
Chapter 21-Surrounded(2)

Chapter 21 - Surrounded (2)


After the situation had calmed down, we filled up the truck with Prince Moises belongings and some medical equipment.

Some of the guards were busy picking up the men that were lying on the ground. I noticed Massey was holding onto his shoulder, and walked towards him.

"Were you hit?", I asked, and raised up his sleeve.

"The bullet grazed me, that's all", he said, lifting up his sleeve up some more.

I walked back inside the building to find some bandages, so I could treat his arm. While searching through the cabinets, Dell walked up to me.

"I'll be accompanying Prince Moises", he said.

"Of course, we should start heading back. I have to go find Sage", I said, while packing up some first aid kits.

Dell nodded his head and walked towards the entrance of the building.

After I packed up some first aid kits, I walked back to the truck. Masiro got into the driver seat after putting Prince Moises in the backseat with Dell. I climbed in the back seat while Massey sat in the front passenger seat.

After we pulled off, Masiro's phone started to ring. He looked at it, and answered.

"Yeshiva, if you're calling me that means you found something", he said, placing the phone to his ear.

I couldn't hear much but it seems Yeshiva was giving Masiro some information. A few seconds later, Masiro hung up the phone.

"It seems like Rosemary wants to learn how to be a mercenary in order to find her sister", he said.

I wasn't surprised, Rosemary cherishes Sage more than anyone.

"Is he planning on training her?", I asked Masiro.

"Yes, he took her to the mountain with Cena and Jemas, they are the best three of the youth mercenaries we have in the clan", he said.

"Any news on who took Sage?", I asked, curiously

"They all came to the conclusion that it was Brian, after Na'mah started to investigate.", he said, "And setting us up to be ambushed, I'm curious to know who he was working with", he said, gripping the steering wheel.

"How far do we have until we reach your territory?", I heard Prince Moises asked.

I looked over and saw him trying to get comfortable.

"In about a few hours, you should get some rest", I said to him..

"Please help me get my family back", he said,

"You need to focus on getting your strength back", Masiro said, "I'll have you back into the warrior you once were", he stated.

For the rest of the way, the long ride was in complete silence.


While I was running my laps around the obstacle course. Yeshiva walked away after telling me he was about to make a phone call. I was finally on my third lap out of the five I had to do. I made it to the section, where there were ropes hanging from the trees. I grabbed the rope and lifted my body slowly climbing up the rope.

"You look like you're getting the hang of it.", Yeshiva says, while standing under one of the ropes.

"Yeah, but why do I have to do this?", I asked curiously.

Yeshiva grabbed the rope next to me and started to climb up.

"In case you have to climb up and down a building or house  get to your target.", he said.

"I see", I said, while pulling myself up higher.

After making it up to the top for the rope, I looked down and saw how high I actually climbed.

"You're not scared of heights right?", Yeshiva asked, nervously.

"No way, Sage and I used to climb up trees all the time", I said, while starting to slide down the rope.

Yeshiva started to slide down as well and we both placed our feet back onto the ground.

"Two more times, then we can move on", he said and started climbing up again.

I climbed up a little faster this time.

"What are we doing next?", I asked, as I made it up to the top once again.

"I'm going to teach you how to shoot a gun, then I'm going to show you how to shoot from a distance", he said.

I nodded my head, and suddenly was curious about something.

"Who do you think is the best shooter out of the whole clan?", I asked.

Yeshiva looked to be deep in thought, and started to speak.

"If you meaning the best shooter as a whole", he said, while putting his hand on his chin and holding the rope with the other.

"Beside me, and your grandfather, your mother is the best sniper an swordsmen in the whole clan", he said and slid down the rope.

I was amazed, and started sliding down the rope.

"My mother?", I asked, once I got back down.

Yeshiva nodded his head, "My father was one of her subordinates. He would tell me how your mother was one of the best fighters he knew, especially if she was surrounded by multiple enemies", he said.

"I wondered how she was arrested and put in a dungeon if she was the best", I said, out loud in curiosity.

"Unless your mother is chained up with steel chains. She wouldn't be able to do anything", he said, and took a sip of water.

He handed me a bottle and I started drinking as well. Once he finished he started to speak again.

"If your mother was chained, and was to ever to get out.", he said and looked me directly in the face, "She might burn down the kingdom before your grandfather could", he stated.

"Now let's begin target practice", he said, and walked towards the target field.


Asiana held onto her side, while placing the weapons onto the ground. She was trying to catch her breath, and mother walked up to her to check on her wounds.

"I'm fine, we need to hurry, they're searching everywhere for you two. I was attacked after sneaking out of the dungeon.

"Where's Sylvester, is he ok?" I asked, while taking her the bow and arrows from her.

"He's fine, he went to his brother's villa", she said.

Mother started to smash herbs together again., while Asiana and I were talking.

After making another paste, she walked over and lifted Asiana shirt. She started spreading the paste onto Asiana's wound.

"This should stop the bleeding for now.", she said while still spreading it.

Asiana held in her breath, everytime mother touched her wound.

"Sage, since you're skilled in archery,  keep the bow and arrows", my mother said.

I was excited, "by all means, it's my pleasure", I said.

"Rub the paste on the arrows now", mother demanded.

I nodded my head and rubbed the paste on the arrows one by one.

"We need to hurry", Asiana said.

Mother and I nodded our heads, and Asiana started walking towards the door. "We need to go through the forest", as we followed her down the spiral stairs.

We walked outside one by one, with mother leading us, and Asiana went out next while I followed behind her.

We looked up towards the sky and saw it as the sun was starting to set. Asiana stepped forwards and then gestured for us to follow her.

"We need to head North", she said.

Mother nodded at her and we started to follow behind Asiana. We walked for over a hour before hearing noises in a distance.

We noticed a large group of knights coming in our direction.

Mother grabbed my shirt and dragged me  behind one of the trees and held me close to her. While Asiana hid behind another tree a few meters from us.

Mother tapped me on the shoulder and gestured her head. She wanted me to climb up the tree.

I nodded my head and she hurried over  to another tree and started to climbed up. Asiana continued to stand behind the tree, because she couldn't climb with her wound.

As the Knights got closer, I could hear one of them talking loudly.

"Do we really have to come all the way to the palace to find two women who escaped ", I heard one of them complaining.

"I heard the two women are beauty's, and one is possibly the daughter of the former crown prince", another knight said.

"The king is furious and orders the kingdom to be locked down until they are found", another knight sitting on the horse said.

They were getting closer to the trees we were hiding in.

Suddenly one of the Knights started to walk in-between the tree after hearing a noise. I looked down and saw he was almost approaching the tree Asiana was standing behind. I was afraid that he would notice her.

All of sudden, mother dropped down from the tree  onto the knight snapping his neck, causing him to fall to the ground. She looked up and gestured for me to pull the the bow and arrows off my back.

A few seconds later, two of the Knights started to approach where we were and called out to the other knight.

"Hey man, we have to hurry. Hurry up and take a leak, the Commander is getting impatient", the knight yelled out.

Mother climbed the tree again and swung from one tree to the next. She dropped down again, snapping the other Knight's neck as well. After the others heard the commotion they all started to run towards the trees.

"Sage, load the arrows and shoot them down", mother said, shouting my direction.

I placed one of the arrows onto the bow and pulled it back. The arrow hit one of the Knights of the horse. I load another arrow, shooting one of the Knights running in my mother's direction.

Mother started running towards the Knights, slicing one of their throats with the sword Asiana gave her. The knights were terrified and one of them that sat on a black horse held his hand up.

"You must be one of the women who escaped", he said looking directly at mother.

Mother didn't answer and started to run towards the other knights. They started fighting as they clashed their swords together. I load another arrow and shot another man on the horse.

After killing all of them, mother stood there covered in blood and turned around looking in my direction. She gestured for me to come down the tree. I climbed down and ran over to her. I was amazed seeing her fight with her small frame.

"Let's hurry", she said looking at Asiana.

"Mmmm", we heard groaning and mother walked over to the man. He was still breathing and holding onto his side.

She put the sword up against his neck.

"Wait", the man shouted.

Mother held the sword above him, "speak", she said.

"I... ", the man started coughing, "Are you Prince Moises wife", he managed to get the words out.

Mother moved the sword out of his face, "Who are you?", she asked.

"It's me, Duke Vernon Synovial, he said.

Mother moved the sword and got down on one of her knees.

"Duke?", she asked, in a sorrowful tone.

I walked up closer to where she was, "Mother do you know him?", I asked curiously.

She nodded her head, and placed her hand on his side, "He's the one who tried to prove your father's innocence after he was exiled from the kingdom.", she said.

I looked over and saw Asiana was running over to us.

"Oh shit", she mumbled. "We almost killed Sylvester's father", she stated.

Mother and I both turned our heads toward her at the same time, "What did you just say," we both said the same thing.

"We have to hurry, let's take him with us for now", she said.


After traveling for the six hours, we finally made it back into the port of Torress. We rode for another hour, and arrived in front of the Henrico Clan territory. We pulled in front of the town's  gate and one of the security guards walked over to Masiro's truck.

"Welcome back, Chief, " the guard said, walking up to the truck.

"Any news on Brian?" Masiro asked the guard.

"No sir, We haven't received any news of him returning to the territory yet", the guard said.

"You let me know the second his car pulls up to the gate", Masiro said.

"Yes sir", the guard replied.

The gate started opening and we drove through the entrance of the territory. We rode for another 30 minutes until we arrived in front of the Masiro's mansion.

Prince Moises guards followed behind us and parked their vehicles around the premises. Masiro got out of the truck and opened the door for Prince Moises. The guards came over and helped him get out of the truck. He held onto their shoulders and started to walk slowly.

Masiro took his phone out of his pocket, and made a call.

"Hey Yeshiva, bring Rosemary back " he said.

Masiro walked to the front door and opened it, he looked back at Prince Moises and cracked a smile.

"Hey Prince", he said looking at Prince Moises.

Prince Moises raised his head up and looked up at Masiro.

"Are you ready to meet one of your daughters?" he asked.

Prince Moises nodded his head, "Yes I'm ready", he stated.