
Meeting Sona Again



I just got a message on my smartphone. Who in the world would have my number... Oh yeah, in my last exchange with Ajuka Beelzebub he asked for my contact details.

"I wonder what he sent me."

When I open the message I find a link... something to do with Craft Hunter Go! An updated version of the game. Even the name changed, Belzebut.

Well, whatever, today is a new day. Again I checked my arm that was healed the previous day. It seems to be quite well. And of course, I'm feeling much better than yesterday as well.

Chaos: Master, stop playing with your phone and eat your breakfast.

"Got it." I reply, both Chaos and I are sitting at the restaurant for breakfast. Today I don't have any life threatening experience to worry about. But I have to get something done before the start of school again. Less than a month is left until then.

Chaos and I are having cereal and coffee. Is that a proper menu? It doesn't matter, I like the way I have it.

After breakfast we leave the restaurant. Again Chaos is clinging to my arm. Although I like it, it's quite embarrassing in public. Especially when you attract the attention of others.


Another beep from my phone, I check it to see what it is... right, the app Belzebut just got installed. I have no use for it at the moment, I put my phone away.

While we walk towards the Kuoh Academy I eventually get Chaos to leave me. I get to walk properly again and she's become enthusiastic to skip alongside me.

The reason why I'm heading to Kuoh school now is to get Chaos registered. I could've just teleported there and right in the student council room but I thought it would be better to head there by foot. This way we can get more familiar with the place. This is more so for my angeloid.

I wonder what I should say to the student council president, it's been a while since I met with Sona Sitri. We did agree on getting together. But the one who was in control at the time was Second Sesa.

S.Sesa: ( What you chicken for? She my girlfriend. Remember this, she can't disagree with the boss. )

"Yeah right, I might end up getting beaten."

S.Sesa: ( Tch, chill, I got your back. )


S.Sesa: ( Yeah! )

It takes us about 20 minutes to walk, on the other hand, we walk very fast. Soon we arrive before the glorious Kuoh Academy. The school managed by the Gremory and the Sitri houses.

The entrance happens to be open, we walk in passed the gate. The place is dead as far as we can see. Obviously all the students are on holiday. The only active people that should be here, should be the devils. Two of the four novice kings and their peerage.


I see two girls at the distance and when I turn my head, at the other distance I see security patrolling. Merely, they're not human.

Heading towards the girls, they're in Sona's peerage after all and just the people I need to communicate with.

"Hey girls!"

I call out, they seemed to be surprised by my presence. Naturally they were not able to sense me. What surprised me was that they hadn't noticed the presence of the girl right beside me until I called.

????: Good morning

????: Ah, Kiba.

Another person made their appearance from around the corner. Dressed in the Kuoh Academy's male school uniform, nicely set blonde hair. My guess is that this guy is Kiba, Yuuta Kiba. I had long since felt his presence so there wasn't anything surprising.

Yuuta: Oh! We have some unexpected guests.

"Gremory's knight. Morning."

Yuuta: You know me?

"Nope, but I know of you."

Yuuta: You know of me but I haven't had the pleasure of knowing you.

"Sure, I'm Sesa Purusa. And she is Chaoooo-osha!"

Right, I didn't think of that before but I am know. Chaos would definitely be a suspicious name, it's not like she's a celebrity with an unreasonable name. Sorry Chaos, I said, "Chaosha, that's her name."

My sweet angeloid doesn't seem to be bothered by it, she smiled back at me then gave Kiba and the others a slight bow.

Yuuta: So you two must be Kaichou's new additions to her peera-

Chaos: Nope, what belongs to master, is master's. And the belongings of master's belongings is also master's.


That got me by surprise, I even stepped back at hearing Chaos speak. Not only I, Kiba and the two girls from Sona's peerage had looked baffled. The one with blue hair looked amused as if she understood what was said. What was her name again, Tsubasa?

The girl with white hair didn't seem to catch on then she spoke.

Hanakai: That sounds confusing.

Tsubasa: No it ain't, haha.

Yuuta: ....

"Sorry about that." I apologized.

Tsubasa: Sure, sure. Did you come over to check on Kaichou?

"Something like that, I came to register Chao- Chaosha as well."

Tsubasa: Hahaha, I'll take you there, I'll take you there. Follow me.

Yuuta: Let me not keep you. We'll meet again when the semester starts.

Hanakai: Ah, you don't have to leave so soon.

Yuuta: I wasn't planning to stay long either. I've shared our findings in our investigations. It's about time for me to return.

Kiba turned to leave, as for Momo she seemed disappointed but didn't say anything. Tsubasa called to us, Chaos and I, she started to lead us to where Sona Sitri is. Both Chaos and I where at the back and Tsubasa and Momo at the front.

I'm quite satisfied with how we are positioned. This way I can enjoy the view. Our world is made up of things that either disgusts us or makes us happy. With 'Penetrate' at my corner, I'm very happy indeed.

Using 'Penetrate' on my eyes I get to see perfect art work.

"That looks good."

Momo is using some sexy lingerie, a little too naughty for a school girl. Tsubasa Yura is daring as well. She's wearing some plain knickers under her clothes but that's all she's wearing. There's no top!

After entering the school building and passing through corridors. I share an exchange of words with my familiar. Simply not to look suspicious with my pervert skills. Also I was pretty curious about the statement Chaos made in front of Gremory's knight.

"So Chaos, can you tell me about what you said before... master and belongings." I whisper as not to cause attention to us.

Chaos: Tee Hee! I learned that from Tomoki oni-chan. He taught me all kinds of things.

"I see, let's leave that for special occasions." I awkwardly suggest. Chaos seems to be okay with that too.

Then I hear whispers in front of me. Tsubasa and Momo are having an exchange of their own. I boost up secretly, perk up my ears and transfer. Increasing my hearing.

Learning some info will naturally be to my advantage when facing the student council president.


It seems that Momo's face might go red, she just learned that it was I who saved her life back then. Tsubasa's next words made me red in the cheeks.

Tsubasa: So... why don't you give up on Kiba. Sometimes I wonder if that guy is gay. But look, your real hero is right behind you. You can have him after Kaichou.

In a matter of minutes the girls lead us to the student council room. They didn't lead us inside, though, something about other engagements.

Instead I take the lead, Chaos follows behind me. When I come in front of the door, the door opens without notice then someone bumps into me thereafter.

????: Ow.

The one who came out the door was just the person who I wanted to meet, Sona Sitri or should I call her by her current alias, Shitori Sauna.

The sudden knock caught us both by surprise. Kaichou has her hands flat against my chest and I have mine resting on her hips. Observing her from this close up, her frame is comparable to that of my familiar minus that bust department.

Chaos: Group hug!

Chaos shouted with great enthusiasm then Sona and I had our backs covered, forcing our bodies to be in contact more than we already have.

There's something that I can think of at this moment.

"Is this another something that Chaos has learned from her brother?"


Will focus on getting three chapters a week.

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Sesa_Nagacreators' thoughts