
Crossing worlds to cause chaos!

In a world where technology and science reign supreme, Jackson Goldsmith emerges as a prodigy with a brilliant mind and extraordinary talents. Blessed and cursed by fate, he transforms Earth's technological landscape, elevating himself to a deity in the eyes of its people. Yet, Jackson's incredible intellect comes at a cost—he faces an inevitable demise at the age of 22 due to the overpowering strength of his own brain. As a revered figure believed to hold the key to humanity's future in space, Jackson sets out to leave a lasting legacy. With time ticking away, he endeavors to create a revolutionary element that could reshape the perils of nuclear power and oil. In this race against destiny, Jackson's final act becomes a beacon of hope and change for a world on the brink of transformation.

PorkOnBun · Sci-fi
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328 Chs

Chapter 90 - Blue Tyrant Spider Dou (Future title)

The spider queen watched the grand transformation of the elder and could not help but be proud of her decision. The spider queen raised her head up high showcasing her proud demeanor. "I knew it, This queen is destined for greatness along with my husband. Kya did I really say that?" 

While the queen was in the middle of a mental monologue, the elder had finished gathering information about this newly gained power of his. With a quick movement like lightning the elder flashed beside the spider queen. 

The spider queen was jolted awake from her daydream to see the elder stand close to her. The elder swiftly grabbed the spider queen's hand and pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her. The spider queen froze and did not know what was happening.