
Crossing Through Military Base

"Unlimited Crossings. In this terrifying time and space, he shuttles back and forth time and time again, enduring loneliness and despair, repeatedly arriving in different eras. From the Somme River in World War I to China in World War II; from Berlin under Allied attack, he never knows when the end will come. His only goal is one: to go home! But this wish seems so unattainable. The first time he met Erwin Rommel, Rommel was just a company commander in the Swabian Alps, but when he returned to Berlin, Rommel had become a Field Marshal of the Empire. And he, he became an eternal legend of the Empire: his statue erected in the most prominent place in Berlin! Similarly, his statue was also erected on the streets of Nanjing! Not only in Berlin and Nanjing, his statues are all over the world, his legendary stories echoing through the ages. Each of his legendary stories from every era is actually a fragment, and one day, countless fragments will come together to form the most complete puzzle!"

DaoistELiy3V · War
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117 Chs

I am willing to testify

It was I who suggested, implicitly, to Captain Ernst to let the prisoners go. Sergeant Sproul said seriously: "If there is really any guilt, then I should admit it, not Captain Ernst Brahm." "

Pastor Ackerson then said: "Captain Ernst is the most upright and compassionate person among all the people I know. Yes, he did let a group of prisoners go, but I can say with God I swear on his name that he never intentionally colluded with the British. He just did it with the compassion of an upright man. If Captain Ernst is found guilty, then I will pray for him and even have him. I am willing to take the blame for him if necessary. Captain Ernst is not a sinner, he is a saint!"

Everyone fell silent. How surprising was it that a priest could make such an evaluation of an officer?

"Sergeant Sproul, Pastor Ackerson, can you vouch for your testimony?"

"Yes, we can."

"Thank you for your testimony, please go down and rest."

Sergeant Sproul and Pastor Ackerson left the witness box and returned to their seats. They took a deep look at Wang Weiyi, and then Pastor Ackerson made a cross on his chest: "God is with you!"

Wang Weiyi nodded.

Strictly speaking, Pastor Ackerson was not his subordinate, but now he stepped forward and gave the most crucial testimony for himself.

The situation changed again and once again became seriously unfavorable to Nikolai's side.

After his request to speak was granted, Marklin asked angrily: "Okay, Baron Alexson, maybe you did let go of a group of wounded people, but what does that mean? Also, you left the position You disappeared for a long time and went to the enemy's military camp. What were you doing there?"

Wang Weiyi smiled sarcastically: "Lawyer Marklin, I once told Colonel Nicholas that it is meaningless to discuss what happened on the battlefield with a person who has never been on the battlefield, but since you raised this issue in France, I am still willing to answer... You know, at that time, the heroic German soldiers were attacking across the entire front, and a group of seriously wounded soldiers could be attacked at any time and at any time. I went there to allow them to return to their barracks safely. ..."

"This is just one side of your story." Maclin forgot that Baron Alexon could keep talking as long as he wanted to talk, and interrupted him without any control: "Where are the witnesses? Someone can prove that you have no evidence of the British. Did anything happen with them that we can't know about?"

Wang Weiyi said coldly: "My adjutant Second Lieutenant Guderian also went with me."

"Adjutant?" Marklin sneered: "Your adjutant testified for you? This is like two people committing murder. Can they prove each other?"

"Lawyer Marklin, you can insult me, but I don't allow you to insult my subordinates." Wang Weiyi's eyes narrowed: "Insult an upright German officer, and you will become the enemy of the entire German people!" Second Lieutenant Derian is a brave and meritorious officer!"

A chill came out of Marklin's heart.

The person standing opposite him was no ordinary person, but the "creator of the miracle of the Somme"! He was convinced that Ernst had a reputation in the army that no one else could match! What frightened him even more was that Ernst acted so calmly when attacking Ernst himself, but once his subordinates were involved, his behavior turned out to be so terrifying.

Felix coughed: "Baron Alexon, although I am very willing to believe what you said, we need evidence in France. Second Lieutenant Guderian can testify for you, but where is he now?"

"He took my place on the front line and commanded the troops."

"Then the trial will have to be postponed, Baron Alexon, you have this right." Felix said with a little regret: "I can give you enough time to let Guderian testify for you, but before he Before arriving, you can only stay in Berlin, are you willing?"

Wang Weiyi was a little embarrassed.

He was not worried about whether Guderian would testify for him. Guderian's character was undoubted. He was worried that if he stayed in Berlin too long, God knows if Nikolai would make some small moves.

What to do now?

Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the current situation, Ernst is pressing harder and harder, almost suffocating him. If this continues, the only way to face him is failure.

But now is an opportunity.

As long as Ernst can be kept in Berlin and closely monitored, he will be able to make the most appropriate arrangements before that Guderian arrives.

When necessary, Prince Joachim's power can even be used to force Guderian to stay somewhere...

The courtroom was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop...

"Baron Alexon, have you made a choice?" Felix reminded Wang Weiyi: "You have five minutes to think about it."

When the Marquis of Yorkso said these words, the door of the courtroom was suddenly pushed open, and then a voice sounded:

"I would like to testify for Baron Ernst Alexson von Brahm!"

The sudden sound attracted everyone's attention.

Wang Weiyi also slowly turned his head. When he saw this person, he couldn't believe that he could actually see him here...

The person who came in had only one arm. It was obvious that he had lost his arm not long ago, and the injury had not even been healed. The smell of blood and medicine could be smelled from his body.

His face was pale, or the long journey made his already weak body even more overwhelmed, but he tried his best to stand up straight and repeated his words: "Dear Judge, my companions and I are willing to do this for you." Baron Alexson, please allow them to enter the court."

"You and your companions?" Felix frowned: "Where are they? I allow them to enter the court as witnesses."

"Thank you for your kindness." The one-armed man bowed slightly, and then, eight people walked in together.

Without exception, they all looked like they had been wounded. At this time, many of the Germans present had begun to understand their identities.

"Please state your name, witness." Felix said solemnly.

The one-armed man calmed down his emotions, and then word by word, it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears:

"Commander of the 43rd Battalion of the British 42nd East Reims Division, Lieutenant Colonel—Rosen!"