

“On one side is the law and on the other side is his deep love for me . He treats me like an empress but for me ,I sob each night because at the end of it all ,I will have to turn him into the authority so that the law deals with him . After all ,that was what I was assigned for ! But my heart says elsewise .....!” 26-year Jodi Sta.Maria was an underground detective who pinpointed out many crimes which were pending in the city of Beverly Glen . The new investigation carried out by the Criminal Investigation Department Group (CIDG)exposed the fraudulent and illegal activities of the Yap Art Paintings Cooperation which spread wide to almost all the continents because of its connections . The corporation which was now taken over by Richard Yap from his father,used art paintings as a cover to smuggle and sell illegal art crafts and archaeological discoveries which earned them millions . Alot of millions and lives were involved and so in order to bring the darkness to light ; Detective Jodi Sta.Maria was assigned the task to expose the illegal activities of Yap Art Paintings Cooperation . She uses her beauty to lure the young charming CEO Richard Yap into her seductive clutches with personal intentions of finding her family's true murderers and getting her vengeance. When they both couldn't control their feelings for each other anymore ,Richard wanted to elude with Jodi picturing that one day his illegal activities would be brought to light and Jodi would hate him for all the lies he had told her unknown to him that Jodi had just three days left to turn him in ,to the authorities or keep him from the authorities for the sake of her personal vengeance . Jodi is now stuck between her love and the law after thinking elsewise about Richard's innocence in her mission to gain personal vengeance. In the game of chances ,who will win and who will lose ? Love or the law or fierceful vengeance ? CRISIS OF LOVING HIM AND THE LAW (MY DETECTIVE CEO WIFE ]

Sunnyrays · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter One

"Hi ! We happen to meet again ! First at the club and now at my favourite lunch restaurant .

Isn't this a coincidence ?!"Richard asked Jodi while drawing a seat for himself .

He looked good in his cashmere sweater coupled with a pair of suede chukka shoes .

“If you'd ask me ,I don't think it's a coincidence ,I think you are stalking me Richard Yap !'” Jodi said bluntly and continued to sip her cocktail without taking a glimpse at him .

While the women were dying to end up in his bed ,she was acting otherwise .

"Ha! I like you ! I mean I like the way you are !

You are so different from all those women who've come into my life ."Richard passed a comment bluntly .

“Why ?! Is it because you couldn't get me in your bed like you do to other women ?!

Listen Richard Yap , I've read a little about your achievements in building Yap Art Paintings Cooperation after you took over the cooperation after your father's demise .

Also ,I read boldly about how you treat women and I didn't enjoy it !

This one was for yesterday ,I don't like to owe anyone .

It's with interest and remember that not every woman fantasizes getting into your bed because some of us are immune to your charms .

Have a nice day ! ”Jodi began to walk away after dropping a few dollars on the table for Richard 's favour the night before .

This once again left Richard in a dilemma; however ,instead of getting angry ,he quickly ran after her ; something so unusual of him .

"Judi Hopps ! "Richard held onto her car door before she could bang it right in his face .

He lowered his head through the window and smiled ambivalently at her .

"Are you always like this ? Do you always drive the senses of men like this or are you just toying with me ?"Richard asked the cold burning fury Jodi ,who felt suffocated by his words .

“Well ,if you'd ask me ,I think you are the one toying with me !

Listen Mr .Man , it's impossible for any man to charm me into his bed !

I get into the bed I want because I want to , so stop this game of yours ! 

Now if you'd let go of my door , I'd be glad !”Jodi drove off right in front of Richard after she forcefully pushed his hands from the door .

Later that evening , Richard met up with his friends ;Leo and Ken at their usual spot .

"Hey men ! Sup ? "Richard exchanged his usual gestures with his friends and later engaged in a conversation with hard vodkas and whiskeys and some women as well .

"So won't you tell us how your night with your new fish went ,huh ?"Leo asked gulping his glass of vodka .

“Nothing happened ! That lady drives me nuts !

She's not like the other women at all , she's playing hard to get !

Could you believe she sped off on me ?!

Damn it !”Richard hit his fist hard on the table angrily .

"Haha! Did I just hear that she sped off on you ?!

Holy shit ! A woman dared to drive off on Richard Yap , unbelievable ! "Ken added movingly .

“Who does she think she is ?! No matter what she does ,she won't escape from my clutches !

Till date ,no woman has escaped my bed and she won't be the first to do that ! 

Trust me men ,I will surely drive her in my bed and when I do so ,she will regret messing up with me ! 

Waiter ,more drinks ! ”

"What did you say her name is again ? "Ken asked .

“Judi Hopps !”Richard added, taking in more drinks .

"Judi Hopps ! The only daughter of the Asian business tycoon Ray Hopps and the celebrity model Elleen Hopps .

She's the creative director of Hopps Cosmetics and has a PhD in Cosmetology and business management ....!"Ken continued to read the news article about Judi Hopps .

“I didn't know that she was that rich and belonging to a good family .

She's a woman of class and status !I should have known this and many more about her .

You know what guys ,see you later ,I gotta catch up with her ! ”Richard left hurriedly to put his plans in place .

"Ding ding!"The doorbell to Judi Hopps' apartment rang .

"Who could be at the door at this time of the night ?"She asked herself and walked towards the door lazily yawning .

“You ?!”She almost freaked out seeing Richard at the door .

“What the hell are you doing here in the first place ?!

And how did you know that I live here too ?!

What the hell! You're stalking me right ?! ”

"At least ,ask me to come in first and then we'd talk .

So ,can I come in now ?"Richard asked leaning against the door .

“Alright ,come in ! But make sure your reason for coming becomes of essence to me !

What can I get you ?!Water ,liquor or juice ?!

Choose your preference !”

"I would have chosen to have liquor but fortunately , there's something here that's sweeter than liquor itself and that's you !

You are the one I want ! "Richard curved his seductive lips into a smile .

“What insolence ! Have you no shame at all ,Richard Yap ?!

Now get the hell out of my house ! Get lost from my sight !

Out ! ”Judi became so furious and the atmosphere was filled with complete disgust towards Richard .

“Hey slow! You got me wrong ,okay ? What I meant was I needed you as a friend and also a business pal .

You never told me that you were the daughter of the Asian business tycoon Ray Hopps .

But anyways ,I know now so there's no need to trouble yourself telling me about it .

Look Judi ,umm! So sorry for the insolent way I behaved with you earlier .

I hope you are still not bored with me because I sincerely want us to be friends !

Good friends ! ”

"Oh please ,cut this drama short because I know and I've seen what guys of your caliber are !

You pretend to be good gents and then later ,you end up going to bed with the ladies after which ,you dump them !

I know them all so stop your little drama of trying to be good friends with me !

Do you know why ? It's because you are doing all this to get me in your bed ; something that will never happen !

Shut your little dump dreams Richard Yap ! 

Now ,get the hell out of my house and never return ! 

I hate your hippocratic face ! It's super disgusting and worth being puked out !

Argh! "