
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Hate the world

Whether he was shivering in fear or excitement, Randy wasn't sure, but as his eyes moved to the white-haired woman's, despite the bewitchment they contained, his gaze couldn't help but snap to her breasts.

 Ignoring the fact that this body, which had always been static and behind a barrier, was now moving, and that incredibly enough he was standing on water, Randy spoke his first words to the woman.

 "Can I touch your boobs? Uh, they are really nice."

 With the number of times Randy had come to this world and the pervert he had turned into, touching and feeling up the women he saw here, whether they wanted him to or not, Randy would have done the same thing to the woman before him. But his instincts and common sense told him not to.

 What was currently happening was an anomaly, and so, with his better judgment, Randy thought it wiser to first observe what was exactly before him. Besides, it never hurt to be polite.

 Unfortunately for Randy, although his thoughts on first observing before further action were correct, the part about no harm was wrong. The next instant, a force was suddenly transferred to his body from the finger on his head, and the next thing he knew, he was flying across the Hall of the temple.

 "Welp, extremely beautiful women and violence just have a thing for each other, ha-ha-ha. If I play my cards right, I might be able to find a way to get to her breast, and then maybe her ass. Oh yes, and even into her pants. Heh-heh-heh. Wait, she doesn't have pants."

 Despite the powerful rush of the wind that blew against his face and warned him of a harsh collision, Randy's mind was instead filled with nothing but excitement and perverse thoughts.

 Just as Randy's soaring body was about to make an impact with the wall on the other end of the Hall, he quickly looked toward the white-haired woman and flashed a grin at her.


 This was the sound that rang out as Randy's body hit the wall, slid down it, and then fell to the floor and like this, the temple's Hall descended into silence, not a word coming from either Randy's body or the still staring red-eyed woman.


 "Ahhhhhhhhh" a low scream left the lips of a teen whose deep black eyes snapped open, and he was left breathing heavily.

 "Damn, what happened to the phrase "what happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom'?" the teen grumbled, annoyed as the pain he had gotten from his crashing against the temple's wall had followed him all the way back here.

 "Troublesome woman, but no worries, after I discipline her, she'll learn to behave. But wait, how do I discipline her? She seems to be way stronger than me. I mean, I can't do that attack finger thingy."

 Lying on a high bed that one couldn't deny was comfortable, Randy's mind was filled with thoughts.

 As Randy thought, the occasional laugh left his mouth, but then the sound of stomping footsteps began sounding from outside the room he was in, and immediately his face firmed up.

 "Welp," was the last thing Randy could think as the door of his room was pushed open, the lights which had been off flicked on, and a relatively large body moved closer to him.

 Lying there on the bed, Randy could only wait for the stunning woman to move closer to him, her image soon coming into his sight.

 From the messily scattered hair of the blonde woman before him, Randy knew things weren't good and when he saw the tint of red in the woman's eyes, he knew he wasn't getting free.

 "You damn troublesome brat. Why would you just lie down and decide to go screaming? Do you know how much of a scare you caused your mother?"

 Randy's scream on awakening hadn't been loud per se, but then again, the little light that filtered in from the outside through his curtain told one that it was still just the dark early hours of the morning.

 With most people still asleep at this time, the world was quite quiet, a very powerful factor that helped in the excellent propagation of Randy's scream and unfortunately also put him in trouble.

 "What do you have to say for yourself, you wretched child? You dare disturb both me and your mother, and you're still smiling, It seems I haven't disciplined you in a while."

 Randy's smiling wasn't a conscious thing; it was more of his persona but unfortunately, the irritated blonde woman didn't stop to think this or care.

 Just as she finished her words, her hands shot towards Randy's ears, easily grabbing them despite Randy struggling to move his head to avoid them.

 The minute the woman had Randy's ears in her hand, she pinched them very sharply, and then with a little tug, she began twisting.

 "Hrggghh," a muffled squeal of pain left Randy's mouth.

 The pain threatened to have Randy scream out loud, but he held it in, knowing better than to make the blonde woman angry.

 For a few seconds, Randy's head trembled, his mouth opened and closed while his eyes shed a few tears and well he also got to closely stare at the very unhappy woman.

 "That should teach you a lesson and have you behave," the blonde woman said, releasing Randy's ears close to a minute later.

 "Now tell Aunty 'thank you,' " the blonde woman barked after she released Randy, her eyes narrowed on him.

 "Aunty Miriam, thank you," Randy immediately said, nodding his head for extra measure.

 "Good," Miriam said. "You better behave."

 After giving him a deep stare, the woman turned and walked away.

 Just as Randy's aunty turned, a bit of energy went to Randy's face, and using all the energy in his body, he lifted up his head and looked at her, deciding to at least get something from this encounter.

 "Welp, there it is. Even though she's in a nightgown, one can still see that huge ass of hers go bouncing.

 I bet her husband rolls over in the grave every day, regretting that he left such a juicy piece."

 With the few seconds that it took Miriam to walk from beside Randy to the other end of the room, Randy admired her ass.

 When Miriam flicked off the lights and went out, Randy's strained neck collapsed to the bed while the pain his little seconds of perverseness had suppressed came flooding back.

 "How horrible," Randy commented as the pain from the deep pinches he had received flooded his head.

 "Damn her, I hate that woman, I hate this world. Ahhhh."

 As Randy lamented the suffering he had just been through, he looked down at his body in anger.