
Chapter 16-Paranoid

Chapter 16 - Paranoid 


I was slowly regaining consciousness, my head was ringing and I couldn't hardly move my body. After my eyesight got a little clearer, I looked up at the top of the stairs, but didn't see anybody. I know I felt someone push me. I slowly tried to move my body onto the first stair so I could raise myself up. The living room was empty, and the lights to the dining room were off. I managed to lift my body up, and took small steps back up the stairs. I reached the top of the stairs but didn't see anybody. I held on to the wall slowly walking to the room. I could feel that my right side was bruised pretty badly. I finally reached the door to the room. I opened the door and Rosie was standing in the mirror brushing her hair. She looked towards my direction.

"Hey you good?", she asked me walking up closer, "why are you holding onto your stomach?", she questioned me.

I decided not to tell her that I was pushed down the stairs, not until I find out who it was.

"I'm fine, I just have cramps", I said trying to look convincing.

"Oh well, get in the bed and rest", she said, pushing me towards the bed.

My body was hurting so much with every push, I bit my lip trying to hold in the groans. Rosie tapped on the bed and I laid down.

"Peyton is leaving in the morning, I hope she stays safe out there", Rosie said, while walking back in front of the mirror.

I held in another groan because it hurted when I was trying to get comfortable.

"I'm sure she'll be fine", I managed to get the words out.

I felt myself dozing off, goodness the pain was unbearable.


I was sitting on the bed looking at the Sage and Rosemary pictures. I'm not sure if prince Moises remembers how they look due to him being in a coma for a long time. While I was looking at the pictures, my phone started to ring.

"Hello", I answered, seeing that it was from the other knight.

"Marianna", he said, "Prince Moises is awake, right now he doesn't have much strength, but we keep mumbling Natalie's name", he continued on saying.

"I will be leaving in the morning to head to the location, but don't be alarmed, Masiro Henrico will be coming with me, I had to tell him about the girls", I said to him.

He paused for a second, " Be careful, I've seen alot of royal Knights in the area, it seems like one of the prince's is in town", he stated.

Shit I thought to myself.

"Do you know who?", I asked.

"Not yet, but I will try to find out", he said.

"Okay keep me posted", I said and hung up the phone.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 11pm. I should take a shower and go to bed. 


I couldn't sleep at all. I looked over and saw Sage was out for the night, I was a little hungry but I didn't feel like moving. I looked at the time and saw it was 11:30pm. In the morning, Peyton will be leaving with grandfather to go see my birth father. Speaking of fathers, I really miss Nathan, even though he was silly, he did cherish me very much. When I was younger he would tell me bedtime stories. When I told him I wanted to run track, he would go jogging with me, and take me to the gym he went to too. He was always at my competition holding up a big sign that said "My daughter is better than your daughter" he would always piss everyone in the audience off. I really hope he's  alive and well and waiting to see me again.

I heard groaning, Sage was moving around in her sleep. I grabbed her hand and she stopped moving. Seriously, she's been doing that since we were younger. Sage and I would always sleep at each other's houses and during the night she would move around groaning. I remember Peyton grabbing her hand one night, when we all slept together in the living room while watching movies. I'm pretty sure our life isn't going to be normal anytime soon.

While thinking to myself, I heard noises outside the door, but a second later, it became silent. Maybe it was Peyton, I thought to myself. My eyes started to get heavy and I dozed off.


The next morning, I woke up and my body was really sore. I looked down and saw Rosie wasn't in the bed. I pulled the covers off of me, and started to get up slowly. I thought to myself, "I should take a shower. I walked in the bathroom  and took my clothes off slowly. I looked in the mirror, the whole right side of my body was full of bruises. My side was black and purple, it looked horrible. I cut the water on, and took one big step into the shower, while holding my side.

It took me longer than usual to shower due to the pain. 

"Sage", I heard a knock on the door.

"Yeah", I managed to yell out.

"Peyton's getting ready to leave, hurry up and come downstairs", Rosie yelled out.

Shit, I barely managed to take a shower, and now I have to walk down the stairs again.

"Go ahead of me, I'll be out in a minute", I yelled out.

"Okay, see you down  there", Rosie said and left.

I didn't want Rosie to see my bruises, I had to know who it was that pushed me. For all I know, the second floor is a guest floor, the main rooms are all upstairs and my grandfather's room is on the first floor.

Honestly I don't know how many stay here, this place is filled with maids, butlers, and some guests that came for the clan meeting.

I started wrecking my brain trying to think of the many options.

I finally mustered the strength to walk out of the bathroom. Now I just have to try to walk normally down the stairs.


I was standing in the hallway talking to Yeshiva, when Peyton and Massey came walking out of their rooms.

"Good morning Rosemary", Peyton said smiling.

Massey nodded his head, it really was a man of few words 

"So do you think you can handle being together with Masiro?"Yeshiva asked Peyton.

She shrugged her shoulders, "he's the only option I have in order to get to where Prince Moises is", she said.

"Are you sure he even remembers having daughters, I mean he has been in a coma for a long time", Yeshiva asked,  then held his hand over his mouth, catching himself and looking at me with a sorry expression.

I chuckled.

 "It's  okay, it's not like I know him personally", I said.

Peyton gave Yeshiva a dirty look and he backed up holding his hands up.

Peyton turned her head towards me after mugging Yeshiva. 

"Is Sage awake?I'm getting ready to leave", Peyton asked me.

I walked across the hall and opened the door.

"I'm not sure, I'll go check", I said.

I entered our room getting ready to wake Sage up. I looked at the bed and it was empty. I heard the shower in the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Hey Sage", I said while knocking. 

After I told Sage that Peyton was headed downstairs getting ready to leave, she told me to go head first and she was going to come down after her shower.

I said okay, and walked back out the room.

"Was she asleep?"Yeshiva asked, while waiting in the hall.

"She's in the shower, she said she's going to meet us downstairs", I said.

Yeshiva started walking down the stairs and walked towards the front door. I followed behind him, and the living room was filled with some clan members. I saw Cena and Kenai, and Jemas talking standing by the hallway next to the dining room.

Cena looked at me and rolled her eyes. I pointed my middle finger at her, not caring if anybody saw me or not.

Yeshiva turned his head and started laughing. He pulled me towards him and put his hand on my shoulder  pushing towards Peyton's direction.

"We can't have you fighting, this mansion is a no fight zone", he said while still laughing.

A few minutes later, I saw Sage coming down the stairs. She was walking normal then what she was last night, I guess her cramps really got to her. I'll make sure to make my specialty tea for her cramps, I thought while smiling.


I finally got the strength to make it to the stairs. I try my best to walk down the stairs normally. The pain was unbearable and I didn't want to show it on my face. I saw Rosie and Yeshiva standing by the door laughing. I mustered the strength to walk in their direction.

"Stupid bitch", I heard someone mumbling, I looked around but there was nobody behind. I looked around the room and saw at least 15 people. I ignored it and walked towards Rosie. 

"What took you so long?", Peyton asked.

"She has cramps", Rosie answered for me.

I put on a fake smile and nodded my head, "Yeah these cramps are killing me", I said lying.

"Eww", Yeshiva said while pretending to gag.

Peyton slapped Yeshiva's arm, and he started rubbing it. She then walked up to me and started to give me a hug.

"I try to be back as fast as I can", she said while hugging me.

"Okay", I said.

My grandfather walked into the living room and everyone bowed. He nodded his head towards  Rosie and I, walked to where we were standing.

"I'll see you two when I get back, Henry will have everything ready when I return", he said, and rubbed Rosie and I on the top of our heads and walked off.

Peyton, Massey, and my grandfather walked out and got into a large grayish truck. 

"Let's go eat", Yeshiva said, rubbing his hands together, and walked towards the kitchen.

Rosie and I followed behind him, and I tried to walk as normal as possible. Rosie stayed by her side keeping up the pace with me. I noticed Cena and a couple  others walking behind us. We all entered the kitchen, and Na'mah  was standing next to the chef talking. She looked up and saw us walking in.

"Hey everyone, lunch is almost ready", she said pointing  toward the dining hall.

"You all can head into the dining room", she said and went back to what she was doing.

I saw three maids standing up against the walls, they noticed us walking in and started to pull out the chairs. I sat next to Rosie, and Yeshiva sat across from us. Cena and her sister Kenai sat further down the table next to Jemas.

"Hey Yeshiva", I heard Rosie call his name.

He was looking at his phone, not paying attention.

"Hey Yeshiva", Rosie said again tapping the table.

He raised his head up and noticed her tapping the table.

"Do you need something Rosie?", he asked.

"Are you Jemas close?", she asked.

Yeshiva looked at Jemas who was talking to Cena.

Yeshiva smirked, "No way", he said, "we're rivals after all", he said.

"Rivals?", I asked.

He nodded, "We have compete against each other to become the next Head of family, he sees me as a thorn to his side", he said still smirking 

I was amazed.

"Wow, I guess mercenaries' families are different", I said.

"Of course, we always have to be on the lookout for someone wanting to kill us, even your own family members," he said.

Rosie and I looked at each other.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you two wouldn't turn on eachother", he said and looked back down to his phone.

A few minutes later, some maids came in bringing food, placing plates in front of everyone at the table. On the plates, we had steak, potatoes, and some cabbage, and on the other plate was some dessert, it was brownies.

I started eating and secretly held my stomach with my other hand, trying to eat while in pain was very uncomfortable. The room wasn't too noisy, some people were still having conversations. 

Rosie and Yeshiva were flirting across the table to each other.  

I was savoring  my food,  I looked to my left and noticed Kenai looking at Rosie, and then she looked at me. 

She nodded her head and gestured her eyes toward the hallway.

I nodded my head back, even though  I didn't understand why she did it 

I continued eating, and Na'mah walked in and sat at the table.

"Hey, how about we all go hiking on the mountain later on? '', Na'mah said.

Everyone at the table seemed interested, honestly I couldn't walk another step. I leaned over to Rosie. 

"You can go if you want", I said.

"Are you sure?", she asked, "are you going to be okay alone?"

I nodded my head, "I'm fine, I'm just going to rest for a while", I said.

"if anyone wants to join you can raise your hand and I'll have the maids get everything ready", Na'mah stated.

Everyone raised their hand except for me, Na'mah looked at me.

"Sage, you don't want to go?"she asked, looking a little sad.

"I'm sorry, I'm cramping a little bad right now", I said.

She made an Oh shaped  expression and smiled afterwards, "Okay I hope you get some rest", she said.

An hour later, after lunch was over Rosie and Yeshiva walked back with me to the room. Yeshiva kept asking to come along but I kept declining.

Rosie went into the bathroom to change her clothes,  while Yeshiva stood outside the door.

I laid down in bed, finally getting a chance to rest my body. I looked at the ceiling, contemplating on what to do, whoever pushed me, I'm going to smash their face in, I said to myself. I instantly felt my temper boiling, I could feel the anger inside me heating up.

"Hey, why are you gripping the sheets like that, are you hurting that bad", I heard Rosie as she stood over me.

I was so caught up in my mind, that I didn't hear her footsteps.

"Yeah cramps are really pretty bad", I said, lying ass.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you", she said looking concerned

"I'm fine, go ahead", I said. "I know you want to flirt with Yeshiva", I said, making her blush.

She put her hands in front her face blushing and leaving the room out of embarrassment, I managed to get a few laughs out.

A few hours had passed, and I still couldn't fall asleep. I looked at the window and saw it was getting dark. I looked at the clock next to the bed and saw it was 8:00pm. Suddenly, I had the urge to use the bathroom, and managed to get out of the bed. I walked toward the bathroom and went to do my business. I decided to take a shower afterwards. After washing my body, I looked into the mirror and noticed the bruises got darker. I looked around the bathroom to find anything I could rub on it. I found a few bandages and wrapped it around my torso, covering up all the bruises. I wrapped the remaining  bandages  around my right thigh because it had a few spots of bruising. I put on my clothes and opened the bathroom door. I walked towards the bed.

I felt someone grab me from behind, I pushed my elbow into them trying to knock them off. They backed up and grabbed me once again, I tried to fight them off. And managed to get away I ran toward the door and felt something hit me on the back of my head 

Shit I'm blacking out again.