


I remember nothing from that day after I saw my parents' car explode.I just remember my mum's face..and how I was pushed out of the car.I had wished to go with them, because everything happening in my life was a mistake.The memories I shared with them were more valuable than gold.I still lived with the guilt that I had killed them.


I woke up at 7p.m to see myself on a hospital bed.My face was covered in scars and blood.My left arm was bandaged as if I had hurt myself.I really remembered nothing.I saw someone peep

through the door.

"Ah! You're awake.." the lady smiled at me."You need to take a rest.."She said so and left the room.Her expression before she left made me know something was wrong,but she couldn't say so. I stared at the wall clock for some minutes and then...it happened. Everything came rushing back into my head. My parents!!My parents!!

I remembered everything that had happened some hours before I woke up on the hospital bed.I quickly rushed into all the rooms in the hospital and that's when I saw them.They slept peacefully like a baby on the bed.They looked so peaceful and adorable. I noticed some marks on my mum's left arm.She had a deep cut on her chest,that I could tell. I was quiet for a while at that moment.I could not interpret what was happening. Blood was supposed to fill the cut,but it looked too dry.

A nurse entered the room after a while.I immediately sat on the chair next to my mum.

It was that same nurse who had been to my room...this time she was with a doctor.

"What are you doing here Adira?You should go to your room now."She said pointing her finger to the door.

"Shush!Mummy is asleep.See how adorable she looks"I told her not looking away from my mum. I had always been close to my parents.I was an only child.With no other person to share my parent's love with.That was enough for me.

I didn't need a sibling to steal their love.I just wanted them for myself only, forever.That's what I thought.

"Please leave!I want to be with mummy and daddy.See how they sleep.Daddy was always tired and mummy was stressed,but today they're sleeping like babies".I giggled.I didn't know what I had said wrong because after my statement..I saw tears roll on the nurse's face.

The doctor quickly covered their bodies with a white cloth."Are they cold?"I asked not knowing what was going on.

"Just leave now!"The nurse yelled at me.

"No!I'll keep my parents warm.Don't tell me to leave them"

It took me some minutes to finally understand what was going on,after my mum's lifeless hand dropped from the white cloth.The doctor signalled some people to come for their bodies.

"What is happening?Mum..Dad? Please wake up this is not funny.Dad?This shouldn't be one of your pranks...Just wake up mum"

I held on to my mum's hand."Don't leave me mum! Don't leave me dad!Please...stay with me!"

I never knew what made me cry that day.And I still did not know.Was it because of the guilt I had for causing their death?

Was it because they were my parents or was it because they were leaving me?

The nurse tried to cover my eyes from seeing it, but I wanted to.I wanted to see them sleep peacefully,but I never realized their peaceful sleeping was because they were no more.

"Don't take my parents away from me!Please I need them!Mum?Dad?Wake up!"It was then I also realized the dead could not hear.I always thought they would speak to me by using their ghost friends.The stories daddy had read to me about ghosts were all a lie.

The promise they made to me to always be with me was a sham.

The games they had played with me was now a memory.

And the love they had given me was to be buried in my heart forever without seeing them.

I lost the ability to speak by then..I don't know what happened to me whether the shock was too high for me to keep up with or that death wanted to take me too.I also passed out

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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