
Crossed out

Charliehugh · Others
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I heard a scream it was one I knew all to well but not personally this kid was all over the news about a year ago

Percy jackson

I hopped the fence and sprinted down the street and yanked off my Safire necklace with a tug the silver cordes of the necklace twisted and formed into the blade of my sword I gripped the celestial silver handle turning my nuckles white as I saw the owner of the scream he was hunched over and coughing up blood my instincts told me to jump and jump I did narrowly missing the horns of a minotaur I flew over carful not to step on the broken glass of a car windshield I scooped up Percy and flew over to my house carful not to let James see the bloody mess known as Percy I landed right outside our fence

I grunted man was Percy heavy "stay here I'll be right back with the first aid kit " all I got was a small moan in response

"MOOOOM wheres the first aid kit " I waited for her answer

"in the bathroom James skinned up his knee "

"thanks mom " I sprinted back out side and walked through the fence "what the "i muttered finding Percy gone from where I set him

"how can you do that "I heard a voice from behind me I whipped around so fast I might as well have whiplash

"what " confused I stared dumbfounded at a Percy that looked good as new "I should be asking you the same thing " I crossed my arms

"well" he scratched the back of his neck "let's start with proper introductions shall we "he exstended his hand and I shook it "the names Percy Jackson "

"Charlie Hugh "