
2 The Office

Jannette couldn't remember the last time that she actually enjoyed the walk to work and she would have enjoyed it more if she would not have been so tired and sore. Janette felt truly free for the first time in her life and her head was in the clouds. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day in a way she was hating having to go to work it was such a beautiful summer day. When she walked into the office it was like it was her first day all over again. She noticed that most of them were looking at her differently. She got a lot more smiles with their good morning's that was a typical response to drone out. But today they did seem to notice her and she found that there were at least 10 guys that wanted her time and attention now. She had always thought that the guys just ignored her as not that she was ugly or anything but looking back she had kept a pretty big wall between herself and the others making sure that there was as little contact as she possibly could get.

Stacy saw her and let out a squeal in the joy that made every head in the office turn to her and see what she was looking at. Janette's face turned to beat red she had been liking a little bit of attention but she found that this was just a bit too much-having everyone in the office stop what they were doing to just watch her made her more than self-conscious. Stacy called her over and said, "I thought that outfit didn't fit you it looks so great on you."

Janette blushed a little she couldn't help it the whole office was watching her every move. She walked over to the water cooler where Stacy was standing. Janette smiled at her with her cheeks still kind of flushed and Stacy asked, "What happened to you on Friday? You disappeared when you were at the party. We were all starting to get worried and you didn't answer your phone either."

Janette nodded and said, "I didn't mean to make you worry but my phone kind of got accidentally turned off."

Stacy gave her a look of disbelief it was not something that just happened unless you wanted it to happen. With the way that Janette was smiling she knew that there was more to the story and she was going to get every detail. Stacy knew that she was not going to talk out in the open especially with everyone looking at her like they were now. She was going to have to get her off to the side or maybe she could get her to come out to lunch where they could be alone or just her and the girls so that they could put pressure on her to get her to talk. Stacy got a wicked smile on her face as she thought about it and Janette knew that look Stacy always got it when she was planning something.

Stacy said, "We need to get together for lunch so we can talk."

Janette knew just what she wanted and was trying to think of a reason that she would not be able to go when the office manager walked in and Stacy said we well meet at the corner coffee shop for lunch. Then she hurried off to her desk without looking back because she knew that if she gave Janette an out she would find a reason that she couldn't do it.

Janette thought great now she is going to be cross-examined by Stacy at lunch, but then again she thought that was why she was here in the first place she needed at least one person to talk to so going to lunch with her was a good idea just hopefully the other girls would not tag along to.

After everything that had happened to her over the weekend Janette thought that she wouldn't be embarrassed over anything anymore, But actually telling others what she did and what they did to her was going to be hard and she knew that her face will be, beat red by the time that she says what happened if she is able to get it all out.

The more she thought about it she thought that it really didn't matter and maybe they could help her decide what was best for her to do. she heard Mr. Boulder clear his throat while standing behind her and she realized that she was still at the water cooler and that was his gentle way of trying to get her back to work. Janette gave him one of her more sexy smiles and then strutted back to her seat making sure to wiggle her ass the whole way. Just as she knew he would he couldn't take his eyes off of her until she took her seat. He cleared his throat again and straitened his tie then realized that the whole office had been watching him. His face turned slightly red and he quickly disappeared into his office. Janette couldn't help herself but giggle under her breath they all knew that he had a habit of checking out all the women that worked in the office if he could get away with it and not draw attention to himself.

Stacy gave her a look she had never seen Janette act that way she had always been so withdrawn and reserved and before she had never once strutted or drawn any kind of attention to her self let alone showing off in the office to the manager. She thought to herself that maybe Janette was just trying to get a big raze it wouldn't be the first time that she had seen someone climb up the corporate ladder by showing a little skin and wiggling their assets.

Janette started working but her heart was not in it today as her mind kept wandering back to the weekend and all the things that she had done and before she knew it it was lunchtime and she had barely managed to do anything she knew that part of her not being able to concentrate had to do with the lack of sleep that she had gotten over the weekend it wasn't like she didn't get any it was just that the sleep times were short and the activities were extremely draining on her.

Stacy kept an eye on Janette all day and she couldn't believe how she was acting and how much she had changed just from Friday. It was almost like Janette was a different person she noticed that Janette was starting to drag her feet so she went over to help her get her things together so that they could go.

Stacy walked over and took her by the arm. Janette said, "I really should stay I haven't really accomplished very much today."

Stacy said, "Don't worry if you are still running behind us girls will bale you out we can't have you getting in trouble what you have so much to fill us in on."

Janette only got out the word "but" when Stacy gave her arm a pull getting her out of her chair and then handed her her purse.

Stacy said, "Come on. The others are already there waiting for us."

Just as Janette had thought they would all be there and she knew that they would be pressuring her for as many details as they could get from her. Stacy was all full of smiles she was getting her way as usual, but Janette was kind of terrified that they were going to be thinking that she was some kind of tramp or slut or something along those lines because she had never tried to run and she had to admit it at least to her self that she had liked it.

The walk to the coffee shop was a short one that at this point Janette was hoping that it would take the rest of lunch to get to but as they reached the door in just a few minutes left her plenty of time to tell them everything. As Stacy touched the door Janette had a flash of her taking off at top speed running down the sidewalk with Stacy running behind her. As Stacy pulled her through the door she knew it was way too late for all that.

Patty had gotten a large booth for them all that was away from all the others in the back they had arranged it with the owner before they even left work. Patty had dated him for a while and they were still friends with benefits and that made him more than willing to give them his best table and all the best services that he had to offer. Stacy had told Patty to make sure that they had some privacy or they would never get Janette to open up to them. Patty was not sure why she wanted to go through all this trouble but Stacy usually gets her way one way or the other.

As soon as they entered the shop Patty waved them over. Janette was surprised there were not just the three girls there were six of them from the office and they were all looking at her she had not realized but they all were at the party and had seen Janette leave with the guy and get into the stretched limo and now we're all waiting to see just what happened to her.

Stacy stopped at the booth and waved Janette in so that she would be trapped in the middle completely surrounded. Reluctantly Janette slid in and the rest of them moved in close none of them wanted to miss a single word.