
CrossWood Tommy

As I closed my eyes, the darkness swallowed the world, turning it into a vast mass of chaos. Drifting it's reels and tendrils deep into the world swiftly taking time as fast as it could... Only I CrossWood Tommy can stop it. Darkness, doom and evil ruled, and the evil plan laid out for humanity started it's death toll within the country. Tommy as countless avatars who had died and resurrected with different lives, what could he do? He was on the verge of falling apart knowing as the downfall of humanity was almost about occuring...

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

A new life, new character and a new family

Please Note:

Some readers might not be comfortable with Tommy's new life and why he suddenly is gay— don't fret, he isn't. It's just a memory infiltrated by the man atop the mountain and by doing so, he's aiming for something, let's read and find out what that something is...


Tommy sat within the black colossal van that looked almost like a behemoth.

The thick heavy metal that is enshrouded is as a result of safety deployment so that, gunmen wouldn't attack...

And even if they do, not a single bullet would penetrate the heavy metal.

Jason was staring at Tommy lovingly within the van while Tommy acted less concerned. It was merely a small leisure stroll and Jason now takes it as if they are on a romantic date.

The worst part of it all is that, they are moving at a very slow pace. But again, if they drive fast, they might drive into the crowd...

The bodyguards around did their best to move the crowd away from the road but due to fierce determination, they stuck around as if wanting so desperately to see the President's son.

They could not be decisive by simply firing at the crowd or, daringly shooting at the air. That would definitely break the rule of America.

Tommy stared at what was happening outside.

He saw Echelon High School, it's massive gate opened from the inside, pushed aside by a magnificent banner.

The sight of these students did not irritate Tommy, if not... Tommy felt the need to step out but of course, Jayson stopped him at the last minute.

"Tommy, they are just regular people–"

Tommy's golden eyes locked unto Jayson.

"They are regular people?So what... I need to take care of something."

However, he did not even take a step out because the guards prevented him from doing so...

While Tommy grew disheartened, Jayson was glad. At least the guards know exactly what being the son of a president signify.

The next three minutes, Tommy spent it with Jayson listening to him about how he needs to harden up...

But all of a sudden, a sight attracted Tommy that he suddenly stopped listening to Jason.

A red haired guy and an ebony girl... Probably his girlfriend.

A sudden sense of familiarity struck him.

He turned to Jayson but then ignored the handsome guy as he quickly left his afterimage behind— when Jayson realized that Tommy was about using his Awakened ability, it was already too late... He was gone.

His Afterimage teleportation allows him to phase through any steel. No matter where he currently is, as long as there is potent Mana energy around him, he'd become like a shadow, phasing through any barrier... even the black van was no exception.

Edward and Riele we're suddenly startled the moment Tommy appeared almost a centimeter away from them.. Tommy realized taking two steps back.

He chuckled.


But then, something dawned on both Edward and Riele.

This was the famed President's son.

Riele suddenly screamed in anticipation and excitement.

"Oh my gosh, it's you... I cannot believe this– you're in front of me." Riele spoke clearly nervous.

Edward smiled nervously too, his palm getting all sweaty and moist.

Tommy smiled at their nervousness and spoke. "You do not have to be nervous– I'm just simply tired of listening to my weird boyfriend...pfft."

Tommy sighed. "I'm getting away from the burdensome guards... I just can't get a breather, funny enough... None of them are Awakened, but I am."

Riele tilted her head.

"Aren't you underestimating the President Tristan CrossWood?"

She continues.

"He cannot be down with simply just mundane guards right?"

Tommy shrugged.

"He's my dad.. also, he hides most secret from me so, you might be right."

Riele suddenly laughed...

Tommy finally looked around and asked. "Is this your school? I've never been to one... I'm always getting private tuturs and studying at home."

Edward answered.

"I guess it's simply to protect you from harms way... Have you not heard of the hunters—"

Another memory appeared in Tommy's Brain and his face turned pale...

Yes— these Hunters were always targeting members of the president's household and if the President find out that his son had wandered off alone, not even the guards would be spared.

Relaxing for a bit, he smiled at the duo...

"Let me get your both numbers, I do not want to worry the guards for no reason at all..."

The three of them exchanged numbers and just like Tommy had appeared, he vanished same way only leaving behind his afterimage.

. . .

"Tommy, don't try this ever again... you got me worried." Jayson said his thumb caressing Tommy's cheeks.

Tommy turned towards the tinted windows and stared at Riele and Edward until they vanished into the school.

"I made new friends..."

Was Tommy's first statement after he returned to the van and at that moment, Jayson's mood went completely sour.

Tommy suddenly remembered something...

Jayson was also an Awakened, but he had grasped the Perfection stage.

He remembered this because the pressure he felt was suddenly suffocating for even him that it became difficult to breath.

If he was to guage Jayson's strength, his current power would not even graze one tenth of Jayson's defense.

"You made new friends? Who_are_they?"

Jayson stressed the question that Tommy was starting to ask himself why he revealed this bit of news.

He forgot one vital information to take note of... Jayson was the jealous type and hearing just the phrase, made friends.. was enough to gather strange thoughts within his head.

Tommy let out a small sigh and he answered after a bit consideration.

"You do not need to know... I can sense negative energy around you. I'm not dumping you for them, duhh." Tommy said

Jayson's eyes softened a bit.

"You got their phone numbers right?"

Tommy felt his blood freeze at the sudden question. He suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Delete their numbers and we would just pretend that this never happened."

His voice was as calm as a Stillwater but the intensity of it alone was as burning as a raging inferno.