
Cross-World Mixology: Bartending For Another World

Every few days somewhere in another world a bar opens up for 3 days and nights only and disappears on the 4th day. The owner and his apprentice makes drinks for any race whether you're a king, a monster, the undead, or anyone else and to anyone who accepts hospitality to be in the bar of otherworldly tastes, a bar named the Phantom Cat. Some say the owner has a secret that his own people don't know except his regulars. What secret could it be?

Sandwich_Author · Fantasy
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118 Chs

The Results Of Today

The final group of enemies are getting finished off the research group started to tally how many monsters we fought today for them to recycle their bodies and be used for potions. It may sound weird but that is how they make potions here that is helpful for the majority of us. And we do owe them a lot so far for their accurate predictions.

They're pretty much the MVP of this war as of right now since they never miss their mark when it comes to numbering the amount of monsters and we're currently escorting them around the field to check if there's any monsters that tries to play dead. While we investigate we found a lot of them just piled on I can probably predict about 100-300 on a single pile which is a lot and there are more than we could actually count with our hands.

"Hmmm... Seems like we've gotten more than we've anticipated." Said Zen.

"What do you mean by that?"

"The body count is in the 300,000 is from the estimation." Said Zen.