
Cross-World Mixology: Bartending For Another World

Every few days somewhere in another world a bar opens up for 3 days and nights only and disappears on the 4th day. The owner and his apprentice makes drinks for any race whether you're a king, a monster, the undead, or anyone else and to anyone who accepts hospitality to be in the bar of otherworldly tastes, a bar named the Phantom Cat. Some say the owner has a secret that his own people don't know except his regulars. What secret could it be?

Sandwich_Author · Fantasy
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118 Chs

A Slimy Experience

I'm finally getting used to the cross-world travel we're doing and we arrive at a peculiar world where there are slimes outside... What in the world are we in right now?

"Seems like you're surprised again, ay, Vic?" Said Mr. Erik.

"Woah, Master you're up early?"

"Well we're gonna have guests over. We won't have customers today again by the way. Just prepare yourself up and clean outside. Other than that you can man the drinks." Said Mr. Erik.

"Who are the guests though Master? You know so I can identify them once they arrive."

"Our guests aren't royalty so you can be chill with them. Plus they're just friends coming over." Said Mr. Erik.

"You really have tons of friends huh, Master."

"Sooner the later they'll become your friends as well. Don't worry about the tiny details, just man the station for now and I'll handle the rest as usual." Said Mr. Erik.

"Sure thing oh. Master what should I tell Katie about the guests?"