4

It was dark. I had no sight, no smell, the only thing that kept me grounded was the feeling of sparks on my body. I felt as if I was drifting in an ocean or black water and my life raft was those sparks.

My eyes fluttered open to be met with the same darkness. I thrashed and jumped up from where I was laying only to fall down onto the floor. My breathes came out in short gasps as I struggled to get ahold of myself. All of a sudden those familiar sparks lit up my body. Two arms wrapped around me and cradled me.

"Breathe. Just breathe."

I sucked in a long breath and calmed down a bit. One arm lifted off me while the other kept pressure on me. Suddenly a light flicked on and I was able to look around. Mason had me in his arms and had turned on the light.

I tensed up as I looked at him. His hair was disheveled like he had run his hands through it and he was still wearing the clothes from before I passed out.

"Are you okay--"

I shoved myself off him before he could finish speaking. I scrambled back and pushed myself up against the bed post next to me.

"I'm fine. please go."

His eyes glazed over as he mind linked someone. He stood up in a huff and walked over to me.

"I won't harm you little mate, I would never harm YOU."

His hand reached forward and I batted it away on instinct.

"Stay away from me. I don't want you as my mate."

He finally backed away and I realized what I had said. He could easily hit me if he wanted. Instead he backed away and looked to the door as his sister entered the room. They exchanged no words as he walked out through the door she entered. She stayed by the door for a second. She grimaced as she looked out the door that he left open. Mere seconds after he exited a she wolf went running after him. She looked oddly familiar.

His sister slammed the door shut and made her way over to me.

"Hi, I'm Misa. If you remember I'm Masons sister. I'm probably on of the only other alpha females like you."

"You're like me? I can't sense the alpha gene from you."

"I keep it hidden for various reasons, plus I will never be an alpha of a pack and have no interest in it so I see no need to show off my status."

I nodded and looked away, wanting nothing more than to be away from her.

"Ah, your scared of us. That's our fault I suppose."

"They call him the cruel killer alpha and you his ruthless beta."

"Beta huh? Well that's to be expected when we don't show ours off much. I'm not the beta of this pack sweety but that's fine. You being our Luna will change things."

"I won't be the luna. I don't want to be here and I don't want to be Masons mate."

"I'd say you have no choice Sweety. Your old pack tried to sell you off to Alpha Heli. Rumor has it that they would have just used you to breed a strong heir and then abandoned you. Plus after you ran away your pack was in an uproar. You father was killed which would have gave your brother control but he was badly hurt. Your pack would have needed you to fill it but as many people now know, you went rogue. And if you run off to another pack they will certainly use you to get a strong alpha heir much like that rogue was doing. You don't have any choices here."

All the information circled in my head and I suddenly became dizzy again.

"How long was I out?"

"Just since yesterday."

"I want to leave anyway. I can survive in the unclaimed lands."

"I don't think you understand your situation. The very blood in your veins makes you everyone's target. Your pack may have been horrible but they protected you from the reality of this world. People like you and me are only used to breeding better heirs. Your best chance is to stay with your mate, because as much as your situation sucks you can't change the fact the moon goddess put you guys together."

I suddenly felt really hot and overwhelmed. I looked up at Misa who looked at the door angrily as if her worst enemy was about to walk in.

"You should take a cold bath."

"Why what's happening to me?" I gasped out.

"Mason is being an idiot that's what. Just go shower Sweety."

I stood up and began walking over to the room she pointed to.

"Hey one more thing sweety."

I paused and turned back to her.

"Why are there so many bruises on you body?"

My blood ran cold for a second realizing Mason must have saw me exposed. She saw the expression on my face and shook her head.

"I dressed and took care of you. He knew you wouldn't want to be exposed like that especially after what happened in the woods."

"It was the people from my pack. They would beat me a lot. Some more than others."

She nodded like she expected it but she looked mad nonetheless. I couldn't for the life of me understand why though. I had been rude to them and didn't want them near me.

I stepped into the bathroom and looked around. It was pretty big. It had double sinks and a shower and bath separated both of which were big as if made for two people. On the counter set out for me was an outfit. I shut the door behind me and slid down to the floor. I had no idea what to do because Misa was right. I had no chance anywhere else.

I could hardly breathe. I didn't know whether it was from panic or whatever was happening to me. I crawled over to the bath tub and turned it on to as hot as it could get. It I was gonna be overwhelmed by heat it would be my choice. I knew the smart decision would be to listen to Misa but I needed something to be my decision for once.

I stumbled in and let the familiar heat heat overtake my body and wash away the disgusting heat and grime from the days prior. I wasn't sure how long I was in their but I made sure to wait out the uncomfortable heat coming from I didn't know where. Even after it has long faded I stayed inside the bath.

I almost fell asleep in the bath from the comfortableness of it. That is until a knock came on the door.

"Hurry up! We need to use this room!" A familiar whiny voice yelled from outside the door. I quickly got up and scrambled to get my clothes on. I dressed quickly and tossed open the door while still running the towel through my hair. I expected to see a random wolf from the pack but I was met with an all too familiar face.

I sucked in a breath and backed away as I came face to face with Ophelia. She shoved me aside as she walked in. Mason stood in the doorway behind her looking at me. From the look on his face I knew he was surprised to see me there. That's when I sniffed the air. I could smell her on him. And him on her. The information clicked into place in my head. The heat was coming from my mate sleeping with another wolf. I was silently glad our wolves hadn't bonded more and made the pain unbearable. I shoved past him, clutching my stomach where bruises still lay from when she kicked me repeatedly. The bathroom door closed behind me.

I stopped in the room I was in. It was obviously built for two people. I didn't know for who though. it didn't smell like Mason so it must have just been a spare room and Ophelia cruelly brought Mason to it to hurt me even more. I didn't even have time to think about why Ophelia was at the pack I just walked out of the room. Anything was better than being that close to them as the heat started up again.

I walked out of the pack house, not paying attention to anything around me. I ignored all the houses and people as I ran through the village and out into the woods. If I was the luna then I was allowed to roam around as I pleased. I shifted without even undressing and ripped through the woods. I didn't care. I refused him as my mate and I didn't even know him. But then why did it hurt so much? I couldn't care. It was just the mate bond.

I didn't stop running until I couldn't feel the heat anymore. I didn't stop running until it had long faded. I finally stopped at a clearing and caught my breath. I was so lost in thought I didn't even think about where I was going and yet, there I stood before my old pack. I backed up a step realizing how long I had been running. I hadn't realized. I had probably been running for hours. The whole village looked run down and in shambles. I stepped back another step. If I ran fast enough they wouldn't notice my presence.

"Amora. We've been looking everywhere for you and you just showed up here. How great for us," Tristan's voice came from behind a tree. "You on the other hand...well let's just say father is dead because of you and you will pay greatly for it." He growled.