
Cross Heart Adventurers

In an age where adventuring is the biggest profession, Paolo G. Rigards has set out on an adventure to become the greatest adventurer on a promise he had with his childhood friend. Alongside his newly acquired crew, he goes on an adventure of a lifetime, collating ranks, building rivalries and angering every pillar at the top of the world. Join Paolo as he causes trouble around the world alongside his crew, the Cross Heart Adventurers.

jessica_egbuchua · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

The man who will become the Greatest Adventurer

Paolo G. Rigards could handle most things, but continuous nagging wasn't one of them. The people on his small island, Deus Island found east of the country of Manu, went on and on about how he should eat and sleep well as well as how he shouldn't cause trouble.

Paolo yawned, his brown eyes resisting the urge to roll. He had known them for all the sixteen years of his life, but could never get used to their constant scolding.

"Make sure you eat properly," Mama Lucia, the owner of the Deus Island dinner, said, pinching his cheeks. "I know how picky you can get with your food."

"Don't get in trouble," Sapin, the head of the island and the God Clan, added.

Paolo groaned, <will the torture ever end.>

"You guys should stop, his ship is waiting."

A triumphant grin spread on Paolo's lips as people parted way for Amara, his childhood friend, as she rolled her wheelchair forward. "Thanks Amara."

She shrugged, her brown hair brushing on her back. "I'm just being nice since I already lectured you yesterday."

He let out a hearty laugh, his head thrown back a little. "True."

"I-I'm going to miss you," she said, cleaning the rapid flow of tears that poured down her cheeks. "God, I said I wouldn't cry."

He crouched in front of her, gripping the arms of her wheelchair. She pulled her head down, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed. "I'm going to make our dream come true." He smiled, lifting her head. "I promise."

She sniffled, an unwilling smile curving on her lips. "I know."

He stood, turning to face the villagers. Some held their tears, biting hard at their bottom lips. Others wept, their tears enough to fill a bucket.

"Well it's time for me to go," he stated, fueling their sadness even more.

Sapin stood in front of him, placing his hand on the young boy's shoulder. His fingers curled firmly on his shoulder blades, tears prickling at the side of his eyes. "Don't fail the God clan."

"I won't."

He turned his back on them, not once looking back to see their tears or their proud smiles. He cast his eyes forward. Forward to his dream. Forward to adventure.


The sea was calm. So calm no one thought it necessary to leave their room. Paolo, not classified under no one stood at the end of the main deck, enjoying the ocean breeze. His black hair riddled with curls failed to move with the heavy breeze, his dark blue beach shirt clinging to his caramel skin.

His peace got interrupted by a yelp, the unwarranted sound causing him to jump. He tilted his head backward, wondering what the commotion was about. A boy about twelve stood in the middle of three tall teenage boys, probably eighteen.

The three towered over the younger boy, laughing and taunting him like a hyena would a small rabbit before it chewed it out.

One of them flicked his forehead, leaving red on his pale white skin. "If you can't do anything properly, do you really think you can have your own ship."

The boy blinked back tears, his nose threatening to run. "I-I really want to be one."

One of them grabbed the white sailor's hat on his head, his blonde hair falling over his face. The hat landed on the ground, the three trampling on it like a hoard of rhinos.

"You four quit playing and get back to work."

The four yelped at the booming voice of Franco, the captain of the ship. The plump man walked towards them, his white shirt struggling to fit over his round belly.

Deciding it was a bad idea to disobey him, the boys ran off, including the twelve year old, leaving Paolo with the captain. The man tipped his white hat, revealing his shaggy brown hair. "I'm sorry for the behavior of my crew."

Paolo put his hands in his black shorts. "It's fine."

"It's rare to see a young lad like you out at sea?"

Paolo grinned, all his pearly whites on full display. "I'm going to gather comrades to help me become the greatest adventurer."

The captain's eyebrows furrowed, it was rare for someone to make such extravagant claims. "How are you so certain?"

Paolo's smile never faltered, his pride in his dream and determination to reach his goal brimming in his eye. "Because I am."


As if the god of the sea had been angered by the sheer existence of mankind, a giant sea dragon rose from the deepest pits of the ocean to cause absolute chaos on deck. Using its tail, it caused ripples upon ripples on the ocean, shaking the ship to its very core.

Its roar pierced through the air, sending the people on deck in a frantic mess. A cleric on the deck, held up his cross and prayed like his life depended. People pushed past the spiritually cornered old man, not wanting to die.

Paolo whistled, staring at the scaly monster, its bluish green body looking darker under the orange sun. "That's one big monster, bigger than the ones back home."

The young boy he had met earlier on deck ran towards Paolo. "U-um sir, we're preparing life boat we have to-"

"Forget about that, I'll help you."

The boy blinked, processing what he just said then cleared his throat. "Um… are you sure about that sir."

Paolo nodded. "Take care of the passengers um…"

"C-Curtis… it's Curtis."

Paolo smiled. "I'll leave it to you then."

Curtis nodded and ran off to attend to the passengers, looking back at him once in a while to check if he was okay.

Franco frowned as Paolo stood in front of the ship, unmoved by the chaos. "Hey kid what are you doing? You have to…"

Paolo tuned him out, kissing the silver cross chain with a ruby heart in the middle around his neck, <now what power will I get.>

He crossed his hands, a sudden vibration spreading throughout his body and his eyes glowing a brilliant gold, <Adapt.> The dragon hissed louder almost as if it was annoyed that Paolo wasn't afraid of it and moved in to pierce its teeth into the boy.

It all happened really fast. He jumped, his fists making contact with the monsters stomach. The monster's pain filled roar filled the air, its dark red blood splashing on deck and diluting in the water.

Eyes and mouths widened as the monster's carcass landed with a plop into the ocean. A hearty laugh interrupted their shock, Paolo standing with his hands on his hips and his head titled backwards.

"That was fun."

"What was that?" Curtis breathed.

Franco pointed at the chain on Paolo's neck. "He is a member of the God Clan."

Curtis gasped. "The clan blessed by God."

Franco nodded before joining Paolo to laugh, the passengers worrying about the growing madness on the ship, <another God Clan member huh, the seas are going to be in deep trouble.>

Paolo turned to Curtis abruptly, making him jump. "Told you I would handle it."

"W-who are you?"

He grinned, his thumb in the air. "Paolo, Paolo G. Rigards."


On the roof of a dojo in Lutas Island, an island not too far from Paolo's home island, a man clad in all white with a cross on his forehead and wings of pure white feathers watched a young boy with flowing black hair drink water on the porch.

His green yukata stuck to his sweaty body as he gulped down the water like his life depended on it.

"Shinzo!" called a feminine voice from inside the dojo.

The boy rose to his feet, looking around before stepping in. "Yes…"

The man clad in white looked up at the darkening sky, a drop landing on his white skin, <the tides have been set.>

Remember to leave comments, power stones (if you can) and a nice little review.

Note: I use a lot of <>, this represents characters thoughts since the platform doesn't support italics. I hope it isn't too jarring and enjoy.

jessica_egbuchuacreators' thoughts