

I never felt happy in the house I was living in.I was living with hideous monsters.I could not even look at them and say they were related to me.How could they do that to my parents when they knew I'd be an orphan?

But there was one thing I always learnt from them...Betrayal was the only way to keep a secret.This thing I learnt from them did make me brave,but it also ruined me.

Well let me start from where I learnt this thing from...


It was in the middle of the night and everyone had hit the hay.Emily's loving kids were asleep and I was the only person who found it a problem to sleep.I did have a roof over my head...but I wasn't able to sleep.Emily's confession during the fight with her husband made me so scared I couldn't even sleep.

I left my room to the dining table planning to eat some fruits and then I heard people yell at each other.It was Emily and her husband again.I tiptoed to their door and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"You made me do it!You didn't leave me with a choice..." I heard Emily say.She seemed too annoyed at that moment.Probably,their conversation was still about me.They finally kept quiet but there was something fishy going on.

At the door step was blood.. almost flooding the entire place.The door opened with Emily nowhere to be seen.

Sir.James laid on his clothes covered in blood.I walked forward and grabbed him by the collar.There was foam coming from his mouth.I didn't know what to do at that moment.I was also sure Emily had something to do with it.

"Aaaaarrrrghhhh!"I heard someone scream behind me.It was Emily.All her children rushed to her room.

"Oh no!What happened to him?"Drusilla asked Emily.

"I d-d-don't know!I saw someone run through the window and decided to catch him and when I came he was here."She was really a good actress, because I even believed her.

"Let's call the ambulance."I quickly rushed to the phone and dialled 911 to come for Sir James.That was the last day I ever saw him again because he never came back.And I never knew if Emily really sent the man to a hospital.The ambulance did come for his body ..but I wasn't sure if he was taken to the hospital.

Years passed and I had finally reached 16, nothing was ever normal in the house.

"Adira!Hurry up and clean the floor..make sure to wash the clothes too."My aunt would remind me every morning.

"Adira do this for me!Adira that!Adira this!!!"It was too much.

I attended a public school while my cousins enjoyed the privilege to attend a luxurious international school.

Although they attended such a nice school,they were always the norminees for the last position in class.

They returned home with F on their reports cards as usual.I on the other hand was a straight A student.I wanted to become an auditor when I finally get a job of my own,but it seemed my aunt did not want me to progress in life.

Her kids tried every means to get on my nerves and prevent me from doing my assignment.

"Hey Motherless Creature!"That was Ryan again."I hope you've cleaned my room everything must be neat and fresh."He winked at me.

"I clearly remember you have all your legs intact...why don't you do it yourself?"

"What's the fun in that if I don't get a slut in my room?A slut who learnt very well from her mama" This idiot had gone too far.

"Don't you ever speak about my mum in that manner.Show some respect!"I replied almost in tears.

"Why should I show respect to a b*tch who ran away from her own wedding and fled with another man?The product was you! I'm not surprised there's no difference between you and Aliza."

"You clearly heard me the first time Ryan.Don't talk about my mum like that"

"There's nothing wrong if I say that.Well you're no more with her orphan.She's probably in hell at the moment seducing the devil"

I had had enough. I landed a hot slap on his ugly face

"How dare you! I have had enough.I may not have my mum right now but all I know is that she loved and cared about me.I was lucky to be chosen as her daughter but you...your mum is a murderer.She killed her own husband.There is a great difference between killed and fled..my mum ran away from her wedding and that's in the past but your mum killed her husband and it's still present even if it happened years ago. I saw it with my own eyes.Your mum is the perfect definition for a whore.She definitely had something to do with my parents death...she's the one who seduced the devil and not my mum.I'm not surprised by her choice to name you Ryan...it definitely has something to do with the devil".

I may have said a lot without paying attention to my surrounding, because when I turned i was face to face with the devil's mistress.

"What the hell did you just say to my son Adira?"Emily pounced on me pulling my hair by the band.

"You heard me right Mrs.Whore. I'm tired of you treating me as a piece of thrash and I definitely saw how you killed your husband in your room the other night.I didn't expect you to murder 3 people in just a few months.You are such a great person"

She smacked me across the face which made me taste the blood on my lips.

"You ungrateful twerp! Who gives you such an opportunity to disrespect me after all I have done for you?"She was really fuming as her bright colored face was now red.I didn't wanna lose my face because I was trying to confront a criminal so I decided to keep quiet and run to my room...little did I know my troubles were about to begin.