
Crossing worlds to cause chaos!

In a world where technology and science reign supreme, Jackson Goldsmith emerges as a prodigy with a brilliant mind and extraordinary talents. Blessed and cursed by fate, he transforms Earth's technological landscape, elevating himself to a deity in the eyes of its people. Yet, Jackson's incredible intellect comes at a cost—he faces an inevitable demise at the age of 22 due to the overpowering strength of his own brain. As a revered figure believed to hold the key to humanity's future in space, Jackson sets out to leave a lasting legacy. With time ticking away, he endeavors to create a revolutionary element that could reshape the perils of nuclear power and oil. In this race against destiny, Jackson's final act becomes a beacon of hope and change for a world on the brink of transformation.

PorkOnBun · Sci-fi
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328 Chs

Chapter 160 - Array Formation Activate!

The three elders all focus all there might in dealing with Bunker who was causing them so much problem at this moment. At first the third elder betted on somewhat injuring Bunker but the third elder did not expect his other two brothers would join him with their own killing array formations. 

With this the third elder was confident in killing Bunker. This combination of 2 low low level slaughter array formation and one high level array formation even a peak level 8 being would have to throw away all of his life saving items just to get out of it. 

They do not believe Bunker is as powerful as a peak level 8 being. Whatever happens now they must use all their might in killing Bunker it's either him or them at this very point. The first elder wildly laughed out loud before saying. "Haha, There is no point in struggling you monster! You will die here today and I will take over this place and the people in it will become my play things. Haha"