

"If my purpose is to be a war weapon, I'll gladly be so. Why do you bother teaching me about humanity?" A lost child brought upon this world by the greed of humankind. "What am I exactly made out of? Humans arrogantly claim that they created an artificial human like me inside a lab, but... They aren't capable of creating me. Their technology can't create true life." Was it purely by human effort that a miracle like him was possible? "So the multiverse really does exist... I can satisfy my hunger for knowledge, and the mysteries behind my existence might finally be solved..." Is he really ready to bear the weight he is destined to bear? "These damn humans, they just want to use me for war! They don't care about me, they don't even see me as a human! For them, I am just a tool to be used and disposed of on their whims!" What happens when something which isn't supposed to exist, does? What will happen to the esoteric strings of fate when a being outside of its chains roams free? And what happens if this supposed being possesses talents and abilities considered impossible by the world itself? It's just Chaos. Discord- https://discord.gg/GkVmSkr8

Audatic · Fantasy
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92 Chs


'This power...'

Stella was amazed by the incredible feeling she had right now. It was as if she had been living a disabled life the whole time. With these powers in her hands, she felt free and unrestrained. She felt that the moment she activated her powers, she broke through the shackles she never knew existed.

She had a feeling of having an extra body part under her control, and this body part was not something physical.

Havien had alarm bells going off in his mind. He did not know why he was feeling that way, but his danger senses and instincts were stronger than ever. He knew that even if he was in his peak form, he could not defeat Stella now. All he could right now do was run, and hope to survive.

And that's exactly what he did. He does not want to die.

'AI, activate boosters for takeoff.'

Havien took off from the ground and unfurled his wings. He was right now levitating in the air.

'Overclock wings.'

'Warning, Overclock will lead to-'

'JUST DO IT! HURRY!' Havien screamed in his mind as the wings also started glowing in a crimson color, their engines were induced with anti-matter reactions.


Havien took off at supersonic speeds. He was at least 3 times faster than before, but this came at the cost of permanently damaging his wings. There was even the point of air resistance being painful and if not for Havien having a strong body, he would have already died.

Meanwhile, Stella just calmly watched Havien escaping. She was still lost in her reverie. At this moment, she tried to somehow use the power which she had gained.

'I can feel that this power is related to control. What if I try controlling the winds?'

She focused on the winds around her, trying to 'grasp' them with the 'body part' she gained.

And she succeeded.

There were gales of winds revolving around her, and she felt like she can manipulate them as she liked. So, she did the most obvious thing someone with the control of winds will do.

She started flying. And at supersonic speeds too, catching up to Havien.

Havien looked back at her in shock. At this moment, she was faster than that relic coat that she was using to fly earlier. He tried to increase his speed, but it was all for naught as she once again caught up to him.

"Did you think that was all?" Stella's voice sounded from behind Havien, but it was filled with sarcasm. As Havien was flying ahead, A wall of earth suddenly erupted out of nowhere. Havien had no time to fly over it and the only thing he could do was react and use the boosters on his feet on the wall to prevent impact.

At least Havien had saved himself from the worst-case scenario of being squashed, but Stella had caught up to him. She was floating in the air without any support and looking at Havien with cold eyes.

She slowly raised one of her hands up, as if summoning something from the ground. Havien was shocked beyond belief as he saw plants growing out of the previously barren earth at impossible speeds. They were like vines and due to their massive numbers, Havien was trapped by them.

"A demon like should die from a heavenly judgment after all." Stella muttered in a low voice before raising both her hands up towards the sky.

The sky became dark and cloudy and thunder began rumbling. The rumbling lasted for a few seconds before a massive bolt of lightning landed on the ground, or more accurately, landed dead center on Havien.

Havien could do nothing but watch as the lighting descended on him. He had already tried all ways of escaping a few seconds before, but he was really doomed to endure this dangerous thunderbolt.


Havien was fried by the lightning. His armor, which was one of his pride, had endured as much as it could now. It deactivated, now being nothing more than some heavy clothing. The only thing which still worked now was his mask.

But Havien was still alive.

"Wow, you're tenacious. Look at you surviving that. Well, the next one will kill you." Stella said. She was feeling drunk on this power, evident that she was stretching this more than she needed to. The feeling of completely beating someone who has been her worst nightmare is an exhilarating experience.

"Ha... haha... hahahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAA!!!" Havien started laughing madly. He was laughing at his weakness, he was laughing at the unfairness of this whole situation. He worked hard from the start of his life to reach the level of power where countries fear him. He relied solely on himself to create the theories of anti-matter and use them in weaponry. He did all he could which led him to the limit of technology. And what did he get? Getting thrashed by supernatural powers which a child throwing an emotional tantrum pulled out of her ass?

What did he ever do to deserve this? Why is it his fault that he is different from the others? Why is it his fault that the world considers him a monster which led to the world hunting him down? Why is it his fault that he is born a genius so capable that people fear him?

Why is it his fault that he is Havien Crimsonwhite?

And at the brink of death, he raised these questions to himself. And when he realized the answer, his mind became clear, unlike any other time. It was as if he was enlightened.

'It was NEVER my fault that I am who I am. It's THEIR fault for not accepting me.

And now I will make them pay for doing this to me.'

"Hey bitch. You wanna see some fucking supernatural shit?" Havien said to Stella, which caught her off guard as she did not expect Havien to speak.

'Concentrate. Focus on the feeling of your weird instincts. At the brink of death, I can barely feel something inside of me, it was always there, but somehow now it feels... clearer. I just need to focus on it...'

At that moment, Havien's injuries were recovering at unbelievable speeds. All the burnt marks were replaced with smooth skin. A few seconds later, his body was in tip-top shape.

Havien was deeply immersed in himself. He was now extremely close to 'touching' the sensation like it was only a hair's breadth away.

"LIKE HELL I'LL JUST STAND HERE!" Stella screamed as her instincts kicked in. She made a small pebble float in front of her and started rapidly heating it up. In a few short moments, a bullet of lava was formed and shot at Havien.

But... The bullet disappeared. More accurately, it disintegrated into nothingness.

At this moment, Havien finally 'touched' his supernatural powers. His hair, which was silky jet black before, now had a reddish crimson and a radiant white streak on his right and left side respectively. His irises, which were not visible through the mask to Stella, were now on his right side crimson-colored, like an abyss, and his left radiant white like a pearl of heaven.

'So, these are my powers. One of them, which I feel is related to my 'crimson' part, 'corrupts' stuff which causes them to disintegrate. I don't know how to use the 'white' part though.'

"Let's have a 'fair' battle now, shall we?" Havien said in a mocking cold voice while freeing himself from his restraints by corrupting them.

This is just the beginning, I don't know how to tell you without spoiling but right now we have just started BARELY touching on the fantasy stuff. I promise that you're going to love the masterpiece I'll write :)

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