
Crossed in The World of Cultivation and Become an Unmatched Fairy

Wen Shan'er an ordinary female office worker crossed into an adult novel "Wen Shuang's Journey" that she read after being tricked by the system. But then, she enjoyed her life in this cultivation world because not only she was surrounded by many handsome guys, she also have an exciting journey to become unmatched fairy in term of appearance and strength. This is the story about her journey to become a fairy and built her harem with assistance of the system. WARNING! 18++ CONTENT *This novel's cover is not made by me!

GlamorousLife9to5_ · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 3 Ancient Lion Beast

After Mother Wen and Father Wen left her room, Wen Shan'er began to chatting with the system.

'System, do you have a books about my cultivation roots?'

"Yes, Host. System have book tittled The Legendary Rarest Cultivation Roots that containts rarest cultivation roots, how to cultivate it and what's their weakness. It costs 1.000 points. Does host want to rent from the system first?. Maximum amount of rent is 5.000 points and host can relax that system doesn't apply any taxes." System explained

'Aish, because i'm talking to you and talking to myself inwardly, you can know what i'm thinking. But that's good, we can have close relationship this way. Okay i want to rent first.'

"Ding! Succeeded to buy The Legendary Rarest Cultivation Roots Book. Host, system also recommend host to buy Daily Technique Spells Book as well. All cultivator have this skills that they use in their life. It costs 200 points. Does host want to borrow from the system?"


"Ding! Succeeded to buy Daily Technique Spells Book. Host points : -1200"

After that, the books entered her head, then disappeared and she can understood the whole contents every word. As if it's carved in her brain.

"Wow! It's amazing." She murmured amazedly while continue reading in her brain.

After she finished reading Daily Technique Spells Book and remembered it, she began to read The Legendary Rarest Cultivation Roots Book. Then, she know how to pratice her cultivation roots. She needs to comprehend the concepts of spaces and make a contract with beasts through her spiritual aura to improve her space galaxy and beast wild roots into level 1. She also needs to absorb from purple, dark blue, soft blue, bright red and brown colored spirituals aura for each purple thunder, red iced, blue nirwana, ordinary fire and ordinary wood roots to advance into level 1. After all the cultivation roots reach level 1, she only have to stabilize it and she will become cultivator at building foundation stage.

'System, where's the place that have many beasts and spiritual aura?'

"It's in the Wunan Forest, host. It takes 2 days to reach there by carriage."

'Haa so long, how can i ask my parent's permission to go in there.'

'Ah, it's time to use beauty trick, fufu'

"Uncle guard, can i go out?" She said pitifully to the guard at the entrance gate.

"I-i'm sorry, Miss. Master prohibited Second Miss to go out." Said Tianhao while blushing.

He's an intermediate cultivator level 3 with gold cultivation root

He's 30 years old and loyal to Wen family because he was an orphan that was bought and promoted by the head of Wen family. The head of Wen family arranged to become a guard because he trusted him.

"But i wanna go out just for a while. I never go out these time. Can't i go? Just for a while. If uncle's worried about me, you can follow me. Because uncle is powerful isn't it?" She said expectantly while staring at Tianhao unblinkingly.

"Okay Miss, but it's only for a while and subordinate will follow Miss." Tianhao surrendered while looking at her helplessly.

Then Wen Shan'er and Tianhao went out. First, Wen Shan'er dragged him to the pharmacy.

"Miss, are you feeling unwell? Let's go back" He asked worriedly.

"No, i'm okay, Uncle. I'm not that weak. I just want to buy herbal tea and some daily necessity because i'm at my period right now and i forgot about it. Can you wait for me outside, Uncle?" She said pretending to be embarrassed.

"Oh-ah, okay, Miss" He said flusteredly

After he left, she ordered sleep powder. Then she took her purse and paid. After that she walked out from the store and dragged Tianhao to a cake shop. She asked him to search places for them to sit while she ordered cakes. Before bring it to their place, she pour sleep powder in his cake. Actually culvivators sense is higher than mortals. If he smells carefully, he'll find out. But because Wen Shan'er always make him blushing, he didn't even realize it. After he ate the cake, he fell asleep at the cafe. Wen Shan'er simply put him into her space. Even though she not yet become a cultivator, her space galaxy still have no spititual aura space as big as ordinary room that can be used to accomodated a person. The higher her cultivation, the bigger and richer spiritual aura in her space will be.

Then Wen Shan'er changed her clothes into black loose ordinary male clothes, tied her hair and she become handsome boy. After that she went to Danyian Pavilion to loan carriage and the driver and started her journey to Wunan Forest. She was not worried about Dad and Mom Wen because she left recording stone beside her bed that she said she will back at home 2 weeks later. She also said that she bring a guard with her so they will not worried.

During her journey, of course many people have ill intentions toward her. But she solved them using many medium weapons from her storage ring. 2 days later, she arrived at the entrance of the forest. She asked the driver to waited for her in the nearby inn after she paid the bill. Then she went deep into the forest with many spiritual power gathered and absorbed it. After 5 hours, she succeeded improved her blue nirwana, ordinary fire and ordinary wood roots to advance into level 1. It was night after she stabilized all of her cultivation roots. Then she climbed up on the big and tall tree and borrowed points from the system to buy The Secret Technique of Alchemist Book costs 500 points. She study it and plan to make some pills in case she's injured. After that she fell asleep on the tree.

In the next day, she searched the materials for making Safe Living Pill and Energy Pill. Safe Living Pill can cures the the injured cultivator who close at death while Energy Pill can help cultivator restore their energy. After gathering all the materials needed into her storage, she took out the high defend weapon from her storage ring Ancient Turtle Shell. It can withstand the attack from later master stage cultivator twice. She enter the shell that as big as ordinary room that can only contained 1 small bed. Then she began concentrated on controlling ordinary fire and ordinary wood flow out from her median and make pills.

After 3 hours, the sky suddenly became gloomy and 2 thunders from the sky attack Ancient Turtle Shell where she was. After 2 thunders fall from the sky, the sky become bright again.

"Finally, i can refined 2 Live Saving Pills and 3 Energy Pills at once. And all of them are level 2 Hehehe." She said excitedly while walking out from broken Ancient Turtle Shell.

It was afternoon when she finished refinining pills. She caught rabbit near her and grilled and seasoned it with some seasoning powder that she made from chili and black paper. She also added honey from the hive that she took from a tree last night.

"Yumm.. It's so delicious. Even though it's kinda missing some taste because i don't have salt. But it's still delicious" She said after tasting the meat.

After eating, she recalled the science knowledge about galaxy when she was in high school to try whether she can use this method to comprehend the space. And the result was satisfactory. It worked and she improved to level 2 instantly. But all of her body feel like broken because normally person with 2 cultivation roots will only reach 1 level for each. Besides that even person with 2 cultivation roots are very rare in this continent. But for Wen Shan'er who have 7 cultivation roots is simply against heaven. So she have to bear the consequence. That's her body will feel hurt when cultivation level from one or severe roots are higher than the other roots. But it also has advantage which after the excessive cultivation from one root or more can be stabilized, it will make her stronger without waiting to improve into the next stage of cultivation.

After she stabilized her space galaxy space in 1 hour, she cleaned her body with cleaning technique and climbed up on the tree and prepared to sleep. But when she was about to close her eyes, she heard beast roaring nearby.


Then she went to that direction. And she saw lion ancient beast was giving birth to lion baby. It looks exhausted while the baby is not yet come out. So she approach it and planned to give it Energy Pill.

"Mortal!! Don't come near here!" Lion ancient beast roared at her vigilantly. But after detected that she are just mortal with no ill intentions, it just stares at her silently. Mature ancient beasts who more than 10.000 years old can speak by nature. But only human with cultivation root can have contract with it. Other beasts can be contracted by human with no cultivation roots through the help of beast tamer.

"Don't worry, i just want to give you this Energy Pill to you so that you will regain your energy." She said while walking towards it slowly.

Seeing that pill, the lion ancient beast stopped talking. Acquiescence to her approach.

"This is for you, swallow it." She said while giving it the pill.

"You can leave now!" Said the lion beast.

"But i wanna watch how beasts giving birth to a baby." She said pitifully.

"Do you never see how beast giving birth?" It retorted agains her.

"No, this is my first time to go out from my house. My parents prohibited me from go out, so i sneaked out." She said honestly.

The lion beast only looked at her blankly. It ignored her and continue to giving birth. After successfully giving birth to her baby, she rest.


"Wow it's so cute. But why didn't it speak like you?" She said while touching the baby.

"Where are you from actually? How can you didn't know this common knowledge? Only ancient beasts that has coltivated for 10.000 years can speak. So this baby need to cultivate for 10.00 years first and then it can speaks. Even though it can't speaks right now, every ancient beasts from birth can detect whether this person have ill intention or not toward them. They will escape when they detect slightly ill intention." Lion ancient beast explained to her.

"Oh so you are ancient beast? Lion ancient beast? Do you want to be my contracted pet? I have beast cultivation root and other roots. Even though i only cultivate for 2 days, i will become stronger in the future." She asked innocently. Not like other cultivator that threaten forced beasts to have contract with them. Then she touch lion ancient beast's forehead and let it know her spiritual aura. The lion ancient beast was shocked when it felt her energy.

'How can this human have be this much strong aura. If what she said is true, she will become the strongest person in this continent. Besides her character is good. I guess i have to take a bet this time.' It said inwardly.

"Okay, i agree to have a contract with you. But you to have to allow me to bring my baby as well because i can't leave it when it's still a baby. I will leave it when it can take care of itself." Said the lion ancient beasts.

"Sure. You and your baby can live in my galaxy space." She said happily.

Then after she put them into her galaxy space successfully, she went back to her original place and sleep.