
Crucial Manacle

Gabriel_Ongsotto · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Blood eyes

Panic-stricken, I made my way to my first subject with my heart racing with palpitations. I have never been late in my entire life, let alone run through the hallway, making students loiter and frown in extreme confusion. Sprinkling sweat dripping from my forehead, all their eyes were on me as I ran. My head was now frothing with my haywire hair. It is now a nuisance to my sight as it falls down a few centimeters to my eyelids. Bouncing with every step that I took, I kept gasping for air as my heavy backpack weighed like a hefty brick. Troubled, I quickened more despite my situation. Knowing Mr. Hughes, he would surely not let me join his class for arriving tardily.

My breathing halted for a moment as I arrived at the entrance door of the classroom. I gulped. All the eyes of my fellows that were initially on their paper sheets made their way to settle their gazes in only one direction-me. Mr. Hughes, our pedagogue, raised his eyebrows at the sight of me. He was a man in his forties. He has a quite good constitution, slightly long ash-colored hair that ligatures on the back of his head, and a sprinkling beard anteriorly leading to his jawline. A frown was plastered on his ragged and wrinkled face. Overwhelmingly strict, pressure invariably casts through us, making our single-action antecedently deliberate.

"Very early, Miss Hadleigh." I flushed. Damn it! But to my surprise, he motioned with his hands, punctuating the theater-like seats in front of him. "This is the first and last time I'll be giving second chances. Take a seat, Miss Hadleigh." He said it earnestly. Feeling relieved, I sighed. Though he's strict and serious at most times, his subject is my favorite, and I'm very attentive to his class-perhaps that was the reason why he let me off the hook this time.

I bit my lower lip as I made my way through my blockmates, leading to a vacant seat at the back. All of the gazes eyeing me sent a perturbing sentiment. Not allowing anyone to see through my senses, I coated myself with poise. I only let out a mitigative sigh when I got through my seat. My gaze was fixed on Mr. Hughes, who was writing on the board, and I listened to his discussion.

Our morning class ended with me, being exhausted. Harking discussion was verily brain draining. Twisting my hair, I cord it into a ponytail. I picked up my backpack and exited the classroom. Instead of going out from the school building, I walk among the numerous students through the hallway as they headed to the cafeteria.

I can't afford spendy meals. Besides, I'm saving money to attend the special occasion with my best friend. I made my way directly to the line to order some lunch. With many students ahead of me, I knew this was going to be a long line. After a few minutes of waiting, I finally got my turn. I stepped forward and was about to say my order when a guy suddenly barged in front, inadvertently bumping into me. I receded and almost lost my balance. Fortunately, a guy caught me in his arms in time; if not, I would've been colliding onto the cold and hard cement floor.

"Thank you." I muttered as I freed myself from his grasps.

He smiled. "No worries."

I turned my gaze at the guy in front of me. Gales of laughter circulated from his lips as he caught sight of me. I'm a woman with strong principles, so I won't let others treat me as their stepping stone. Frenzied, I felt a peppery sensation in my eyes. I brashly dashed my hand and got a hold of his arm, pulled it, and enclosed the gap between us, which made the students surrounding us gasp in shock. A rush of adrenaline suddenly traversed me as I felt my hand gripping hard on his arm, and his scent lingered in my nose. I caught a glimpse of  him and saw he was taken aback. But soon, a vigorous grin was written on his lips.

"Whoa. Easy, 'lil girl." But my anger didn't subsided, and what's even more bizarre is that I don't even know what I was doing, nor did I have the audacity to grip on his arm. My fibers and senses have never felt this tension. I'm craving something.... peculiar. Tensed as I was, my clutch on him loosened. And that's when I noticed a red mark circulating his arm. My lips parted as I took a step back.

His gaze also settled at his reddening arm. But instead of frowning, a smirk flashed across his lips. "You're too strong for a teenage girl. Working out too much?" He chuckled. I was about to apologize when the counter server suddenly butt in.

"Sir, here's your order." We both turned to look at the server. One of her arched eyebrows was raised, crossing though her wrinkles. I can tell that she was vexed at how long she has been waiting for us. The guy smiled apologetically to her as he took his tray of food. He winked at me before turning his back. My eyebrows automatically raised as I stared at his receding figure. Seriously?

Seeing that it was my turn, I step forward and told the server about my order. I waited for a while before getting my tray of lunch. I thanked her as I handed the money as requital. Looking at the vacant table at the right, I made my way through that table. I put down the tray and seated myself at the chair.

"Hey, Elora." I was in the middle of eating when I heard that familiar voice. I looked up and saw my best friend, Damien. His radiant smile seems to break the dawn. He was wearing a simple black shirt and silver pants. His model-like face didn't fail to make me smile as always.

But my lit up face briskly vanished when I saw the woman behind and clinging into him. As usual, she was coated with black clothes. "Hello, Lora!" Ugh, it's Elora, dummy.

I forced a smile, obviating myself on rolling my eyes. "Hi." I frugally replied as I put down my fork. I was in no mood to talk, and now that the love birds are here, my hunger also fled.

Damien took out an envelope from his brown leather sling bag and handed it over to me. I perplexingly took it and scrutinized the white mini envelope on my hand.

"What's this?"


A spontaneous smile made its way to my lips as I jerked my head to meet his gaze. I snickered when I saw his reaction from his eyes that were stationary on mine.


His lips arched down. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He folded his arms and shot me a pouting glare. This is the reaction I love the most-his sulking mood whenever I forgot something special to him. It means that he still cared and I never became a slur to him even though he has now a girlfriend.

I rolled my eyes teasingly. "Oh, come on. I was just saving it from tonight's party." I bit my lips to obscure my smile. I'm exceptionally excited for his birthday party tonight. After all, it's his twenty first birthday-the debut party that he's always excited to transpire. I still remember when we were kids that he wants me to dress beautifully for this big day. Even though I hate wearing lavish outfits, I'll do it for him.

He boyishly grinned, slightly flaunting his white teeth. "I'll be expecting that tonight." He winked and pulled Amelia closer to him. "Anyways, we better get going. I'll have to give this invitations to some of our colleagues. See you later, Elora." He waved his hand, expressing his goodbye. I stared at their backs as they walk to the exit of the cafeteria.

But before they completely disappeared from my sight, I saw Amelia, his girlfriend, jerk her head to meet my gaze. My lips parted. I saw it again. That familiar beam and flicker of bloody red light.