
Crossing Through Military Base

"Unlimited Crossings. In this terrifying time and space, he shuttles back and forth time and time again, enduring loneliness and despair, repeatedly arriving in different eras. From the Somme River in World War I to China in World War II; from Berlin under Allied attack, he never knows when the end will come. His only goal is one: to go home! But this wish seems so unattainable. The first time he met Erwin Rommel, Rommel was just a company commander in the Swabian Alps, but when he returned to Berlin, Rommel had become a Field Marshal of the Empire. And he, he became an eternal legend of the Empire: his statue erected in the most prominent place in Berlin! Similarly, his statue was also erected on the streets of Nanjing! Not only in Berlin and Nanjing, his statues are all over the world, his legendary stories echoing through the ages. Each of his legendary stories from every era is actually a fragment, and one day, countless fragments will come together to form the most complete puzzle!"

DaoistELiy3V · War
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117 Chs

"Adolf Hitler"

Distant cannon fire echoed continuously.

This was entirely unfamiliar territory, at least for Wang Weiya.

Where could he find his 3rd Company? Wang Weiya was at a loss, and Xiao Ling didn't provide him with a clear direction.

Just then, he noticed a short German soldier approaching. He hurriedly called out, "Hey!"

The soldier paused, then noticed Wang Weiya and hurried over, saluting, "Lieutenant!"

For some reason, Wang Weiya felt that the German soldier in front of him looked somewhat familiar. He checked the soldier's rank; he was a corporal. "I am Lieutenant Ernst Blaum. I am now supposed to go to the 3rd Company of the Bavarian Infantry Regiment 16th Battalion. Do you know where it is?"

To his surprise, Wang Weiya discovered that not only could he understand German, but he also spoke German fluently, just like Xiao Ling.

"Ah, you are Lieutenant Blaum?" The German soldier suddenly became excited. "Lieutenant, we heard that a new company commander was being assigned to us. I was sent by the company commander to welcome you. It's really a coincidence. Please follow me, Lieutenant."

Seeing that the soldier was there to welcome him, Wang Weiya's heart also eased.

Following behind the German soldier, Wang Weiya casually asked, "Thank you, Corporal. What is your name?"

"I am Adolf Hitler, the messenger of the Bavarian Infantry Regiment 16th Battalion," the corporal replied without looking back.

Boom! Wang Weiya's head seemed to explode.

Who? Who is this person?

Adolf Hitler?

My God, he is now walking with the future Fuhrer of the Reich, Adolf Hitler, and he is his superior?

Wang Weiya couldn't help but touch the gun on his body. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him: if he killed Adolf Hitler now, would there still be a World War II in the future?

But he immediately dismissed his own idea. No, he absolutely couldn't let such a momentary impulse change such a significant historical event; otherwise, what kind of temporal disaster would it bring?

His hand quietly let go of the gun...

Adolf Hitler walked ahead completely unaware that he had just narrowly escaped death...

In the distance, the sound of cannons reverberated again, and Adolf Hitler seemed resentful. "Those damn British are shelling again. We'll show them the might of Germany soon! Lieutenant, will you lead us to a glorious victory and defeat all those British and French?"

"Ah, yes." Wang Weiya snapped out of his reverie and replied hastily.

More German soldiers gradually appeared. Several cannons were stationed there, and a dozen German soldiers were smoking nearby. Upon seeing Hitler approach, one of them whistled, "Hey, Adolf, who did you bring?"

"It's the new company commander of the 3rd Company, Lieutenant Ernst Blaum."

Swish! All dozen soldiers stood up, threw away their cigarettes, and stood at attention. "Lieutenant!"

Wherever they went, German soldiers were exemplary.

"No need for formalities," Wang Weiya waved his hand.

"Lieutenant, the company headquarters is here."

Hitler led Wang Weiya to the company headquarters door, reported outside, then led him in.

Major Döner, the adjutant of the supplementary battalion, was studying the map intently. Upon hearing Hitler's report, he turned his head, glanced at Wang Weiya, and said, "Lieutenant, welcome to the front lines."

"Lieutenant Ernst Blaum is here to take over the 3rd Company, saluting you, Major!"

"Alright, Lieutenant, the situation is urgent. There's no need for more formalities." Major Döner didn't waste words and directly called Wang Weiya to the map:

"Lieutenant, based on recent reconnaissance, the enemy will continue to launch a major offensive soon. Our battalion has been assigned to this area, and your task is to lead the 3rd Company to firmly hold Point B. Do you understand your mission?"

"Yes, Major." Wang Weiya had silently repeated his mission countless times in his mind.

"We cannot let the enemy leap past us," Major Döner's voice was stiff, leaving no room for doubt. "After the retreat order is given, if the enemy breaks through Point B, it will be the greatest shame for German soldiers! Although I know the 3rd Company has suffered heavy casualties in previous battles and has not been replenished, I do not want to hear any excuses."

"Please rest assured, Major." Wang Weiya's voice was equally firm. "I understand my responsibilities."

"Good, any other requests?" Major Döner asked.

Originally, Wang Weiya was about to say no, but for some reason, he suddenly had a thought: "Major, please allow Corporal Adolf Hitler to be assigned to the 3rd Company."

Major Döner didn't expect such a request and glanced at Hitler. "Adolf, are you willing?"

"I am willing!" Hitler replied without hesitation.

"Very well, from now on, you will be assigned to the 3rd Company, Corporal Adolf Hitler!"

Then, he saluted Wang Weiya. "For the good of Germany!"

"For the good of Germany!" Wang Weiya returned the salute loudly.

War is nothing more than the continuation of politics. Whether the world war was initiated by whom, soldiers are merely its executors. In the First World War, there was no justice or injustice.

There were only interests between nations.

And soldiers were actually innocent.

Although Germany ultimately lost the war, the German soldiers themselves did not fail; it was their government that failed.

Wang Weiya didn't think about the position he was standing in now. Since God had sent him here, then he would fight to leave this place.

For the good of Germany!

For the sake of leaving this era!

Adolf Hitler obviously didn't expect Wang Weiya to request him to be assigned to the 3rd Company. When they left the company headquarters, he seemed very grateful. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

"Oh, why?" Wang Weiya asked.

"I've always wanted to go to the front lines and become a true soldier, rather than a messenger running around everywhere," Hitler's answer was full of passion. "For our victory, for Germany!"

Wang Weiya smiled.

He found it hard to connect the future Reich Chancellor with the Adolf Hitler standing before him. This person in front of him was young and full of enthusiasm for the nation, but this kind of enthusiasm was completely different from the fervor of the future Chancellor.

Wang Weiya firmly believed that if Adolf Hitler were asked to sacrifice for Germany now, he would do it without hesitation!