
New Earth, New Home

"Well, that's a bit unexpected," Akira with blank expressions said.

Currently, the day had turned into the night already, with the gloom aura still floating in the air, the night felt different from the usual, as all the player was already dispersed and do their own activity inside the town.

"I think that's more than unexpected," Shiroe answered before he took a sip of ale from his cup.

"Since the game was all about Sword Skill alone, and doesn't use magic. We ought to think that magic is impossible, but now we referred to as "Transported into another world", we forgot to include Magic as a possibility."

"Hate to admit it, but four-eyes were right even if beating the game is not impossible, but what the guy from this afternoon said, does make sense. We don't know anything aside from that we still had the game system helping us, and the NPC turned into a human..." Sora said as he took a look outside the windows of the room their meeting was held.


It all happened just right after Yukari transported the remaining of Aincrad first floor including the Town of Beginning to a plain that was surrounded by green forest that felt eerie for some reason. After some observation, we actually decided to go out to test the water. But were stopped by the town guards that from what Kayaba said already out of their behavior patterns as they could interfere and declining what the player said, and after some digging Kayaba concluded that an A.I like that is too complex and impossible, and only could be achieved by Human.

And it became confirmed after many confirmations from the other player that spread in town saying the same things happened with the other NPC. So as the chat feature still working, Kayaba makes an announcement to all the player that the NPC to be treated as the same because they are human now.

Of course, it became a hot topic immediately as it won't sit well with them, it's like telling that we cannot ride a horse just because its fall under animal abuse, that's like erasing their mean of existence. But now it is much worse than that, the usual NPC that could be respawned upon death doesn't have any intelligence, and doesn't have consciousness, now gained all of that we as the player need to accept it as this was the doing of what those proclaimed 'Gods' do.

The silent air was broken when the door was opened.

"Ugh, it's not good." Junichiro walks inside the room followed by a sigh.

"The people of Aincrad does not know anything besides what we know..." Junichiro began to talk about what he found out after some investigation, .

The people of Aincrad is the former NPC that now regained consciousness and becomes human. Since now the players were living in the new world, and regained their human bodies there's something they need sooner, and that is food.

When lives inside Aincrad, even if they don't eat it won't be a problem to them if the real body gets enough food to sustained survivability. And with that function gone, now they need to found the resource to fulfill their primary need.

If this was a game, you could probably just bought it on NPC, and you won't get to see it would run out of stock and doesn't need to thought about it either. Because it just data and could be generated as much as they like. But now we were talking about reality, and after confirmation from the Inn owner, what we feared comes true.

The food stock running low, the people of Aincrad said that their food came from the farms outside the town, but now that the town is the only things left they also don't know what to do.

"So? Why are all of you in my room!" Sora remarks as he got bothered by the presence other than his sister that sleeping on the bed.

"Well, well, don't be like that. Aren't we comrade that already gone through life and death?" Akira ignoring Sora remarks.

"Life and Death my ass, we just know each other this afternoon!"

"For me, that's good enough to become friends." as Akira said that, Sora fell silent and just murmuring to himself.

"Well I guess that's it from today," sitting up from his chair, Akira turned back as he walks toward the door. When he reaches the doorknob, he turned back and look at Shiro who is sleeping soundly on the bed and said.

"I just hope, there won't be any more surprise until tomorrow."

"Come out, we've got emergency." Kayaba slammed the door open, as he told everyone with serious expressions. Shiroe and Junichirou were shaking their head with a smile, while Sora was laughing so hard he held his stomach while pointing behind the door, where Kayaba realized the source of the problem was.


"So what happen?" Akira said while Shiroe gives him first-aid for his nosebleed.

"Around 19.00pm there were a sighting of some Players that goes out of town." Kayaba grimmly said.

After hearing that, the other 3 were silent and already guessing what probably happens after.

"Then what happened?" Akira ask in puzzlement as he doesn't really thought about it too deeply.

"You better take a look for yourself," Then Kayaba lead the 4 other to a room that had foul stench that coming out from it, the smell was quite bad even before entering, the 4 were very repulsive toward it.

What they saw inside the room is a large wooden table placed on the middle of the room, on top of the table were supposedly a weird shaped figure that covered with white cloth. The figure had it's leg coming out from the cloth, so we could guess that it was a human. But it this was a human, there is something amiss with this one, because after bottom half of its body the cloth that supposed to cover the upper half were not covering the body, but covering the table as beyond the bottom half there's nothing to be covered.

I actually wanted to release this yesterday, but because of a job, there was no time to finish editing it.

Please give your comment and input! Happy reading.

Mr_Appurucreators' thoughts