
Crossing Into Japan, I Meet An Eccentric Family

Lin Yuan, who died accidently, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the body of a Japanese high school student Kazuya Matsuoka. Aiming for a prestigious university, nothing can stand in his way! In my new life, I want to become a successful person! However, his life takes a subtle turn after encountering an eccentric family... "Why did I encounter you family?" Kazuya shouted. (This book is going to enter the second volume. It’s a new book for newcomers. Please support me.)

Tokinoshi · Urban
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163 Chs

Teeth Marks On The Cantaloupe

Yoko opened her lunch box. As before, the salted plums were put in the center, surrounded by dried umeboshi vegetables. She didn't eat it all at once but had to eat it three times a day. Kazuya took away a third of the vegetables with his chopsticks, and gave her half of the chicken steak, fried eggs, and side dishes in his box.

Yoko knew that Kazuya cared her very much, so she gave him a sweet smile without any intention of refusing, and even gave him the pickled plums. She had completely made up her mind, no matter what happened ten years later, she has to repay Kazuya. If she can't repay him, she will give herself to him. So share bento or something is not a problem at all now, it will be back to Kazuya in the future.

Toratoro, who was sleeping in the bathroom, smelled the smell and ran over dragging its rice bowl, squatting on one side and looking at the two owners with a flattering look on his face.

Kazuya glanced at it. This dog was either lying down or sleeping all day long. It was so idle that it was basically like a useless dog. But he didn't need to care about the dog and Yoko will do it.

These two and the dog huddled together in a small room to eat. Then Kazuya sat at the desk, and Yoko also set up camp here, lying on the tatami kicking her calves and reading a magazine.

Kazuya's low-cost room has become her second home. She was more comfortable here than at her own home and liked it very much.

Haruna came over half an hour later. She had to ask Kazuya for tutoring this afternoon. As soon as she entered the door, Yoko called her sister and brought her a towel. Haruna's expression was very depressed, and she sadly put a small bag on the tatami: "Akiho asked me brought you melons."

Kazuya couldn't help but smile. Although it was unnecessary, it could be seen that Akiho was really a girl who understood the society. However, he looked at Haruna's expression and joked: "Why are you like this? Are you reluctant to part with it?" 

Haruna cares about food very much. She will be happy to help others fight, but will not easily share food with others.

He opened the bag jokingly, and found that there were indeed three cantaloupe inside. They were about the size of an adult's fist, but there were teeth marks on each. He was a little stunned, what's going on? Has it been tested for poison or for sweetness?

Haruna sat there gloomily, maybe she felt sweaty and uncomfortable. She didn't treat Kazuya as an outsider, took off her socks directly and curled up her white feet.

She said depressedly: "I haven't eaten it! But my sister went too far. She took the melons by force and took a bite of each one. It was so rude!" She couldn't understand what was wrong with her sister.

Kazuya was speechless W.hat's going on with this crazy little radish? Demonstration?

Haruna looked at the cantaloupe, then at Kazuya and Yoko and asked hesitantly: "I don't think my sister is dirty, do you?" After asking, she waited for a while, knowing that they wouldn't eat it. She sighed, picked up one and started to nibble on it: "Next time I ask Nobi to bring two to compensate you. His family owns a fruit shop. Let me eat it all this time, don't waste it."

She sat cross-legged and gnawed guzzlingly, as if she had come to Kazuya's place in the rain just to eat cantaloupe. Kazuya was convinced by her, took out the test paper and said: "Let's Do the questions while you're eating!"

Haruna nodded: "I will try to pass this time."

Yoko had already felt that Haruna could not be a threat. She raised her fist to encourage her: "Haruna Sister, come on!"

After Haruna finished answering, Kazuya tutored her. Three hours passed in the blink of an eye. In the end, Haruna lay on the floor like a dead dog, completely powerless. She lay there motionlessly and her face was full of grievance, as if she had just been tortured.

Kazuya sighed. It's said that everything in this world requires talent, which is indeed a wise saying. He had seen Haruna in physical education class. This girl ran like a big cheerful bear and could beat his classmates for a full circle and a half. But why did she become such a pig when it came to studying?

Although it was still early for part-time work, he could no longer bear to continue to torture Haruna. He sighed and said, "That's it for today. Get up and go to the store."

Haruna got up and asked sadly: "Is there any cure for a fool like me?"

Kazuya nodded slowly to comfort her: "Of course, if you persist, you will pass the exam one day sooner or later." As for how long it will take, it's hard to say...

Haruna believed what Kazuya said. She regained some confidence and felt a little better. She said goodbye to Yoko and followed Kazuya back to the Pure Flavor House. Today Kazuya came much earlier than usual, and was about to go directly to the study. But Haruna grabbed him and said hopely: "Every time after studying, I feel so bad. Can you come with me to the dojo to play for a while?"

"I'm not going, you can go by yourself." Kazuya responded casually and prepared to part ways with Haruna at the entrance of the corridor. The Sakura family used to have a dojo, and later it was converted into a clinic and now an izakaya. However, only the front was separated and briefly decorated with necessary equipment. The rest was not even replaced, and the back was kept as it was, accounting for about one-third of the total area of the first floor, which is considered a small dojo.

But he could't move even a step. Haruna stretched out her hand and dragged him towards the other end, saying aggrievedly: "No one in the family can fight me, and it's boring to fight the dummies! I have been obedient and studied hard this afternoon, why can't you play with me for a while? We are good friends who play the harp to each other! Isn't it natural to chop each other with swords together?"

Kazuya really didn't want to go, but even though he struggled hard, he couldn't get over Haruna. She kept dragging him towards the dojo. He was really speechless. What did you eat when you grew up? Why do you have the power of a bear? !

Before he was forcibly dragged to the door of the dojo by Haruna, he heard light but dense footsteps coming from the dojo, and from time to time there was the sound of clashing bamboo swords and loud shouts. When they entered the door, they saw that Haruka was fighting fiercely with her two younger sisters, Chika and Ayaka, while Akiho was sitting on her knees and watching, holding a towel in her hand to gently dip the sweat on the side of her face.

This dojo is very small and can only accommodate one group of people to compete. Haruna let go of Kazuya in great disappointment, "Today is not a lucky day, nothing goes well."

Kazuya almost had his arm ripped off by her just now. Now he was rubbing his shoulders and had nothing to say. Whoever marries Haruna in the future will be unlucky for eight lifetimes. He must buy a full set of accident insurance and life insurance in advance! Maybe she could hug her husband's ribs directly into scum if She was excited and gave him a hug.

However, he was already here. While rubbing his shoulders, he took a closer look at the field. Haruka wearing dark red protective gear and holding a standard bamboo sword. She was shouting angrily and kept attacking at Ayaka and Chika.

But Ayaka and Chika weren't the weak either. They were covered in black and light protective gear, like two little ninjas. Their jumping movements were not slow at all. They attacked Haruka from the left and the right with extremely agile movements. More importantly, they were stabbing spears with round heads, not competing frontlt with Haruka's strength. The angle was tricky and they would step back as soon as they failed.

Haruka launched a fierce attack on one of them. Kazuya couldn't tell which one it was, the two children were exactly the same. Chika annd Ayaka clearly didn't think this was a formal kendo competition and ignored the rules of the competition at all. The one who was not attacked directly ran away and rolled like a ball. After rolling, she turned around and poked Haruka's ankle. The other one who was not attacked shot Haruka in the butt, which was very sinister and vicious.