
The value

Do you guys ever wondered that guy with the short height and skinny going to his high school and someone tease him by his looks and they just cross their limits, then what happend?

This is a story of a boy who grows alone his perents were died in the car accident their is no one who take care of him, so he was just 11 years old he decided to walk alone with himself he likes dancing so he started a dance to pay his school bills, his looks was so different I mean he don't even have eyebrows, and he was so skinny that he flows away with wind, imagine this boy bully in a school, he bully so many times then he decided to go to the gym he works hard hard hard and hard one day that boy becomes a bodybuilder wow and you know every one loves him girls was so crazy for him I mean it's a very very very huge change and guess what now he bullying their coligues isn't that funny, then he knows the value of a good shaped.