
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Mountain

From a commoner in an ancient era to a world beyond imagination, a warrior of a forgotten time blessed with a second chance. Vanquish evils! Protect the weak! Roaming jianghu, slaying fiends, return to the hidden mountain and enjoy idyllic life. --- This is a story about redemption. The fragility of humanity, but also its resilience. It is about the human aspect of immortal cultivators, the sacrifices they make and how they change and develop over the course of their journeys. It begins with the conscription of a peasant in the Spring-Autumn period of ancient China, his hardships and friendships along the way. When a mortal suddenly becomes immortal, what does he do with all that power? When directionless and lost, how will he rediscover his sense of self? This is the story of a peasant-turned-something-greater; of immortals and demons; of heroes and villains. --- https://www.patreon.com/YinLongshan?fan_landing=true&view_as=public Support me on Patreon~ Get access to chapters in advance!

YinLongshan · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Weapon Imbuement, Puppeteering and Golemancy

"The cultivation world is dangerous. In the wilds, there are countless different species of hostile or territorial spirit beasts. These are generally unproblematic if you're just passing by their lands, but when there is a rare herb or treasure surfacing in their territory, that's when they become an obstacle.

Spirit beasts are generally well-documented. You can often purchase bestiaries cheaply from many of the bazaars or markets around the land which contain information on spirit beast appearances, strengths and weaknesses, habits and so on. However, there are also many undocumented beasts and mutants which appear faster than they can be recorded down. 

There are many cases where a mutant spirit beast appears visually identical to its cousins, yet exhibits aggressive behaviour, or unnatural cunning. The majority of spirit beast related incidents among cultivators are to do with mutants."

Wuxian nodded, taking mental notes. He had already become proficient in the basics of the Nine Revolutions Earthfire art, able to circulate it at will, though he still had trouble activating it while moving or multitasking, but this was normal for beginners.

Since practising multitasking and movement while circulating was something that was picked up over time, Black Emperor Mountain Hermit had decided to start teaching applications while also feeding him some general knowledge about the immortal world.

"However, what's more dangerous than spirit beasts are demons. Demons are spirit beasts that have cultivated to the golden core stage and have attained the ability to morph into human form. 

As humanoid creatures, demons can be reasoned with, befriended and even become Dao partners of humans. But at the same time, they can be hostile, have nefarious purposes and so on. 

In truth, there is little that separates a demon cultivator from an immortal cultivator in terms of their capabilities. The main difference would be the difference in common sense or logic. After all, having lived a significant portion of their lives as spirit beasts, demons are bound to have some oddities in the way they think."

"Master, what's a Dao partner?"

Black Emperor's cheeks turned a faint red. 

"A waste of time. A waste of money. Listen to me well my dear disciple, never get involved with the concept of 'Dao partners'. Despite the name, they are anything but Dao related. 

If anything, they are distractions from the Dao, leeching your cultivation resources, occupying your precious time and damaging your Dao heart once they inevitably leave you for someone better looking or more wealthy." He huffed.

Wuxian wore a sceptical look, but ultimately refrained from asking.

"Disciple accepts master's teachings." He paused for a moment before asking curiously. "Did master perhaps once have a Dao partner?"

Black Emperor shook his head vehemently.

"No, your master has had no such thing. I only heard these things from a few friends. In fact, every male immortal with a Dao partner I have spoken to has regretted entering a union of the Dao."

On the outside, Wuxian wore an understanding look, but internally, he didn't believe his master for one second.

'Master has most certainly had a Dao partner before. He was probably hurt badly as well.'

Black Emperor's forehead twitched, but he ignored Wuxian's thoughts, clearing his throat instead.

"A-anyway. The most dangerous opponents you will face will be human cultivators. Humans are the most dangerous because you cannot fully understand a stranger you have met at first sight.

Inside cities where there are laws and punishments for misbehaviour, these rogues are often well behaved. Sometimes those criminals may act underhandedly, but for the most part, cities are safe.

But once you leave the city and travel the wilds or roam jianghu, you must be vigilant. Those who you were drinking and laughing with in the city might now be stalking you in the shadows, aiming to kill you and loot your corpse, or even seal your powers and sell you off as a slave of some wealthy magnate.

In short, keep a low profile. In the city, conceal your appearance, conceal your capabilities. Change your disguise often. There are many methods that can be used to artificially lower or conceal one's cultivation base, but… well.

Your master had always been a flashy and arrogant youth who had no need for these sneaky techniques. And now you see the result of that. Take me as an example. Do not flaunt your powers or wealth. Be humble at all times, but do not allow people to step over you either.

And regardless, you will be leaving this place with no substantial cultivation base to begin with. A concealment technique will merely be a waste of your energy and teaching one to you- if I could- would be a waste of the time I have left."

Taking in a sharp breath through shut teeth, Wuxian nodded. Who knew a world that seemed so poetic and romantic on the outside had such a dark side to it? But aside from that, he also caught onto something else that his master had let slip.

"Master, what do you mean by 'the time I have left'?"

Internally, Black Emperor Mountain Hermit scolded himself for having a loose tongue. Outwardly, he wore a neutral expression.

"The earth vein I used to construct these formations has a finite amount of spiritual energy left within it. This same energy is what I use to maintain the operation of this inheritance chamber and also what sustains what's left of my soul. 

Work hard, your master does not have much more time left on this plane."

Wuxian saluted with a bow. "This disciple understands."

Black Emperor nodded, before giving his long sleeves a twirl.

"Now that you know some of the dangers you will face, it is time to teach you how you can go about addressing them.

First of all, there are several techniques you will need to learn. Some are generic spells that any cultivator can learn, while others are exclusive to cultivators of specific spirit root elements. 

More specific than those are the spells, or mystic arts, available only to those who cultivate the Nine Revolutions Earthfire art."

Wuxian raised his hand to ask a question, to which his master nodded.

"How is it that some spells are generic and can be used by any cultivator? Since we all practise different cultivation techniques, wouldn't the spells we can use be different?"

"This is simple to explain. The name, 'spell' or 'mystic art', is a bit mysterious. In truth, it is merely a set pattern of meridians that generates a specific response. 

It can be likened to the action of running. Every human can run, but the specific muscles they use differ slightly, so that their gait, the spring in their step and the speed and distance they can travel for differs. In the end, however, their overall action is still considered to be 'running'.

Likewise, despite having different innate spirit roots, by channelling the same  pathways, two cultivators can use the same mystic art. Of course, there will be differences in the final result, but generally, an offensive technique cast by one person will not suddenly become a defensive technique.

These so called 'generic' spells are usable by almost any cultivator because they have little to no requirements for the property of qi used. All that's necessary is to channel the correct meridians." Black Emperor explained.

Wuxian nodded and asked another question.

"Then what about those that require a specific element?"

His master stroked his beard and chuckled.

"When someone designs a meridian pathway for their restorative spell focusing on amplifying the effects of their wood qi, well. Let me explain it like this.

This meridian pathway focuses on meridians that influence only the specific properties of one's qi. For wood qi, that's healing, or growth. But for fire qi, it is the burning property and the heat produced.

So when a cultivator with a fire spirit root casts this spell, following the specific meridians to the tee, they will end up covering themselves in an intense flame rather than healing their injuries.

And for a metal cultivator, they'll just coat themselves in a razor sharp layer of alloy, or something along those lines."

Imagining a scene where a cultivator tried to heal themselves mid battle, only to ignite their clothes instead, Wuxian stifled his laugh. Knowing how foolish humans could be at times, he didn't doubt that something similar had happened before.

Unlike him, his master directly broke out into a laughing fit, his spectral form floating around airily as he did so.

"In fact, back in my sect days, one of my opponents in the inner discipleship competition did exactly that. His robes burned off, leaving him naked in front of the whole sect! Even the elders and sect leader were there!" Wiping the tears from his eyes, Black Emperor let out a breath of air. 

"Aihya, that truly is the most spectacular way to suffer a social death." He shook his head with a grin as he reminisced. "Serves him right for stealing my healing technique."

Then, noticing his disciple's judgemental stare, he quickly patted down his robes and returned to the cultivation cushion.

"Back to the topic. I have with me several technique manuals. Some are generic, some are more unique. I'll quickly go over the mystic arts exclusive to our line of cultivators."

Wuxian nodded, wearing an expectant look.

"Our line focuses specifically on five different spell schools. These cover each base and will be able to accompany you throughout your journey to attain unification with the Dao.

The first spell school is called 'Weapon Imbuement'. It is as simple as it sounds, focusing primarily on enhancing the capabilities of your weapon with different types of qi to gain a competitive edge on the battlefield.

At minor success, one can turn one's spear into a blazing lance of fire, or a toxic lance, or grant it incomparable hardness and weight. 

At medial success, one can use one's qi to enhance the weapon further, increasing its reach, launching ranged attacks with a melee weapon. This is done through two methods, telekinesis and qi projectiles.

At major success, one can directly replace the weapon with qi. While having an artifact weapon is almost always more favourable, in times when you're caught off guard or disarmed, you can always use your qi to fight.

Of these three realms of accomplishment, the greatest qualitative change comes from medial success. Additionally, you would be wise to note that different individuals will find it easier to learn different aspects of the three realms. 

It is not uncommon to find someone who has difficulty imbuing their weapon with qi, but is able to comfortably attack using their qi alone. For most people, this won't happen, since on a technicality, being able to sustain the energy expenditure to access the realm of major success is much harder than merely imbuing the weapon and the mastery required in manipulating the related meridians is more difficult too.

Now, Weapon Imbuement is a more common spell school that many different cultivation arts have variations of. 

The reason why it's listed as an exclusive technique is because having access to three types of qi, we have more flexibility in our imbuements and a wider range of applications. You'll see this later."

"The next technique is one of the more 'exciting' ones. It has many different names, but most commonly, it is known as puppeteering, or golemancy.

In general, the technique focuses on creating an artificial vessel and giving it false-life. But there are some distinctions to make.

Puppeteering involves creating the vessel from a material like wood. Then, this vessel is directly controlled by the cultivator using their qi as the threads by which they manipulate the puppet. 

It is incapable of producing an autonomous combatant or helper. As such, in a fight, puppeteering is difficult to use alongside a weapon or other mystic arts, since most of the cultivator's attention will be occupied with controlling the puppet.

Now, looking at your face, I can already predict your next question. 'Master, what makes puppeteering different from golemancy? Are they actually two names for the same thing?'

The answer to that is simple: shut up and listen to me speak! Let me finish explaining before you interrupt me!"

Wuxian watched as his master quickly became unstable and went off on a rant. He decided that even if he learnt his master's life-preserving technique, he would avoid using it at all costs, lest he follow his master's example, turning into a manic ghost.

"Ahem! Anyway. Unlike puppeteering, golemancy produces autonomous constructs. This means that golems are easier to use in combat and in general, since once given instructions, they will work without the cultivator's supervision.

There are many methods which one may employ to create a golem. The most common and optimum way is to invite a nature spirit or elemental to inhabit the construct. To ensure its loyalty, I advise signing a life contract with the spirit, but that's up to you."

Black Emperor Mountain Hermit paused, mulling over his next words while tugging his beard.

"I should also warn you. Spectral forms can sometimes take the initiative to live within empty constructs. Be careful of that, since they often have malicious intent. 

It is also possible for a remnant human soul to inhabit a construct.

Under no circumstances are you to allow this to happen. Not only is it a taboo within the cultivation world, it will lead to punishment from the Heavens."