
Police in Los Angeles

In a stitched-together world of episodic American TV dramas, we are invited to step into the protagonist's shoes and rescue characters who were unceremoniously written off. The aim is to rationally amend the absurd plot twists concocted by capricious screenwriters. This includes, but is not limited to, shows such as The Rookie, Castle, and Hunter. Future additions may encompass Person of Interest, Knight Rider, Bones, and even various police-themed movies. Excluding the protagonist's "System", there are no supernatural elements. All cases and narratives serve the novel's storyline, with some creative modifications. Readers are advised not to take these changes too seriously.

Mutter · TV
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138 Chs

Chapter 13: Detective Hunter

"But the problem is that this aftermath is a bit severe. Afterward, I either feel like shooting every gang member I see on the street or my mind is filled with... that, like some kind of pervert."

Jack hadn't expected that his serious concern would get such a casual response from the beautiful psychologist. It was probably a cultural difference between the two countries.

"Have you ever had the impulse to shoot civilians or colleagues, or to jump on any woman you see?"

Jack quickly shook his head. "Absolutely not. I can only describe it as an extreme aversion to criminals, like having an obsessive-compulsive disorder. My rational mind can suppress it, but it makes me extremely agitated."

"And the impulse?" Maureen pressed.

Jack hesitated. "Uh, it's more like constantly fantasizing about being with Zoe."

"Only Zoe?" Maureen's expression turned slightly ambiguous.

Could this glasses girl really be interested in me, as Zoe suggested? Jack thought, noticing Maureen's subtle body language. Although his psychology skills were only at the beginner level, his ability to read people had improved significantly. He put on a bashful, slightly embarrassed expression, speaking haltingly.

"Well, sometimes about Hannah... and, uh, you?"

"So, it's only about women you're familiar with? I've heard your training officer Angela is also quite attractive," Maureen said casually, lightly biting her lip as she seemed to ponder. However, the rosy tips of her ears betrayed her inner turmoil.

So, she is interested in me. No wonder she dressed up today, hitting all my preferences. Jack felt a surge of excitement but kept his composure.

"I respect Officer Angela very much and would never think of her that way." In fact, Jack hadn't had any improper thoughts about Angela. She had four brothers, which had fostered a competitive nature, making her a great buddy rather than a romantic interest.

"So your most urgent need is to resolve this aftermath," Maureen said, taking another sip of tea and contemplating for a moment. She then suggested, "How about this: next time you feel this way, contact me immediately. I have an office at Central Hospital where I can test your hormone levels. We need to determine if this is physiological or psychological."

"Uh," Jack hesitated, feeling somewhat embarrassed. Maureen's offer was generous, considering that seeing a psychologist in America was expensive, and he wasn't sure if police insurance would cover it. Plus, he was currently quite strapped for cash.

"Haha, don't worry, big boy. You wanted confidentiality, right? This will be off the books, just me helping out. If you feel bad about it, you can cook me a meal. I've been craving your cooking."

"No problem, thank you, Maureen." Jack genuinely appreciated her offer, even if it was likely because of her friendship with Zoe. As a psychologist, Maureen was part of the upper-middle class in America, both in income and social status.

Even if she was attracted to him, given her looks and figure that could rival a Victoria's Secret model, the age difference wasn't a big deal. It was hard to say who would be taking advantage of whom.

After giving Maureen a grateful hug, Jack left the office, not noticing her slightly complex expression.

Watching Jack leave, Maureen closed the door and excitedly took out her phone like a schoolgirl. "Hey, Zoe, your boy just left. He talked about his issues. Don't worry, it doesn't seem too serious... Yes, I know he's yours. Of course, I'll let you be there... His willpower is incredibly strong, with an extraordinary sense of self-moral restraint... Yes, like those old-fashioned tough guys in movies... Why did you meet him first? You lucky woman..."

For the next day and a half, Jack ran between the bank and the community college. Even attending community college in America wasn't cheap, costing more than police academy training. Fortunately, the LAPD covered student loans, so being a police officer in LA was a decent choice for the average person.

He just hoped this TV drama world wouldn't have a Floyd incident, where the police are scapegoated by the higher-ups during a crisis. If that happened, no matter how good the benefits, no one would want to be a cop.

Jack planned to finish community college as quickly as possible, get his degree, and then move off the front lines. Whether becoming a detective or joining the FBI like Hannah, he didn't want to be suddenly shot on the street someday.


On the third day of his leave, Hannah finally got a break. Only she and Angela didn't fire their weapons during the drug bust, as they captured the courier with the wool hat.

Early in the morning, the sweet girl excitedly woke Jack up. She had already contacted the Hunter couple, and the two seniors were looking forward to their visit today. Jack, unable to resist Hannah's enthusiasm, yawned as he got up to make breakfast.

Having to retake college courses in his mid-twenties was tough, but this young body was in peak condition. With excellent memory and energy, plus the significant mental strength boost, the required textbooks for his courses seemed manageable.

Community college courses weren't difficult, but professors had higher expectations for those who wanted to graduate early. Jack chose to major in psychology, hoping to kill two birds with one stone. This major would help him in future investigations, and it was a skill on his system panel. If needed, he could buy some system coins directly.

At 9 AM, Hannah parked in front of a quaint little house on Maryland Street. Jack got out, retrieving the gift he had prepared—a bottle of aged whiskey, one of the few treasures he had brought from the small grocery store. Hannah had a bouquet of roses.

Walking across the lawn, Jack noticed it had once been meticulously maintained, with red roses lining the fence. But it was clear the garden hadn't been tended to in months, with weeds sprouting and the roses looking untidy.

Catching Jack's concerned look, Hannah also showed a worried expression. Could something be wrong with the couple?

The door opened to reveal Dee Dee McCall, who still carried an air of elegance.

"Mrs. Hunter, it's a pleasure to meet you," Hannah said, stepping forward to hug her and hand over the flowers.

"Hello, lovely Hannah. It's so nice to see you again," Dee Dee McCall said, accepting the roses with a delighted expression.


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