
Crossing Over: Chronicles of DXD

This is fan fiction---- When Sesa woke up he found himself in a new world. To be precise, it is the inner realm of what he thought to be a sacred gear. Boy, was he surprised to hear the words sacred gear, cause you know what that means? When he left his gear's world and entered the actual one, that's when his journey began crossing over 'DxD' and find a way back from where he came.... And create a harem along the way, beginning with her!!! Will post on royalroad.com

Sesa_Naga · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

A Deal with Satan

"Follow me and don't lag behind."

Said Tia as turned in the direction of the elevator. All of a sudden she bacame startled.


Great Dragon King Tiamat is looking at me, Sesa Purusa, disturbed. Again she turned her head to face Second Sesa only to see him become transparent and eventually disappearing as if he hadn't existed.

S.Sesa: Don't forget, we have a deal.

My double says that right before disappearing. Tiamat has an awkward look on her face when she turns back to me.

Tia: You're aren't as simple as it seems. That's good, I can have hope in getting my treasure back... Follow me.

Tia gives me a hearty smile and leads me to the elevator. I'm behind her, if something happens, it will be easy for me to escape. I don't think she will do anything to me though. I'm helping her get her treasure so I should be relatively safe. That's not all, since Ajuka Beelzebub helped her once and she's returning the favor, I can safely say the this dragon king has good integrity.

Of course these aren't the only reasons for me to be behind a maiden in blue. I'm also training myself in the proper use of 'Penetrate'.

By focusing my red dragon ability on my eyes I can now see through the Great Dragon King's clothing. Hehe, what I see is pretty nice.

One of Tia's specialities is that she is good at shape shifting, with that I can see how good she is at it. Staring at her naked body a twitch is happening in my pants. "She turned her human form to be essentially perfect", I mutter.

S.Sesa: She is well endowed

Ddraig: I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Tia: Did you say something?

"Huh! No, just admiring your shape shifting ability." I say that because that is the truth, her shape shifting is incredible.

Tiamat glances at me with a seductive smile as if she knows what I'm thinking, even if she looks young, she is indeed very senior and with that seniority comes experience.

Tia leads me to the elevator, this time her cat walk is a little more exaggerated. Before my eyes I can see those fleshy buns now tremble at every step. Would she still do as she is doing now if she knew I can see her naked? I can't give a definite answer as my knowledge of her is very superficial. She did appear only a few times in the later volumes of DxD.

She entered the elevator and turns to face the door, pressing a button on the panel. I walk in beside her, at the same time the full front view of her invades my vision, Tiamat is well proportioned, not exaggerated like Rias or Gabriel but just as well refined. Her fun bags is just the right size to fit the palm of my hands.

We going up the elevator.

Standing next to this blue headed beauty, it's getting harder to resist the awakened dragon that's in my jeans.

But I manage anyways. I have to. The one next to me is the strongest of the dragon kings and Ddraig is present in my gear. Instead of embarrassing myself I can merely suffer in silence...

Reaching the top floor the doors of the elevator opens. The place we've come to happens to be the roof of the building.

Aside from a small garden and a table and chair set, nothing else catches my eye. "There nothing here." My opinion is spoken out aloud.

Tia: We are going there to meet Ajuka, all you have to do is follow.

I look at where Tiamat is pointing. Her hand is raised straight up at the sky pointing her index finger to the heavens.

I didn't get what she meant, so I asked Ddraig if he knew of anything.

Ddraig: Hmm, I'm not too sure either.... Maybe it's that place...

S.Sesa: What place?

Ddraig: It would be... the other side of the dimensional gap.

The dimensional gap? A void space that separates this world from the next. There's literally nothing in the dimensional gap or is there.

"Dimensional gap?"

Tia: So you even know about that.

Tiamat leads me to an open area on the roof, it just so happens to be at the other side of the garden here. At first I didn't make out anything until I made a second look. A very faint pattern seems to be carved into floor. Under normal circumstances you would've never seen it, I just unintentionally had been looking at the floor whenever the Chaos Karma Dragon glanced my way. This design on the floor greatly resembles a magic circle. My first thoughts claim it to be a teleportation circle but it's symbols are different from the teleportation magic I've gained with Mimicry.

Tia: Normal teleportation won't get us where we need to go. Therefore Ajuka created this very specific magic format. The place we going can't be reached by normal means.

I stand next to the Dragon King, Tiamat. She begins by injecting her magic in the circle beneath us, nothing else is actually required. The coordinates of our destination is in the magical circle already. A few seconds later we vanished from the roof of the building.


I can feel my stomach churn a bit, my vision is also gone blank for the time being.

S.Seas: Urgh! What the fuck is going on?

Ddraig: In the world everyone has their physical bodys constructed by natures laws, however, we left that world and have entered the dimensional gap. Natures law never acts here. But that doesn't mean that your weak body is qualified to be in this void.

S.Sesa: It's a good thing that we have Impersonate active, a devils constitution is much higher than human.

I shake my head a bit. Once, twice... I look around, at least now I have blurred vision. A few moments ago I could only see white. Another few minutes later my vision is back to normal. I can only think that the speed of restoration is due to my devil constitution.

Tia: Not bad, I'm having more and more hope in getting my treasure back.

'What kind of treasure did this red dragon bum lose!' How can I not ask this question. I don't say it aloud, I want to pass this hurdle first and strike a deal with Satan.

????: Well, well, I cant remember when last I had a guest come here. It might have been a decade ago.

Tia: Ajuka Beelzebub!

Ajuka: For you to bring a guest here must mean something important has come up, am I right, Tiamat?

Tia: This young man has something to discuss with you, he has also promised me something in returned.

Ajuka: I see...

Right before me is none other than Satan, Ajuka Beelzebub. One of the three super devils in the underworld. He is leisurely sitting at a table scrolling a touchscreen device, casually.

Tiamat is leaving? Is she leaving me here to speak alone with the true devil? Ajuka is still focused on his device, I'm starting to feel awkward standing here in this silence. Should I speak now?

Ajuka: Is there something you need?

"I-I'm here to make a deal with the devil"

After replying to Ajuka, he stops what he's doing and stares at me with a slight smirk. Standing in front of him, I can feel the pressure of being right next to absolute power.

Ajuka: I think you watch too many movies in the human world.

Author: AnantaKesh


1) Crossing Over: Chronicles of DxD ( fan fiction )

2) Phantom Instinct ( original )

3) _ ( coming soon )

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