

This is a Classic Love story, cute and sweet like an overripe apple with a little bit of sour ^^ This is the Male's lead! its DanMei or BoysLove or BL. A cute love story between a Powerful, Fierce, Magnificent Crown Prince to a very weak Hua Bai Ying, a young, sweet, sixteen Hua BaiYing, a young man who almost can't do anything, even always gets in trouble and hurts himself, While the Crown Prince is known to be so powerful, strongest more than the force of the River, the mountain, or even the sky, his hobby is cutting enemy's heads and slashing and killing without mercy, but his life turned to soft and has to surrender to beautiful, gentle, delicate, HuaBaiYing, he's a big pervert, who likes to touch BaiYing here and there as he only belongs to him, only his! Who dares to touch him, you want to die?! Vol 1: is more about HuaBaiYing and his daily life at the Palace under the name of his sister. It's full of sweetness, internal conflicts, tricks, unexpected truth, and identity issues. It's cute and funny, with a little bit of tension and betrayal among the other concubines. ......... I think this is a Romance cute-comedy but full of surprises, just check it out!^^ I'm sorry I might have some typos or miss translating, please give me some time to recheck it. ************************** Please help review it if you read it, it helps the Author to do much better, thanks ^^ please have good comments to support each other, really appreciate and God bless you ^^

Sweet_SourKiwi · Fantasy
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730 Chs

Summon ErWang

BaiYing turned his head, saw YueWang with his big round eyes blinked a number of times as if he didn't understand what the man meant.

"What do you mean, grandpa?" he asked.

YueWang grabbed BaiYing's hand, patted it with a big smile.

"Erm, how about, now, XiaoYing, start calling ErWang here? Let the dragon help us, in an instant, the enemy will lose so that we don't have to fight and avoid unwanted casualties."

BaiYing swallowed his saliva, frowned, clenched his fists.

"But, how can I call him? ErWang is so far away, can he hear my voice?"

Yue Wang nodded.

"Of course he can. After all, in this world, only Xiao Ying who can order him to do whatever you want, anything. Concentrate your thoughts and call his name out loud in your heart"

General Po looked at ShinYa, both of them heard clearly what was the old man said to BaiYing, this must not happen,