
Chapter fourteen part one

Chapter 14 part 1

Alex woke up to see the hotel room dark and Gabriel and Leo no where to be found. “Leo? Gabriel?” Alex stood up and grabbed her gun from under her pillow, cocking it just in case.

“Hello.” Alex whirled around and pointed her gun at the new voice. “No need to point that gun at me, it won’t work anyway.” Alex recognized the voice to be Lucifer’s and slowly lowered the gun as he walked towards her from the shadows.

“What do you want? And where is everyone?” Alex narrowed her eyes.

“You’re dreaming.”

"You can come into my dreams?!” Alex put her gun down on a bureau. (A/N bureau is a fucking weird word man)

        “Of course.” Lucifer said matter-of-factly.

“Why didn’t you just come see me in real life? Or just talk mentally?”

“Wanted something different I suppose.” Lucifer shrugged.

“Okay. What are you here for?” Alex crossed her arms.

“Well you didn’t do a very good job protecting Famine.” Lucifer pointed out.

         Alex laughed awkwardly, “Oh yeah….that…”

“And you’re still working with the Winchesters.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, you want me to stop and rule by your side.” Alex mocked and rolled her eyes.

“No, actually.”

“What?” Alex lowered her arms back to her sides and raised an eyebrow.

“Continue playing both sides, just to see what happens.” Lucifer ordered, looking at her thoughtfully.


“Yes. Although I still don’t believe being so close to my brother is a good thing.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Alex ignored him. “We done?”

“One last thing, soon, Death will be rising the dead in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Don’t interfere.” Lucifer warned, a threatening tone in his voice.

“Why would I- wait. That’s where Bobby lives!” Alex exclaimed.

“Do not go there.” Lucifer warned again. “I think you’ve already learned what happens if you don’t listen, right?”

“I bet you don’t treat Death this way.” Alex huffed, recrossing her arms. “But fine. They’ll be able to handle it anyway….Can I actually sleep now?”

“Fine.” Lucifer agreed, then disappeared. But instead of being able to sleep, Alex woke up.

    “What time is it?” Alex rubbed her eyes and sat up lazily.

“It’s two am. Why are you up?” Gabriel looked at her questioningly.

“Uhn.” Alex pulled the blanket over her head as she flopped down onto the pillow again. “Angels shouldn’t be allowed to enter dreams and shit.” Her voice was slightly muffled.

“What happened?”

Alex groaned a little as Leo jumped up on the bed and landed on her stomach. “Nothing really. Just Lucifer checking in.” She shrugged, removing the blanket from her face.

“Is he making you do anything?” Gabriel asked.

“I don’t really think I should be talking about it.” Alex muttered.

“Well is it anything bad?” Gabriel pushed.

“No, just more of the same.” Alex shook her head.  

“Okay?” Gabriel drew out the ‘y’.

“Don’t worry about it.” Alex assured. “So what have you been doing?” She pushed Leo aside and stood up, walking across the room to sit across from Gabriel at the table.

“Nothing really.” Gabriel shrugged.

“Sounds fun.” Alex said sarcastically.

“Oh, yes, very.” Gabriel agreed. Alex chuckled and shook her head. “So...What now?” Gabriel changed the subject.

“Another hunt maybe?” Alex suggested. “I have no idea really….”

“Why’d you decide to be a hunter anyway?” Gabriel asked.

“Well. I don’t know. I guess I just like helping people….I guess that’s weird considering I’m half demon.” Alex thought.

“No, not really.” Gabriel shook his head.

Alex shrugged, “Whatever. What do you want to do?”

“Me? I don’t know.”

“No, not you, Leo.” Alex sneered, turning to the hellhound. “Huh? What do you wanna do bud?” Alex patted Leo’s head.

“You think he’ll answer you?” Gabriel chuckled.

“You let him tell you directions on how to find me, remember?” Alex pointed out, Leo barked.

“Yeah, true. How are you doing by the way?”

“You ask a lot of questions.” Alex avoided his worried look and continued petting Leo.

“It’s cause I’m worried about you.” Gabriel frowned, getting serious.

“Well, I’m fine, Gabriel. It was only two days, it’s not like I was in hell or anything.” Alex insisted.

“It was close enough.” Gabriel stressed.

“Still, I’m okay, really...You can stop worrying about me, I can handle myself you know.” Alex smiled a little.

“Yeah, I know.” Gabriel sighed.

Alex chuckled, “You’re worse than my father, and you know how bad he gets.”