

Laurel-Rose Madison is a young woman who was impregnated at a young age by a billionaire's son, David Edward. He had participated in a bet with his friends that dared him to sleep with Rose (as she was called then) before she graduates from high school. Rose who was innocently in love with David fell into the trap and had herself mocked after the sex. Weeks later she finds out she was pregnant. She went through thick and thin to take care of herself and child after her family deserted her. Now, years later, the same person that ruined her life is back to destroy the calm life she'd built for herself and her daughter. But this time, she's determined not to let go without a fight.

Lovely_Tatiana · Urban
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50 Chs


David started eating the food without so much as a glance towards the person on the other end of the table. He was more concentrated in enjoying his dinner than letting himself get bothered by little issues he could handle.

Cheryl on her part was busy watching him as she ate. she couldn't help but wishing things could go back to how they were before. There was a time David cherished her so much he'd do anything for her. Although he'd always told her that his love for her was never the kind that would have them date each other but he loved her like he loved his sister or maybe a little more. But he could never date her, cos it wasn't like that for him.