
Crocodile Tears

“Whoever marries the princess will become emperor.” A twist of fate brought them together. Born a curse, she was cast away from the royal family. But when the kingdom needed an alliance with the Northern barbarians, she was the one to marry. As the second son, he had no right to become heir. Yet in the face of war and politics, he was always the first to fight for the country. To her, he was a barbarian. To him, she was a pawn. But under the guise of the prophecy, they pretended to be the most affectionate couple. In front of others, they were the ever-flirting Prince and Princess Consort of Jin. But behind closed doors, they plotted for their own means. Was it really all no more than an act? Or was there a bit of truth to their fabricated devotion? They were unwilling puppets, each trying to break free from the invisible strings of fate. Only, when the stage finally fell, it was to chaos. In the end, she no longer knew if her tears were for him or the irony of it all. _____ Excerpt: He finally stopped in front of me. “Can I trust you?” Subconsciously, something inside me willed me to nod. Perhaps it was the knowledge that I was to be bound to him until death. Or maybe it was the awareness of how this marriage was much more than a simple union between two people. He moved slowly, waiting for another nod of my approval before closing the gap further. “You’re a smart one, somehow seeing through most of my guises.” He reached out and gently caressed my cheeks. “True love doesn’t exist in the royal family, but it seems as if we are the perfect match for partnership.” He leaned in as if to kiss me, instead stopping short at eye level. “Help me put on my act.” _____ Crocodile Tears: Insincere expressions of sorrow. _____ Cover: Manipulated by Photoshop but all photo credits to their original artists on Pinterest

Jenjibread · History
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Update Notice

Hiiiii thank you so much to everyone that is still reading this story!!!

If it wasn't obvious, I'll be taking a break on this story to better adapt it to Webnovel expectations. Slash, I got some comments about what readers were taking away about the Sui dynasty based on what I wrote, and it wasn't exactly what I had intended. So I've been working on the chapters without publishing them yet.

I've kinda started a side writing account for now, and I've been working on a new ongoing story titled "Transmigrated as the Emperor's Nanny." If you are interested, please support it! I've been actually updating it pretty consistently, and it's more of a mystery/fantasy romance/royal romance under a fictional historical setting.

Please give it a chance! And if that does well, I'll hopefully begin reupdating Crocodile Tears as well. Thank you so much for all your support so far!


Former master assassin, Code X, wakes up as a 74 year old woman dressed in ancient clothing. Instead of a toned body and youthful features, she now finds herself with the body of a grandma, complete with a walking stick, white hair, and bad eyes!

How did she end up with this situation? Simple — this was karma for all the blood on her hands. To atone for her past sins, she now has to save lives. The more lives she saves, the younger she becomes! But this is not as simple as it looks, not when she finds herself reincarnated in a warring kingdom plagued by death and crime.

So when she saves the life of a young boy, she does not expect his next words: "Thank you, beautiful elder sister."

When she touches him, she momentarily regains her youth? But wait, this poor-looking boy is the Crown Prince? And she is now his nanny? What will she have to do to escape this weird situation?