
Chapter 3-Meeting Tia

Chapter 3-Meeting Tia

(Sage's p.o.v)

After being told we were sold to her. The woman walked out the room without saying another word. We sat there confused; trying to comprehend what was just said to us. 

"We were sold, what the hell does she mean?" Rosie went on as she punched the wall. The woman untied us before leaving the room.

"It doesn't make sense; our parents seemed pretty normal until recently". I said, trying to figure out something. 

"Well they rushed and moved out the house fast, for a reason." She said,

"What are they hiding from us, I want to know". I said.

"I want to smash their faces in," she said. "Parents or not, this is some bullshit" she continued on as she punched the wall.

As the days passed by, the woman never came back to the room. The man would sit a tray with food on the dresser, and give us clothes to change in each day. At night, we would look through the only window in the room  at the sky, and sing songs as we tried to cope with our situation. We took turns sleeping in the bed as we tried to keep watch out for the woman. 

"Anything in Here, we can use to break the window." I said looking around the small room.

"Not a damn thing", Rosie said in frustration.

"Pretty sure that window isn't going to break easily anyways", she stated.

"Maybe, maybe not, but we need to work together to get out of here." I said as I flopped down on the bed.

We started marking on the walls, as the days passed, today makes 2 weeks we have been here. We started searching for more ways out the room but we realized the window was closed shut. As I tried to open the door to see if it was locked, Rosie noticed something.

"If they wanted to kill us, they wouldn't keep us alive this long right?  "She asked as she lay there in bed and looked at the ceiling.

"I don't think so; maybe they're keeping us until they find our parents" I replied.

"But wouldn't normal kidnappers take your weapons, they didn't even take your crossbow" she said.

"But they took the arrows so it's kind of useless." I said

"Or we can knock him across the head with it." She said all excited.

Forgetting I had my crossbow with me, because of all that has happened, I couldn't help but laugh. As I laughed Rosie began to laugh as well.

I came up with the idea of making a target board inside of the room, after finding a cardboard box. 

"Anything we can make an arrow out of," Rosie said while rambling through the box we found under the bed. 

"Found some pencils" I said.

"Is it sharpened?" she said.

"Nope", I said as I threw it down on the floor.

A few hours later, the man came with our dinner and clothes. He sat the plate in his usual place. He began to walk out the room, but before he could I called out to him.

" Sir" I said. 

"Yes" he said as he stood by the door.

"Can I ask you something?" I said while trying to get the words out. "When are you going to kill us?"

He laughed. And shook his head, I became suspicious of the fact that he laughed, but then he said.

"We won't kill you, please just wait a little longer", he then walked out of the room. I tried to get a look of what was on the other side of the door but he closed it too fast for me to get a look. 

Rosie and I sat there a little  relieved  after we found out that we weren't going to get killed. 

Days began to pass again, while the woman still hadn't shown up once. By the time we noticed, after looking at the marks on the wall, we realized we have been here for a month. It started sinking in that we may never leave this room. We tried to hold our tears in, as we sat in the room talking about our life and how we missed going to our club activities. 

A few minutes later, the woman opened the door and walked in. She sat on the chair next to the dresser like she did, when we first met here. 

"Nice to see you again" she said as she smiled. 

"Cut the bullshit" Rosie and I said at the same time, we looked at the woman.

The woman laughed. And apologize for not introducing herself. She continued to tell us about her.

"My name is Tia Myers," she said as she looked at us.

We didn't say anything back and just waited for her to finish talking.

"I know you're wondering, what is going on?" she said.

"No shit "I said as I rolled my eyes.

She still smiled and continued on talking.

" Your parents stole 3 million dollars from me; I kept you here, in order to find them. They have vanished without a trace, but I have 

found a letters left to the both of you" she said.

"Letters?" Rosie said as she walked up to Tia.

The way I was feeling after hearing something about my mother after a long time I didn't want to take my letter. Tia handed me a box that was still taped closed. I got upset and threw the box across the room.

Tia then told us she would take care of us until we became legal age. She allowed us to leave the room. The first thing we wanted to do was go outside. Before we could, Tia told us to follow her upstairs; we noticed that we were staying inside of the basement. 

We headed upstairs from out the basement; she walked in front of us as she told us we were going to the dining room.

In the dining room, sitting at the table was a girl that looked around me and Rosie's age. Tia introduced her as her daughter; she seemed well mannered, as she spoke with a soft voice. She looked up and smiled as her big light brown eyes looked at us.

"Please sit down," Tia said. 

We sat down at the table as the man bought us dinner. Tia went on about taking care of us, and that we could call her aunt Tia.

"Wait, you had us in the fucking basement, and you want us to call you aunt?!" I yelled out.

Rosie looked at Tia as she grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry about the whole basement thing, I had to make sure you didn't escape."

Tia remained calm and handed us our letters.

After a few minutes passes, Rosie jumps up out of her seat as she drops the letter. I got out of my seat wondering what was wrong with her, as I grabbed her shoulder her tears started running down her face. It was shocking to me, because she always tries to be the strong one out of both of us. I picked up the letter and read it.

"Dear rosemary, I'm sorry you have to find out this way. I'm not your real father, meeting Sage also wasn't a coincidence. I know you both are best friends, but you too are actually fraternal twin sisters, that Peyton and I found outside of my job, when I was a firefighter. You both were wrapped tightly in a blanket with letters tucked inside. I'm sorry we had to leave you like this, but it was the only option." The letter ended.

"What the" I said in shock.

After reading that we were actually related I dropped the letter and ran out of the house.

"Sage!" Rosie shouted, as she ran behind me.