
Crow's Lost Memories

Corvin is a boy who grew up with dreams of changing the world. By luck, he finds a chance to have lasting impact on the world after saving his family. As him and his new friends take positions at the forefront of a wave of industrialization, he peeks at an unnerving truth. Maybe, everything he lived wasn't simple luck but the will of something powerful? Will he be able to change the world in the way he wants during the industrial revolution of his country, or will he fail as he uncovers the truth about reality and his real identity? A.N: This is my first work, and just a simple hobby of mine but I do take it seriously. Some stuff may be more complicated than usual but please bear with it. I appreciate constructive criticism.

chicken_soldier · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

C35- Brief Calmness (3)

Amy hid the gift she bought in her bag and waited for Corvin, who came a little later than her. 

"Amy, you are here already. Did you wait too much?"

"No, I came here just now as well."

"That's good then, let's continue."


The two started going around checking shops together again. As they walked around, they passed near a restaurant and Corvin's feet stopped instinctively when the smell of delicious food entered his nose.

"Hm? Corvin?"

"Oh, I guess I am really hungry. Can we eat here?"


The two entered the restaurant and ordered their food. While they were eating, they started talking about what to do once they got to the Institute.

"You will come with us to Alaturb, right?"

"Actually, Mr. Vyolor said he was going to enroll me in the Institute."

"Oh. Then, you will stay in the dorms, huh? But you can only attend at the last year of advanced education, will you be okay?"

"I used to be royalty, you know? Even though a small kingdom, I still am nobility. Of course I had a proper education... until, you know..."

Hearing the topic get darker, Corvin tried to change it quickly and he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

"A-ah! You know, the Institute is warmer than here, right? Do you want to buy thinner clothes before leaving?"

"Yeah. C-Can you come with me?"


And after eating their food, the two left and walked towards a clothing shop. Amy tried various clothes, but most clothes sold there were also thick and warm because of the northern climate, so Amy ended up not choosing anything and instead insisted on choosing a coat for Corvin.

It was a coat with grey fur on the inside and light brown cloth on the outside, similar to what Amy wears during cold nights. Corvin didn't want to buy it because he didn't want Noah to pester him about it but couldn't say no to Amy and bought a dark brown one instead.

The two then forgot about preparing to leave Celati and just enjoyed their time together walking around and exploring Celati.


"You idiot! Why are you here?"


"Don't 'Huh?' me! Why are you here?"

"Wait, didn't we already have this dialogue before?"

"It's because you keep doing the same mistake!"

"What mistake?!"

"Why did you leave her alone at night after spending the whole day with her?"

"Again with that?"

"You keep wasting these chances to shoot your shot man!"

"Didn't I tell you I don't feel like that so I won't?!"

"And yet you spent the whole day on a date with her!"

"We were just shopping for the road before we leave, okay?"

"Oh? Did you, now? Then, who were the young couple who spent the entire afternoon walking around and having fun after eating lunch?"



"You were tailing us?!"

"Well, I just felt like I couldn't trust you two, so I completed the shopping after you two stopped caring about anything other than one another."

Corvin's face got red, both from slight anger and embarrasment.

"You! Why are you following us? Isn't that even worse than being that third wheel who died in the streets like you said?"

"W-Well, I wasn't following you two at first..."

"Then what?"

"Uhmm... that..."

"Say it."

"I was choosing a present for Clair, okay? Then I saw you meeting with her and I just found myself following you two! And, you know what? Just like you said, there is something fun about watching love blossom between a young couple!"

"We aren't a couple!"

"I can at least dream that much, can't I? Weren't you the one who married me and Clair in your head?"

"But it worked out, didn't it? How do you know it will work out between us?"

"Huh? I just felt it, you know..."

Corvin's face became somewhat sad and lonely and he talked in a serious tone.

"Don't, please. There is something I need to do before I can... you know, start thinking about that kind of thing. So, before that, please don't do anything more than that, okay? I just don't want to hurt anyone..."

Startled by the sudden serious tone, Noah answered seriously as well.

"O-okay, dude. You could have just told me not to earlier. Sorry about that."

"It's okay. It's my fault and hey, I-I enjoyed my time with her today. So thank you for leaving us alone, I guess."

"No problem, bro. You know even if she left you, I wouldn't. So just trust in me!"

Corvin grinned and then stepped away from Noah with fake disgust in his face. He covered his body with his arms.

"I didn't know you were like that, Noah."


The two stared at eachother silently.





The next day, it was time to leave Celati and go back to the Institute. Noah, Corvin and Amy were invited into the town hall by Norman.

"I don't want to keep the younglings too much as an old man, so I will just say it now. Thank you for saving not only Celati, but most of Piscea. If it wasn't for you, maybe all of Piscea might have died. Thank you very much."

"Ah, no we ju-"


Noah stopped Corvin from talking and said with a smile.

"At times like these; instead of belittling yourself, it is better to just accept the thanks and compliments, you know? You saved people, be proud."

"Oh, right, right... Thank you.", he said and gave a slight bow to Norman and added.

"It is my pleasure to help Celati and the other states of Piscea."

Norman looked at Corvin and smiled before talking.

"I guess he didn't tell you guys, huh?"


"Well, Celati is going to be a part of the Flarum County from now on, so actually you saved the people of the Empire."


The one who reacted the first was Noah. Norman smiled at him and said.

"I would love it if you came with Ms. Flarum for your honeymoon to our city."

Noah's face became red instantly.

"W-We wi-will think a-about it...", he said as he lowered his head.

"Then, I shouldn't take more of your time, you have a lot to do back at the school, right?"

"Yes, then, we are leaving, Mr. Norman. See you later, hopefully."

The three went towards the carriage while chatting. Amy was telling the two about what happened while they were away.

"- And then when the blue light appeared and the ratmen attacked the city, I ran towards the old shop they used for the wounded. A green haired pretty older sister was looking at the patients."

"Green hair?"

"Yes! Her healing magic looked really weird!"




"Like worms!"

"Huh? Worms... That wasn't a joke?!"

"Hm? No, it's not..?"

"Ah, no, I didn't say it to you."

"Oh... Well, anyways. As I said, her magic looked like worms. And then I gave her your research papers so that she didn't have to use it as long to not scare the patients. But then her magic became a butterfly!"


"Yes! A butterfly!"

"Wait! What was that about my research?!"

"...You are stuck on that?"

"What do you mean?! I spent so much time on that and you just gave it to her?!"

"She gave the papers back, and also it's not like she is a stranger! She works under your master."

"Even then-"

Before Corvin could say to Amy, Noah cut them off.

"Aaaaaahh!!! Enough! I am tired of you two lovebirds' chit chat! I miss talking with Clair so much! Come on, hurry up, hurry up! I can't stand this!"

And just like that, the three started on their way back to the Institute.