
Chapter 25-Ĺocation

Chapter 25- Location 


It's been a two weeks, since the death of Brian, and father has started to walk fully on his own again. Yeshiva became father's sparring partner, and grandfather started training me in combat and how to use a knife sufficiently. He made study the entire map of the territory by having me hunt down Jemas and Cena almost everyday. 

"Are you tired already?", grandfather asked, as soon as I sat onto the ground.

"I'm exhausted", I said trying to catch my breath.

"I'll give you a ten minute break, then we start again. ", he said, while folding his arms.

"Ugh fine", I said, already giving in.

After taking a break, we started to train again. I had to hunt down Cena for two hours straight before grandfather was satisfied with the results. He made me do it again every time I went over the time limit.

Once I was finally done and completed my  training within the time limit. Grandfather finally set me free, and let me take another break. I laid on the ground completely exhausted.

While I was taking a break I saw Peyton running towards our direction. When she got closer, we saw the look on her face, it was very concerning.  I was wondering what was going on, and Peyton ran up to grandfather.

"Masiro", she shouted as she approached him.

"What's the problem?", he asked.

Yeshiva and father noticed Peyton and walked over to where we were.

"I just received some intel from my informants that I have inside of the kingdom.", she said, looking at directly at us.

"What's going on?", father and grandfather asked at the same time.

"Sage and Natalie escaped from the dungeon. The whole kingdom is on lockdown, and the royal guards are searching for them", she said.

"WHAT?!", Everyone shouted, "What do you mean they escaped, how?", we asked at the same time.

"Calm down", Peyton said, holding her right up.

"Who's your contact", grandfather asked.

Peyton looked towards my grandfather, "His name is Vernon Synovial, he's the current Duke of Synovial, his territory is in the Northern part of the kingdom, near the border.", she explained.

"If they escaped, where are they?", I asked.

"I'm pretty sure the Duke is hiding them at one of his villas." father said looking towards Peyton.

"Then we need to go get them!", I yelled while getting back up on my feet. 

"We should get ready to head there," grandfather said.

"Do you think you could get in contact with Duke Vernon again?", father asked Peyton.

"I can try, but he's currently in one of the private hospitals for nobles.  Its possible he's being watched at the moment.", she said.

"Wait, why is he in the hospital?", I asked.

Peyton covered her forhead with her right hand and sighed.

"Duke Vernon's son Sylvester and one of his acquaintances help them escape out of the dungeon. Once they were able to get outside of the walls surrounding the palace. Natalie ended up attacking Duke Vernon with a sword while slaughtering all of his Knights that were with him.", she explained, and sighed again.

"That's my girl", father and grandfather said at the same time, while looking proud.

I shook my head.

"And", Peyton started to speak again, 'Sage ended up shooting him with an arrow that was laced with poison. ", she said, tilting her head back and sighing even more.

"Nice", I said looking proud and everyone stared at me.

"What?" I asked. 

They all started laughing, I started to feel embarrassed.


We've been at Nashi's villa for the past two weeks now. After learning the royal guards was searching for us. Mother decided we should stay in the villa for a little longer because it was too risky to travel anywhere.

Honestly, the whole princess treatment that Nashi was giving me was starting to get overwhelming. I know he means well, but it's not what I'm used to. Lately, I've been hearing the maids whispering about me, and one bitch in particular has been glaring at me everytime I'm alone.

I decided to take a walk in the garden, while my mother was still asleep. I wondered if the maid that's been following me around secretly would finally show herself. After walking further into the garden, I stood in front of a statue that looked like a woman. While looking up at it, I heard someone behind me approaching. I turned around and saw a young woman with short red hair, fair-skinned and dressed in a maids uniform.

"Why are you following me?", I asked, folding my arms, I was so irritated.

"Don't for a second think you can the future duchess", she said while glaring at me

I put my hand on my head in disbelief.

"Duchess?", I asked, I scoffed. "Did you really follow me because of a man.

She started to get flustered. 

"Just because you're Prince Moises daughter, doesn't mean you can go around acting like a princess, after all he's already been exiled for years now.", she said while smirking.

I tilt my head to the side and for a moment. At first, I thought what she was saying was ridiculous. Knowing my temper I wasn't about to let it go, I stepped forward in her directionn and started to approached her. She started moving backwards but was still facing my direction.

"Let me get this straight, my father is Prince Moises, which technically makes me a princess by blood.", I said, still walking closer to her.

She backed into one the fruit tree across from the statue and I slammed my hand up against the tree staring her right in the face.

"You need to stay in your place little maid.", I said.

I put my right hand around her neck and her eyes widened, "I'm not in the mood for one of your little jealous bitch tantrums.", I said.

She started shivering in fear.

"Follow me around again, and I'll snap your fucking neck.", I said, staring directly in her eyes.

She continued shivering and started nodding her head.

I let go of her neck  and turned to walk away. I could hear her saying something under her breath about this wasn't over. I ignored it and continued to walk back towards the villa. While walking I noticed Asiana was behind between a tree peeking at something.

"Asiana", I called out to her.

She turned her head and gestured for me to come close. I walked over and reacheded out her arm and pulled me behind the tree.

"What are you looking at?", I asked.

I got closer and saw my mother swinging a sword around.

"Whoa, what's the move called", I asked, while looking amazed.

"It's swordsmanship", she said, "Your mother's been sparring with Sylvester for a few days now. She's been practicing everyday around this time.

"Come out, I can sense you two hiding." Mother yelled out looking in our direction.

"Oh shit, we're caught", Asiana said, while chuckling in embarrassment.

We walked from behind the tree and went over to where she was standing.

"Wow mother who taught you how to use a sword.", I asked.

"Your grandfather taught me how to use one, but your father taught me real swordsmanship. After all, he was the strongest warrior out of the whole kingdom.", she said looking at me.

"The whole kingdom?", I asked feeling shocked.

"Yes, your father was the Commander in the royal army. Its the duty of a Crown Prince to fight wars if their kingdom is threatened.", she said.

I was amazed, everytime I learned something about my father, it made me even more excited to meet him.

"Since the Kingdom isn't that fond of new technology, it's very traditional. The customs are different from the free nation of Katou. They don't allow guns into the kingdom, unless it for military uses. For generations  nobles had to learn swordsmanship, and archery.", she explained, "If they leave the kingdom for diplomatic reasons, they are allowed to carry guns with them.", she stated.

"I want to learn", I said out loud without thinking. I thought it was kind of cool how she moved her body, it was like she was dancing with the sword.

"Okay I'll teach you later after I take a break.", she said. 

One of the maids that followed my mother around under Nashi's orders went to go get refreshments. We walked over and sat down at the little round table that sat inside of the garden. 

"I miss Rosie", I said as I sat down.

Mother reached over and caressed my hair.

"You will see her again soon", she said, while smiling.

I noticed Asiana wasn't paying attention and seemed distracted.

"What's wrong Asiana?", I asked.

"Nothing, just wondering about my older brother, after he left the kingdom, I haven't heard from him in years", she said.

Mother rubbed Asiana's hand after taking her hand off my head.

"I'm sure he's well", mother told Asiana.

I got curious and wanted to know more. "What's your brother's name?", I asked. 

"Nathan Williams, he was a bounty hunter", she said.

I stood up, "No way are you serious?", I asked while shouting a little.

"Yes, why?", she asked, while looking  confused.

I started describing how the Nathan I knew looked and Asiana kept nodding her head.

"No way, how do you know my brother?", she asked.

"He's Rosie's  adoptive father", I said.

Mother and Asiana looked at me in disbelief and Asiana placed her hand over her mouth.

"Do you know where he is now?, she asked.

I shook my head, "We don't know if he's alive or not, he went missing after his car flipped over the bridge into the water, that's what his former girlfriend told us.", I explained.

Asiana started to tear up and mother rubbed on her back. A few minutes later, the maid came back with some refreshments and sat the plates down in front of us one by one, It was strawberry shortcake and some tea.

I picked up the cake and started to eat it. I went to grab the tea that was in front of me.

"WAIT?! I heard my mother shout.

"Sage don't drink that", she said and rose out of her chair and placed the sword against the maids neck.

I sat the teacup down and looked up at my mother.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"The tea is poisoned.", she said and turned her head to Asiana.

"Go get Nashi and Sylvester now!", she yelled and Asiana nodded and ran towards the villa.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know", the maid cried out and started to shiver.

Mother ignored her and put the sword closer to her neck, almost causing blood to drip.

The maid continued to cry out and a few seconds later, Nashi and Sylvester came running into the garden.

"What's going on?!" Nashi asked while panting.

Mother made the maid walk forward still holding the sword by her throat. Nashi and Sylvester looked at my mother while holding their hands up.

Mother looked super pissed.

"It means like we overstayed our welcome.", mother said.


After hearing Sage and mother, was safe at one of Duke's villas. I felt relieved to know they weren't locked up in a dark and cold  dungeon. We arrived back at the mansion after our training was over.

Grandfather and father went into the mansion to pack up some supplies, while the rest of us went to take showers and change into some more clothes.

While I was taking my shower, I heard a knock on the door. I got out and started to put on my clothes. I continued to hear the knocking, and walked over to the door.

"Who is it?", I asked.

"Yeshiva", he replied.

I opened the door and saw Yeshiva standing there holding flowers, they were pink roses. 

"Wow they're pretty", I said as he handed them to me.

"Can I come in?", he asked, while smiling.

I gestured for him to come in, and  I  walked to the side of the room where the window was and placed the flowers on the window seal. Yeshiva walked over to where I was standing, and he still had a smile on his face.

"What's the smile for?", I asked. 

"You forgot your other present", he said.

"What present?", I asked, raising one of my eyebrows.

Yeshiva kissed me on the lips, and started to pull his head back. I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him back.  We started making out  and suddenly the door came flying open.

My father walked in, and grandfather was behind him.

"Did you ask for permission to kiss my daughter?", my father asked, with a murderous expression.

Yeshiva froze for a second and grandfather came close and grabbed Yeshiva by the collar and started dragging him out of the room.

Father looked at me, "No, not yet", he said and slammed the door.

I ran to the bed and flopped down, and buried my face in the pillow.

"How embarrassing", I muttered.

A few minutes later, Grandfather walked back into the room with a half beaten up Yeshiva.

"Now, let's head out to find your mother and sister", he said.

I nodded my head, we left out of the room. Yeshiva walked behind me, and grandfather was walking in front of me.

My gather was standing at the bottom of the stairs glaring at Yeshiva. Yeshiva bowed his head towards father and we all left out of the mansion.

We walked to grandfather's truck and I sat in the back with Yeshiva and Peyton while father sat in the front with grandfather.

"We're going to find a way to sneak you in the kingdom", grandfather said looking at my father.

"I know a way", father said.

We started pulling out of the driveway and headed to the entrance of the territory. The guards standing in front opened up the gates to let us exit. They nodded their heads to grandfather as he passed them by. 

"Do we have an exact location?", I asked

"It's a villa closer to the northern border", Peyton", she stated.

I nodded my head, in understanding. I couldn't wait to see my sister and finally meet my mother, I thought to myself.

"Now let's go find my daughter and granddaughter", grandfather said, and  started speeding down the road.