
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


"Slash slash, slash slash," a voice tainted with joy and happiness said, a wide smile on the owner's face as he went swiping the long knife in his hand into the guts of the once chubby and handsome man beneath him.

 Lying on the floor with his head turned to the side and his eyes wide open, devoid of any sense of consciousness, it was quite clear that the man being slashed was already dead but yet this clear fact seemed to have no effect on the boy who kept slashing at the man's stomach.

 With red hair already turned to a darker shade due to the blood his activities had helped him get on himself and dark blue eyes, the boy's laughter resounded through the room he was in.

 For several seconds, he went at his barbaric and near-pointless activity, seeming to have no intention of stopping, but then, a few loud feminine screams reached his ears, and with haste, he looked up.

 The madness in his eyes was gone, and rather than vigilance replacing them, they were filled with surprise.

 "Huh, so soon, damn, I got carried away."

 With a grunt, the red-haired boy stood from his position on the dead man's waist, not even sparing a glance at the man whose belly he had just mutilated.

 Within the room where the red-haired boy was, there was a table surrounded by four upturned chairs, a blood-stained carpet not too far off, and two windows and a door.

 Standing to his feet, the boy moved to the window just behind him, glanced through it with a smile, and then nodded his head.

 "The soldiers should have begun butchering by now.

 Last time I went to the hills after going to the hot springs, this time I'll go after the women, and instead of killing or trying to take off their clothes, I'll follow them to safety and then try to use the tense situation to genuinely woo them, haha, but first, the temple, no way I'm missing a look at her."

 With this thought, the boy chuckled hard, but he kept his hand over his mouth to stifle the sounds, and then sneakily looked through the window to make sure he hadn't given away his location to the group of fleeing women outside. Confirming had not been found, he turned and moved towards the other window in the room, one that was just adjacent to the window he had been looking through.

 "Well, time to go," the boy said, wiping his blood-stained hands on his clothes and walking towards the window, pushing it open with practised ease and familiarity, and with a leap, jumping through it.

 Landing on the paved floor outside and then looking left and right for good measure, he kicked his feet off the ground and began running through the back alley he had landed in.

 Wanting to keep his presence a secret at the moment, the boy kept his footsteps light and effortlessly sidestepped all the puddles and scattered items on the ground.

 This wasn't the first time he was doing this series of actions, and it wouldn't be the last.

 For him, this was the greatest gift he had ever been given, compensation for the cruel hand life had dealt him, and he had every intention of enjoying it to the fullest.

 With his swift and precise movements, the boy soon found himself out of the building to run through, the light of the full moon being the only thing waiting for him ahead.

 "Well, it seems it's moderate murder time, I hope I'm not late," the boy said, his voice tired and bored, but his eyes filled with excitement.

 Leaning close to the wall of the alley he was in, the boy swiftly took a sneak around the corner, pulling his head back and nodding.

 For three seconds, the boy kept nodding, seeming to be rhyming to some music that only he could hear, and in the fourth second of his wait, he put a powerful spring into his step and shot out of the alley, entering into the light of the moon and without missing a beat, he looked to his left.

 "There are five of them upfront as usual. I could try hitting Mr. Big Nose first and go for Mr. One Hand next, but then he might just hit me and I'll be sent away.

 Hmmm, I think it's best I go with the usual, I take no risk, and everything goes smoothly.

 I get to see her without fail and then meet the sacred women on time. Yep, no need to complicate things."

 Rapidly having this thought, the boy took a sudden turn to the right, running forward for just three steps and then picking up an iron bar loosely inserted into the ground like it had been kept there for him.

 "Welp, and now it's time to kill," the boy said, this time screaming out his words as he charged into the group of humans with mutated limbs, twisted bodies, and bleeding injuries who for some reason, were still able to walk.

 Reaching the first, who was a bald, tall, lean old man with one hand and a huge hammer in the other, the boy approached the man from his right.

 Without fear of the huge hammer the man had lifted, he went to his side and then swung the iron rod in his hand at the man's head.

 "Splat" was the sound that went out as the back of the man's head was crushed, and he fell forward, but this brave feat received no attention from its creator.

 Not minding to look at the results of his action on the tall bald man, the boy looked at the short, big, and pudgy man who was now on his left, roaring at him with bloodied teeth.

 "Welp, ugly zombies."

 Pulling back his hand from the swing he had just carried out, the boy as if being able to see the future, took a step back and dodged both arm swings of the pudgy man and with confidence, he took a step to the left and dodged a sudden jump that had been made by a bloodied, armless man from behind.

 Immediately, after dealing with the immediate attack on his person, the boy charged forward again and swung his rod at the head of the still recovering pudgy man, smiling as his rod sank deep into the man's head, causing blood to spill.

 "Nice one, Randy, you took them out like a pro. Now you can have fun with the fledglings," the boy thought to himself as he turned and looked at the zombies that were now crowding around him.

 With no worries, the boy spun the rod in his hand and began bashing left and right. Flesh fell, blood flew around, and most importantly, brains got bashed.

 With all the practise he had with killing the zombies and the zombie's slow and lacking improvements, it was like the zombies were just offering themselves to him to be killed.

 Like this, the boy called Randy went on killing and bathing in blood and flesh bits, happily moving forward through the bodies in front of him.

 Then suddenly when he arrived at a particular spot, he ducked and was nowhere to be seen.

 "Smashing them apart is nice, but I have bigger fish to fry, or better yet, big boobies to see."

 With this thought, the boy happily started moving through another division of buildings, his actions swift and filled with experience and practice.

 Using the buildings as cover and the alley as a path, the boy made his way and soon his movements began slowing down and he came to a stop.

 "Great, I'm there."

 Looking at the wide and high building with several long steps leading to it, the boy smiled and, after looking left and right to make sure no one was in sight, he sped up and climbed the steps leading to the hall.

 He went through the already ripped-out double doors and, ignoring everything around him, he sped with a spring in his step.

 Deep into the hall at its end, there was a pool, and behind this pool was an altar.

 In front of this pool were several steps which led to it and then there were rows of seats some distance from the stairs.

 It was in the first of the row of seats that Randy quickly went to and sat.

 "Welp, great, I made it in time," Randy thought just as the clear pool in front of him was engulfed in pure white blinding light.

 Like a kid about to be given a present, Randy closed his eyes, this action helping to keep out the bright light.

 Randy counted down from 10, and when he reached zero, he opened his eyes having no surprise on his face that the blinding white light had died down.

 Randy looked at the pool with widened eyes, happiness and joy on his face as he stared at the now ascending treasure.