
Crossing worlds to cause chaos!

In a world where technology and science reign supreme, Jackson Goldsmith emerges as a prodigy with a brilliant mind and extraordinary talents. Blessed and cursed by fate, he transforms Earth's technological landscape, elevating himself to a deity in the eyes of its people. Yet, Jackson's incredible intellect comes at a cost—he faces an inevitable demise at the age of 22 due to the overpowering strength of his own brain. As a revered figure believed to hold the key to humanity's future in space, Jackson sets out to leave a lasting legacy. With time ticking away, he endeavors to create a revolutionary element that could reshape the perils of nuclear power and oil. In this race against destiny, Jackson's final act becomes a beacon of hope and change for a world on the brink of transformation.

PorkOnBun · Sci-fi
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328 Chs

Chapter 163 - The Aftermath

KABOOM! Kiyo, who was carrying the ants back to their nest, was suddenly interrupted by the sudden flash of light followed by an intense explosion. Looking back Kiyo was shocked to see that the walls started to crumble down as most of the surrounding was destroyed by whatever cause that massive explosion. 

Kiyo wanted to go back and to see what is happening and to help if needed but his body is still suffering from the poison attack of the first elder. They have only managed to carry some of the ants back to the next as most of them are either dead or critically injured.

Kiyo gritted his teeth and continued on with his work to get the army ants who have suffered from the poison to safety. It was not just Kiyo who was worried but a lot of the men around was feeling the same as Kiyo but all of them were unable to fight so following Kiyo lead the soldiers carried on and hope for the best outcome of the battle.