
Crown of Betrayal

War began. We fought, lost, and won again and again until the world found its peace again, ruled by us, dārys (Men). But we also came from a curse, darkness. It was still within us, and it took over. That was the start of a new war, the war of dārys, which divided us. Not only us but the world, was divided into six dāerysion (Kingdoms) with six dāerys kings. The first dāerys was King Aelon Stormheart. He ruled over Valyrtia. The second was King Roderic Ironhelm. He ruled over Ardanthia. The third was King Thelian Brightstar. He ruled over Eldoria. The fourth was King Brynden Seaforge. He ruled over Thalassar. The fifth was King Valarian Firebrand. He ruled over Dracoria. And the sixth was King Elric Sunsworn. He ruled over Vaeloria. For many years, the world was peaceful. But darkness remained in the hearts of the dārys. Every king desired power for themselves. They led us into war, using us as their pawns. Then, a decade ago, a legend arose. It spoke of a boy who would unite all six kingdoms and bring us dārys together once more.

MFS · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

Alysanne headed towards Davos's room. Alone in the living room, he sank heavily onto the nearest chair, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions.

Alysanne gently knocked on Davos's door, her heart heavy with worry for her son. "Davos, may I come in?" she called softly.

There was a moment of silence before Davos's muffled voice responded, "I-I just want to be alone, Matr."

Alysanne sighed softly, leaning against the doorframe. "I understand, Davos. But I want you to know that your father didn't mean to hurt you. He's just worried about you, about us."

Inside the room, Davos sat on his bed, his face buried in his hands. A whirlwind of emotions raged within him—hurt, anger, and a deep sense of longing to prove himself.

"But I don't want to be a blacksmith, Mother," Davos muttered, his voice filled with frustration. "I want to be a knight, like Father used to be, and prove to everyone that my father isn't a traitor."

Alysanne's heart ached at Davos's words. She knew how much he admired his father and how deeply he longed to follow in his footsteps. She sat down beside him on the bed, placing a comforting hand on his back.

"Davos, your father is not a traitor. He's a good man who wants the best for you, just like I do," she said softly, trying to soothe his troubled mind.

Davos looked up at her, his eyes filled with tears. "But why can't I be like him, Mother? Why can't I be a knight and make you both proud?"

Alysanne brushed a tear from his cheek. "You already make us proud, Davos, just by being you. Your father and I love you more than anything in this world, and we only want what's best for you."

Davos sniffled, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "I'm sorry, Mother. I didn't mean to disappoint you or Father."

Alysanne hugged him tightly. "You could never disappoint us, Davos. We just want you to be safe and happy. Being a knight is a dangerous path, and your father worries about you. But that doesn't mean you can't be brave and honorable in your own way."

Davos nodded, his heart feeling a little lighter. "I understand, Mother. I'll try to be the best blacksmith I can be."

Alysanne smiled, kissing his forehead. "That's all we ask, Davos. Now, get some rest."

Part 2

Three days passed, and it was time for King Aelon's arrival at King Elric's kingdom. Everyone in the kingdom received an invitation to the town square to meet King Aelon, including the family of the supposed traitor. No one could refuse an invitation from the king; to do so would invite trouble. Jorren, not wanting any more problems, decided to take his family to the gathering.

King Aelon and his family arrived at King Elric's castle. As King Aelon dismounted his horse, King Elric descended to greet him. They exchanged pleasantries before King Aelon introduced his family.

"This is my wife, Elara, and my two sons, Cassian and Finnian," King Aelon said, gesturing to each of them. "And my daughters, Lyra, the oldest, and Evelyn, the youngest."

King Elric reciprocated, introducing his own family. "This is my wife, Adelaide, and my only son, Rowan," he said with a hint of envy. "I'm quite jealous of your large family, King Aelon."

King Aelon chuckled. "I promise you wouldn't say that if you had them."

Their laughter faded as King Aelon's expression turned serious. "Let's go discuss our kingdoms," he said, indicating to King Elric. "Children, go explore the town square."

King Elric nodded, adding, "Rowan, you too, go." With that, Rowan followed the other children, and the kings proceeded to King Elric's chambers for their discussion.

 Jorren, Alysanne, and Davos made their way to the town square. Jorren walked beside Alysanne, his mind still troubled by the events of the past few days. He glanced at Davos, who walked quietly beside them, his expression a mix of frustration and sadness. Jorren knew he had been harsh with his son, but he couldn't shake the worry that gripped his heart every time he thought of Davos becoming a knight.

As they walked, Davos suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence. "Father, I'm sorry for going to the castle. I promise I will never do it again," he said, his voice earnest.

Jorren stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Davos. "Why do you want to be a knight, Davos?" he asked, his tone softer than before. "And I don't want to hear you say it's because you want to be like me."

Davos looked up at his father, determination shining in his eyes. "Father, I want to be a hero," he said. "Mother told me the story of the six dāerysion and what happened to them. I want to change that, to bring every dāry together like before."

Jorren's heart swelled with pride and love for his son. He knelt down in front of Davos, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Son, it would be good if everyone in this world thought like you," he said, his voice full of emotion. "If that's truly your reason, then I will teach you. But you can never tell your mother."

Davos nodded eagerly, a bright smile lighting up his face. "Yes, Father," he said.