

A teenage boy during a party with his friend,is injected a serum with the power to code anything in real life as a programmer in a computer ,he can change everything like brick to money etc.What will this man do to achieve this ?

Maybe_Set · Fantasy
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27 Chs

First Day Training

After traveling some days, we finally arrived at Slen's home, which was in USA, California. "Make yourself at home, son. Don't worry about the food or anything, since I have spent some money to get this small house." That's what I thought at first, but then when he used his crodator powers, the ground became an elevator. We came down to the ground floor. I was kinda surprised since there were even elevator numbers like -100. I was getting curious, but then we arrived at our destination. All the room was covered by moss, as though it has been used before. Also, at the end of the room, there was a small waterfall. "Look Rion, I know this must be hard for you, but your role now is really important since it has been more than 50 years since I came down in this room." (I knew it hasn't been used in 50 years.) "This will be our training room since moss can be the most delicate plant, so I want you to focus enough with your powers of coding and try to change the size of the moss. Don't worry, I am by your side. If you don't do it right, I will help you." "Ok Slen, I will do my best. Here I go..." *moss in bigger size, moss in bigger size, moss in bigger size* Explosion! "My son, don't lose your patience. You can do it." "Before trying it again, I would like to know your limits of using crodator, so if you don't mind, try to do it each time you do it." (Rion blackouts) "Hm, 10 times. Not bad. At my age, like you, I could only do it once a day and couldn't even cause an explosion. Well, guess this is it for today. I will go out for some time to cook some food." 1 day after, "Huh, my head. What happened?" "Uh, yes, I blacked out for trying too much. Where is Slen though?" (Hmm, that moss seems weird.) Slen: "I'm out to cook food for us. Will be back soon." "Ok, fine. Now, if I remember correctly, my limit was 10. But should I try to use it again today? Maybe not, since Slen isn't here."

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