
Crowned in Shadows

In a tale of intrigue and power in Southern Italy, 'La Famiglia' conceals their true identity behind the guise of a pizzeria business in Gold Ridge City. Angelo, Corteo, Vanetti, Lucas, and Bradley are the enigmatic figures behind the scenes, secretly orchestrating as the formidable 'Crowned in Shadow' gangster group. The group leads a life in shadow but now the time has come for them to cast the shadow away and let the country know who the heck they are! The path they lead is filled with blood and hatred; The blood they spill will trace them back. For granted. Witness the group reach the pinnacle of brutality and insanity as they speedrun their way to the top! 'Brutality is the very essence of human life, having no humanity is what makes you very much human.' ---- Chapter length- 1000 words (approx.) Release schedule- 3-4 chapters a week (Maximum 7 chapters a week) extra chapters on every Sunday if the work is well received! Days- Tuesday and Thursday *Expect highly mature content*

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Chapter 5: Mourning in the Morning

Gold Ridge found itself in mourning shrouds, the news of tragedy whispering through its alleys and boulevards. The sudden loss of Barboligo's cherished wife sent shockwaves through the community, casting a pall of sorrow over the once vibrant streets.

In the wake of the tragedy, Barboligo's anguish found solace in the secluded chambers of his home, where sorrow mingled with a seething fury. Amidst his grief-stricken solitude, Angelo, the shadowy manipulator, sought entrance, his presence a calculated comfort in the turmoil.

"Barboligo," Angelo began, his voice a blend of sympathy and cunning, "the loss you've suffered, I fear it may be part of a larger scheme orchestrated by Crowned in Shadow, led by none other than Cavour."

The grieving Barboligo, his emotions a tempest of sorrow and rage, grasped at Angelo's insidious narrative like a lifeline. "Cavour!" he seethed, the venom in his voice betraying his blinded resolve. "He's responsible! I'll see justice done."

Angelo, the architect of deceit, nodded in apparent agreement, nurturing Barboligo's ire against Cavour. "We'll uncover the truth, my friend. No injustice shall go unanswered."

Meanwhile, behind the veil of manipulation, Bradley, acting upon Angelo's command was the one who shot and killed Barboligo's wife. 

As Gold Ridge mourned, the flames of vengeance burned within Barboligo, stoked by Angelo's artful manipulation, sowing the seeds of discord and vengeance within the heart of their clandestine empire.

Barboligo armed with a handgun marched towards the meeting hall in search of Cavour. 

The meeting hall buzzed with anticipation as Cavour, engrossed in delivering his address, was interrupted by Barboligo's abrupt entrance. Eyes brimming with rage, Barboligo's voice cut through the air like a blade.

"Cavour!" Barboligo's voice thundered, the anguish and fury evident in his tone. "You killed my wife! Confess!"

Cavour, taken aback by the sudden accusation, halted mid-speech. "What? Barboligo, I had no part in this. I swear, I didn't even know about her tragic fate."

But Barboligo, consumed by grief and fuelled by Angelo's deceitful narrative, refused to heed reason. "Lies! You're the pawn of the devil, orchestrating tragedies in the shadows!"

Barboligo unable to process anything pointed his gun towards Cavour, His face all red due to his rage. "This is where you meet your end Cavour! I won't let you spread any more misery!" shouted Barboligo in desperation. 

"You will pay for your actions" he added. 


In the frantic aftermath of the gunshot, voices overlapped in a cacophony of urgency and panic.

"Someone call for help!"

"Is he breathing?"

"Get him onto the stretcher, gently!"

"We need to stop the bleeding, now!"

Amidst the chaos, the urgent directives of the paramedics and concerned onlookers meshed into a symphony of urgency. Shouts and hurried instructions reverberated off the walls, mingling with the shrill sound of ringing phones and hasty footsteps.

"Clear the way, coming through!"

"Has anyone called his family?"

"Get those doors open, we need to move fast!"

Amid the hushed corridors of the hospital, a heavy silence settled, punctuated only by muffled whispers and solemn footsteps. Concern etched on the faces of the medical staff, they exchanged solemn glances as they emerged from the emergency room. A solemn-faced doctor, his expression weighed down by a profound sadness, approached the waiting group, their eyes brimming with anticipation and dread.

The doctor's voice, laden with regret, broke the tense silence. "I'm deeply sorry. We did everything we could, but despite our best efforts, Cavour has passed away."

A collective gasp echoed through the room, followed by subdued sobs and the rustle of anguished movements. The news hung in the air, a heavy blanket of grief settling upon all those who had hoped and prayed for a different outcome.

Angelo, a shadowy figure in the backdrop, stood apart, his features twisted into a devilish smirk. His gaze, fixed on the unfolding emotions, held a chilling sense of detachment.

Angelo approaches Barboligo. "Bar...Barboligo! you fucking killed him! what have you done, do you think your wife will be happy to know that you have stained your hands in blood?!" Angelo inquired, while concealing his real intentions. 

Barboligo unable to process anything due to the chaotic environment starts acting like a child, blaming himself. 

Barboligo's brow furrowed in disbelief. "I... I don't understand, the devil must have possessed me!" 

Amidst the swirling tensions in the aftermath of recent events, a supporter of Cavour, overcome with emotion, sought out Barboligo, driven by a sense of anguish. 

"You son of a bitch!" shouted the supporter with a gun pointing towards Barboligo. 

A loud bang echoed through the alleyway. A searing pain ripped through Barboligo's shoulder, hot and sharp. He stumbled back, his hand instinctively reaching for the source of the pain. His fingers came away slick with blood. His vision blurred as he tried to make sense of what just happened. He'd been shot.

It wasn't the supporter but a total stranger standing at the hall's gate! Everyone one shook after hearing the gunshot ran towards the back door. 

It was Vanetti, wearing a black coat with a mask covering his face. Vanetti was there on Angelo's order perhaps Angelo knew how the scenes will take place. 

Angelo mimicking shock also started rushing towards the exit, Angelo left no trace of him being the mastermind rather he took down two major threats in one shot. 

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2 chapters per week!

I will release 3 bonus chapter on every weekend if the novel is well recieved!

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