Bai Ying chuckled.
"Hehehe, but don't worry sis, Ying er already brought you a very beautiful dress for sister Lan er and sister Fan er, you will definitely like it, Grandmother specially order it from the palace tailor"
Hearing that the two beautiful concubines squeaked.
"Really? Oh, my, can't wait to see, where is it?" Asked Fan er.
Finally, the three laugh out loud happily.
"Sister waits for a whole night for this and can't sleep for thinking about it," said Lan er.
"Hahaha, really?" asked Bai Ying couldn't believe his ears.
And the pretty concubines keep laughing loud.
The air was getting hotter, and to relieve boredom, Bai Ying and the concubines strolled along Lui He lake looking for a shady place to have a picnic.