
Crossing Over: Chronicles of DXD

This is fan fiction---- When Sesa woke up he found himself in a new world. To be precise, it is the inner realm of what he thought to be a sacred gear. Boy, was he surprised to hear the words sacred gear, cause you know what that means? When he left his gear's world and entered the actual one, that's when his journey began crossing over 'DxD' and find a way back from where he came.... And create a harem along the way, beginning with her!!! Will post on royalroad.com

Sesa_Naga · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Maiden in Blue





I couldn't help but keep a blank expression.

I was originally trying to figure out what perspective these three so-called hunters were getting at. From what I can tell, they ain't ordinary humans. Well, from the common sense of the words. But why did they get so serious after I spoke?


The annoying sound of someone's ringtone vibrated all around us, invading our ears. The passersby turned their heads in reaction to the sound as well. Even though it is past noon, this town still had it's usual traffic noise but that ringtone was still capable of invading our ears.

Even the two guys in front of me turned to gaze at the third, sharing the blank expression that I have on my face.

The one who had his phone ringing was Ryan.

He was unexpectedly alarmed too, quickly Ryan started swiping a finger over the screen held in the other hand. What can I say? Those desperate movements had no effect on answering or cutting the call. In the next second that hunter disappeared, running away screaming.

S.Sesa: (Wow! Hehehe, that was awkward.)

I have to agree with my feelings. Very awkward. The environment around us returned to normal leaving me standing next to the other hunters. Like me, they stayed quiet for some time. I can't let that happen, breaking the mood I spoke.

"So you're hunters?"

By asking, my intent was simply to probe them into giving some information. Instead both Tommy and Bradley were looking at me with provocation. It didn't take long for me to understand. From what I can see, they dressed up as if they were thugs on the street. Certainly, these guys appearance are mean looking. You wouldn't think that they would have some silly music as a ringtone.

Tommy: Of-of course we're hunters, my great grandfather killed a fallen angel before.

Bradley: Tom-

Sesa: That's says a lot. I'm beginning to learn new things. Hehe.

Tommy starts giving me an ugly gaze and Bradley starts messaging his temples with his two fingers and thumb.

Bradley: We getting off track. Right, so, your friend... I don't think you'll be able to find him. My guess would be that he's kicked the bucket, if you know what I mean.

Ddraig: ( Are we still talking about the game thing? I'm getting confused. )

S.Sesa: ( Yeah! They think we know someone who died. And-and it has something to do with the game. Anyways, they know something. Lets find out then become king later. )

Sesa: Cough, I don't think there would be any fallen angels here, would they-

Tommy: No, not fallen angels, this time it is youkai. Could be a werewolf too.

Sesa: Then what are we to do about it?

Tommy: Do what we do best, We hunt!

Sesa: Youkai, werewolves too?

Bradley: Exactly, you don't seem like a hunter!?

Sesa: Huh! No, well I've killed my share of evil. ( Who knew so many teens like me are killers. )

Bradley : I see, It looks like you know a bit about the supernatural. What do you do?

Sesa: How about we leave? I need to meet Mr A. Astoroth for Craft Hunter Go. Yeah, I mainly use swords and guns.

Tommy: Same here, cool!

Okay, I somehow felt I'll be stuck here. Maybe I'll be stuck in this place if I don't move things along. Soon after we began moving. I told them of my experiences. Likewise Tommy was bragging about his kills. This got me interested in the hunter job. Thus, I ended up inquiring more on the subject.

Hunters, they are a special class of humans that gave their all in hunting evil creatures. Although devils and such are to be considered evil, these hunters seem to have some discrimination as not all creatures of the dark are evil. Actually not all hunters are pure humans. Majority are but there are some that have some mix in their blood. In addition to that knowledge, amongst humans with pure DNA construct only those that had affinity with God's plan were born with sacred gears.

Bradley: That's how it is. Hunters were around even when the three factions were at each others throat.


Believe it or not, I walked with these two hunters... for about 45 minutes. I did get to learn about some things. This town is going through a rough patch. Over the past couple years many deaths or persons gone missing has happened. No one knew what was happening. Excorcists from the nearby church began making investigations in secret, still, not much has changed. It was like that until Craft Hunter Go was introduced.

Who introduced that game? It was uncertain at the time. The first breakthrough in the investigation happened when a kid was saved from a beast like creature. A certain man alone found the culprit and he even disposed of that nasty being. The game appeared afterwards.

Was it coincidence? Had it been fate? That man did everything thing himself when he saved the kid but many bore witness to it. Those witnesses weren't ordinary people, they carried the pride of hunters.

When the church couldn't solve the problem, naturally hunters became interested. Although not many heard about the series of events thst occurred in the previous years, those that did gathered for the sole purpose of hunting. Unfortunately, the church didn't have any leads and in turn the hunters never made progress. Months went by until a lead appeared out of nowhere and when the hunters followed it they found a man thrashing a werewolf of a beast single handedly.

That man turned to the hunters and introduced a miraculous game that can identify supernatural beings along with their ranks. Craft Hunter Go.

It was an amazing story, I heard it with quite a broad mind. After all, I know exactly how powerful that man in the story is. I, Sesa, haven't personally witnessed it but I know DxD. That man in the story that Bradley told is the man I have to meet. A. Astaroth.

Finally arriving at our destination, I see an empty district as I observe the area around me. Turning back, I stare at the building before me. At first sight it looks like an abandoned building but only those who know about Craft Hunter Go will know that this building is very different inside.

Bradley and Tommy lead the way inside as I follow behind.

As expected, inside was marvelous, lively and carried the sense of heroism. I can tell that that no one here is ordinary in anyway. Walking in, Bradley and Tommy attracted attention then got ignored. When I walked behind them everyone's attention focused on me.

????: Normal human, must be another hunter that got news of the game.

All the hunters in the building checked me through the phone. That game is really worthwhile but it wasn't able to tell the real me. I had Concealment and Camouflage active after all.

Bradley: Look, there's the reception! From there you can get the game directly downloaded.

Sesa: Thanks.

'Made it' , I think to myself as I feel that I've gotten closer to my goal. The receptionist is at the other end of the building. Walking fast will take me less than a minute. There's no rush, instead I casually make my way to the counter.

Ddraig: (Wait, stop! Lets get out of here.)

S.Sesa: (What happened to you?)

Ddraig: (I will tell you but we must leave first, Sesa lets go.)

Sesa: No.

S.Sesa: ( Don't bother changing our plans. Tell us what's up. )

Ddraig: ( It's her, I can feel it. )


Power of the Mask of Deception went full throttle. Over my face the gear materialized. Of course no one reacted to this since the mask was camouflaged. I immediately bacame alert. Never have I seen Ddraig, the great dragon emperor, show alarm. My attention went into Detect, the skill provided by the cursed gear.

All around me I pick up the traces of humans. Not all are purely human, some of these men and women exhibited auras of magic, devils and the like. I should definitely be able to sense who put Ddraig on the edge.

Originally I was making my way to the receptionist but now stopped dead in my tracks. I turned and turned again trying to pick up the danger. No hostility was aimed at me, at least not yet. What was I looking for, Ddraig didn't say? Suddenly I sensed something, it was a faint feeling. An aura that was similar to the Red Dragon Emperor yet not quite the same.

I follow the direction that the Mask of Deception pointed out to me and glance towards the one that had the pure dragon aura.

On the second floor leaning on the balcony was a woman, a young one at that. Even though I say young, she definitely was older than me in appearance.

Pale blue hair, dark blue eyes, even the clothes worn by her is blue. I can't believe my eyes, that young beauty, she is suppressing herself so that not even the game'Craft Hunter Go' will pick up her identity. She almost fooled me if not for Ddraig's tantrum. How can I not recognize that beautiful maiden in blue? Someone who can fight on par with Ddraig and Albion in the short term. She is none other than the strongest of the dragon kings

Sesa: She is Tiamat.

Author: AnantaKesh


1) Crossing Over: Chronicles of DxD ( fan fiction)

2) Phantom Instinct ( original )

3) _ ( coming soon )

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