
Crow's Lost Memories

Corvin is a boy who grew up with dreams of changing the world. Humanity is in the brink of civilization changing revolutions. As the waves of turmoil create change, he gets the chance and connections to lead the change of his homeland along with his friends. Will he be able to change the world in the way he wants during the industrial revolution of his planet, or will he fail as he uncovers the truth about reality and his real identity? A/N: This is my first work, and just a simple hobby of mine but I do take it seriously. I want to keep some parts of it different from the rest like how the magic works, and I know it may turn out more complicated than classic game-esque magic, I still like that kind of worldbuilding. I appreciate constructive criticism. Currently 1 chapter per week because I am busy with uni exams. Will be back to 2 per 3 days after everything is over, which will take about three months.

chicken_soldier · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

C29- The Plaguehorn (3)

"Phew, that worked.", said Corvin while getting up. He cleaned the dust from his back and stared at Noah, who was also staring at him, still playing the violin.

"Noah, stop using your magic on me and prepare a powerful attack with your violin. I will distract that thing and when the time comes you will deal the final blow."

Noah's hands slowed down with his surprised expression.

"Huh? Sure but, will you be able to handle it?"

"Of course, who do you think I am? The pills are still helping me. I probably can do it without dying."

"Without dying?! Are you crazy? Find another strategy!"

"Look, we don't have enough time for this! Just do as I say. I don't have a sword anymore, I can't attack. Only you can."

"Sigh~, I get it, get going then."

"Yup!", he said and dashed towards the monster, which was getting up from the shock of Corvin's last attack. Corvin clenched his fists and landed an uppercut to the monster's stomach as it was getting up. He quickly retreated, because Noah's magic's effects were wearing off, meaning he would have to focus on defence while making sure the cracked bone on the monsters back stayed cracked and in Noah's field of vision.

"Ready for round two, you ugly rat?"

The Plaguehorn responded by swinging it's tail towards his head. Corvin ducked and then pushed himself sideways with his magic.

'It's getting faster... which means I am getting slower. I need to focus.'

He didn't exhaust himself using magic or acrobatics, but the fight was still hard for him. Because of his speedy and efficient fighting style, he didn't get hit much, but it was tiring to fight like that. And now that he didn't have Noah's assistance, he didn't even have time to wipe his sweat from his forehaed between each dodge.

Noah's melodies started to get louder, and Corvin started feeling the ripples in mana coming from him. He was taking his time, but also was preparing a powerful attack. The only downside being the time it takes to create it, but Corvin was going to create more time.

The monster felt the pooling power coming from Noah, and started to change it's target. Corvin, of course wasn't going to let it. As a paw was coming towards Noah, Corvin suddenly appeared and punched it from the side. The paw went and hit another tree. Before the monster could pull it's paw back, Corvin jumped towards the tree and used his magic to make the damaged tree fall towards the monster.

The monster stopped the tree by wrapping it's tail around it. Corvin ran towards the tail.

'The tails are only hard from the tip. The back of the tail is soft and flexible.'

Corvin punched the back of the tail as hard as he could.


A hole appeared on the tail. Because the back of the tail was thick, he couldn't tear it off in one hit, but a hole was enough. Before another paw could hit him, he stepped back. The paw landed on the ground and he jumped on it. He grabbed the tail from the hole and tore it apart himself.

Because the monster no longer held the tree with the tail, the tree fell down as the monster backed away. The monster faced Corvin, who was pointing the hard tip of the tail towards the monster. His eyes were saying 'Charge towards me, if you can afford it.'.

But, he guessed the monster's actions wrong. The monster faced downwards, pointing it's burning hollow horns towards Corvin and Noah. The flames got bigger and brighter, and soon, a wave of fire flew towards the two. Corvin created a wind to shield himself and Noah from the flames, but the heat was still rising slowly.

Noah's fast melodies started to slow down. He looked at Corvin. Corvin nodded his head.

"Let's do this!", shouted Corvin as he increased the intensity of the winds. The flames went out before they could hit the monster back. Corvin charged towards the monster's head while holding it's tail like a battering ram.


Corvin shouted like a battle maniac while smiling. The monster was positioning it's head to block the tail. Corvin slightly turned the tail and lodged it inside it's horn's hole. He pushed himself and the monster sideways with magic. The cracked bone on it's spine was visible to Noah. Corvin held up his hands and applied the last piece of magic he could to assist Noah's attack.

'His attack is like sound. If I make it faster in air...'

The air between Noah and the cracked bone got ever so slightly green as he did so.

"Noah! Now!"

Noah gripped his bow tighter and swung it to finish his melody. A long white vertical streak appeared in the air after the melody ended. The streak flew towards the cracked bone with incredible speed. It's speed increased after it entered the slightly green zone in the air and it shot towards the weak point in the monster's spine.



The streak hit the cracked bone and sliced right through it with incredible speed. The Plaguehorn was cut in half and started to die. Corvin got away from it and walked towards Noah, both exhausted completely.

"Hah~ Nice work. hah~"

"You hah~ too."

As the two high fived, the monster lifted it's head and gazed at the stars. A small streak of blue light got out of it's mouth and rised to the sky.


As the monster made a loud noise, the streak of blue light in the air turned into waves of bright blue light and spread in all directions while the monster breathed it's last breath.

"Look at that... What is happening?"

"I don't know... Let's just hope it's is nothing horrible."


In the Piscean skies, waves of bright blue light were seen, like aurora. Some people stopped and stared at the beautiful sight. The ones with more knowledge about magic started to get their guards up. 

Whatever that light was, the reason magic at that scale was cast couldn't be anything good. And they would be right.

The ratmen that went into hiding in many different parts of Piscea, after seeing the blue light began running into the hospitals and other places where the patients were gathered.

The only different thing about them was, the blue light coming out of their eyes, and how they were slowly swelling up. The ratmen that got near the patients started swelling up faster, until they exploded with a wave of yellow fog that spread from their insides. The patients who inhaled the fog, started to turn into ratmen faster.

In some hospitals, the fog got in contact with open fire and caused an explosion, but the patients who now turned into abominations, though did get injured and burnt, weren't killed by it. Screams could be heard as patients turned into monsters at a fast rate, and the new ratmen started to attack whatever moved around them, sometimes including other unfinished ratmen.

That was the last day of their lives for many people in Piscea, as waves of ratmen caused havoc.