
Crossover Chronicles: Unveiling the Land of Errors

A young man emerged from an underground labyrinth, possessing extraordinary strength unlike ordinary people. Qi Shaoyun, who worships power, simply chose to push his attack power to the limit, paying no attention to defense or agility! With the power of Lv1, he kills opponents of higher levels. "Xing! You have to trust me!" "Aren't you afraid of trouble from the Loki Clan for blatantly using their powers?" ... The story belongs to its rightful owner. I am providing a translation of the content and do not claim ownership.

ItamiH · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: Hello, Sachi.

"Fuck! Are you sure there's no problem with this level setup?!"

Unable to hold back his complaint, Qu Shaoyun looked at the swarming monsters around him and decisively pulled the bowstring, shooting an arrow.

The arrow, made of pure iron, whizzed out of the bowstring.

The draw weight of the black bow he held now was at least seven to eight times that of the previous Qilin Bow, coupled with the weight of the iron arrow itself.

Qu Shaoyun bow was more like a siege crossbow used in ancient times for marching and warfare.

If this thing were used to shoot people, it could easily penetrate through six or seven of them in a row. If stronger penetrating arrows were used, the piercing effect would be even more astonishing!

In just a dozen meters of distance, the arrow almost arrived in an instant.

With a "pfft" sound, the closest monster, resembling a goblin, was instantly pierced through the head, and then with undiminished momentum, Qu Shaoyun continued to shoot and kill four or five more monsters.

The destructive power caused by this arrow was within his expectations, so Qu Shaoyun wasn't particularly surprised. Instead, he was extremely familiar with the changes that occurred after the monsters deaths.

Just like when killing demons, the corpses also disappeared.

However, their method was different from that of demons. The whole body of the corpse suddenly exploded into countless colorful fragments, resembling data put together.


In that fleeting moment when this thought flashed through his mind, Qu Shaoyun suddenly recalled a name—"Sword Art Online"!

With his muscle memory and the density of monsters in this place, Qu Shaoyun hardly even needed to think as he shot his second arrow, his peripheral vision wandering around in this enclosed space.

As the real scene gradually matched his memory, the monsters that seemed alien just now inexplicably gave him a sense of familiarity.

Through the comparison of the enclosed room's environment, the types of monsters, and his memories, Qu Shaoyun was certain that this was a hidden room from "Sword Art Online".

Or rather, this place was a replica of that hidden room, and Qu Shaoyun named it "Death of the Black Cat".

Yes, that's right, it was the place where the "Moonlit Black Cats" were annihilated.

Through the dense gaps between the monsters, when Qu Shaoyun looked at the girl deep in the room again, he finally realized who she was.

At the same time, he understood the content of the "Teammate" quest.

After understanding everything, Qu Shaoyun stopped overthinking and continued his actions without hesitation, shooting arrow after arrow.

But when the tenth arrow was shot, he suddenly sensed something was wrong.

Even though he had only shot ten arrows, with an average of four monsters killed per arrow, he should have already killed around forty.

However, the continuously surging monsters showed no signs of diminishing in number.

"Tsk, could it be an infinite respawn setting?"

If the enclosed room was really designed like this, it would be quite restrictive for him.

He had allocated almost all of his attribute points to strength, pursuing greater physical power and extreme attack strength.

He aspired to become a fixed turret that didn't need to move, capable of killing all enemies while standing still.

As long as his output was high enough, he wouldn't fear any number of enemies.

But that didn't mean he could cheat with an endless respawn!

Quickly glancing at the remaining three-fourths of his quiver, Qu Shaoyun decisively made a judgment. His five fingers reached into the quiver, and when he pulled them out, he had four arrows between them.

Simultaneously shooting four arrows with precision was something only a master archer could achieve.

However, if precision wasn't a requirement, Qu Shaoyun could still manage to shoot four arrows simultaneously, albeit with some difficulty.

Moreover, in this density where monsters almost crowded each other out, even shooting randomly with his eyes closed would easily hit.

"Swish! *4"

Four arrows were shot simultaneously, instantly clearing out a large area in front of him.

Seizing this opportunity, Qu Shaoyun lifted his leg and resolutely moved forward.

His right hand once again grabbed four arrows from the quiver, shooting them forward without even aiming. Then, with his left hand tightly gripping the black bow, he swung it forcefully towards the several goblin-like creatures swinging their sickles and charging at him.

With Qu Shaoyun's full swing, the 150-kilogram black bow shattered the goblin-like creatures on the spot. Then, with four arrows in hand, he pulled the bowstring with all his strength and shot.

Instantly, another space was cleared in front of him. He chose not to shoot again because the arrows in his quiver were limited. The remaining arrows were only enough for him to shoot in four consecutive volleys eight times.

Killing was not the objective when facing an infinite number of monsters.

If he wasn't mistaken, reaching the depths of the enclosed room and rescuing the ambiguous girl, who could be either human or ghost, was the correct way to complete the mission.

With a powerful push from his right foot, Qu Shaoyun rushed forward.

Although Qu Shaoyun's primary focus was not on agility, increasing his strength naturally resulted in a certain degree of speed improvement.

Several goblin-like creatures directly in front of him became excited when they saw their prey approaching and swung their sickles down.

With accumulated battle experience against hundreds of goblins, Qu Shaoyun was no longer the weakling he once was, who could easily be counterattacked.

He held the black bow horizontally in front of him and pushed forward with both hands.

The goblin creature that first came into contact with the black bow was instantly knocked back by the tremendous force, flipping over in mid-air.

One unlucky goblin's head collided with the sickle of its companion behind, turning into scattered data on the spot.

"Get lost!"

A furious roar resounded as Qu Shaoyun pressed forward, confronting more than ten monsters and advancing forcefully for over five meters.

Then, he took a half-step back and, while still in mid-air, shot out four arrows.

As the monsters were crowded together due to Qu Shaoyun push, this attack took down nearly thirty goblin-like creatures.

At this moment, there were about fifty meters left to reach the depths of the enclosed room.

Glancing at the creatures on both sides and the ones surging from behind, Qu Shaoyun took a deep breath. It seemed that reaching the fifty-meter distance wouldn't be easy.

Rushing forward blindly was clearly unrealistic.

The monsters from the other three directions would eventually overwhelm him, and pushing them away in the same manner would exhaust him in no time.

Looking at the distance between the left and right sides of the enclosed room, Qu Shaoyun was relieved to see that the room had a rectangular shape. The distance from the left side to the right side was only about ten meters, and standing in the middle, he was only five meters away from either side.

Pressing against the wall reduced his pressure by a quarter!

With this in mind, Qu Shaoyun exerted himself once again and charged towards the right side.

Firing four arrows in a row while pushing the monsters, he also collected any arrows that had fallen to the ground.

Soon, he successfully reached the right side of the enclosed room.

With significantly reduced pressure, Qu Shaoyun continued to advance forward. During this time, his arrows only shot forward, while he resorted to using brute force to push aside the monsters on the left and behind him.

By the time he reached the depths of the enclosed room, he was almost exhausted. Fortunately, with the protective gear provided by Tsubaki, he didn't suffer any serious injuries.

Just as Qu Shaoyun had guessed, once he successfully stepped into the depths of the enclosed room, all the monsters disappeared simultaneously, and the room returned to its blue state.

It seemed as if nothing had happened, except for the fifty arrows scattered on the ground.

Taking slow steps towards the girl huddled against the wall, Qu Shaoyun took a breath and softly spoke, "Hello, my name is Qu Shaoyun."