
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 14

Zero hunted any stray orc that appeared to be searching for him.

He took the chance to hunt in various ways that didn't rely on the electro blade.

After killing a few orcs he left his hunting spot and moved to another.


I need to leave this place. They probably noticed that any orc they sent for me ended up dying. It won't be long before they send groups of orcs instead of individuals.

I went on to a different location, located closer to the cave I came from. In this location I could see the entrance of the cave. The dead body of the orc was gone, and a couple of orcs appeared to be standing guard.


Zero stayed there, but he was having a hard time looking at the orcs.

[I guess it's a good time to slightly upgrade your equipment.]. said Kunaigai.

While Zero was hunting the orcs, Kunaigai was changing a couple of things.

Firstly he changed the helmet. He gave it a feature that it could zoom in whatever he was viewing like binoculars, using Shadow as a medium.

He also upgraded the clothes that Zero was wearing. He make any major changes, but now the clothes' color could be changed. This would help Zero camouflage with his surroundings.

After a few hours of waiting night came. Zero then tried the camouflage feature for the first time.

He changed the color of his clothes to black. The thing that most notably changed was the helmet, since the visor changed to a different color as well. The color of the helmet became black and the visor became red. Apart from the helmet, the hoodie also changed to the color black.


I activated the feature in my helmet Kunai told me about. Even though I was pretty far away, I could see the orcs as if they were right next to me. I got off the tree and started walking in the direction of the orcs.

There seem to only be two at the moment. This seems like a good time to whittle down their overall numbers.


Zero got close to the orcs and climbed up the small hill on top of the cave's entrance. In front of him were two orcs. The one to his left used a spear and the one on the right used a giant sword.

He decided to kill the one on the right first. He jumped off the hill.

'Gunvault: claymore,' Zero said in his head while falling on top of the orc. He pointed it down and stabbed the top of the orc's head using his own bodyweight as well as the weight of the weapon.

He silently killed the orc, but the orc on the left noticed him. It brought up its spear and tried to stab Zero. Zero jumped over the spear, stood up on top of it, and ran along the shaft of the spear. He instantly took out a katana and sliced the orc's neck.

After he finished the orcs off, he unsummoned both weapons and went back into hiding. He decided to hide on top of the cave.


Some more orcs might come here later. Maybe they take shifts, and change places with each other every set amount of time. I'll wait here until the next two orcs come to take the place of these two. Then, I'll finish off those two and move some place else.

I waited a couple of hours and two more came. They were about to roar loudly to alert the rest.

I summoned a bow and two arrows, quickly shooting both orcs in their heads before they alerted the others.

That should give me a bit of time to leave this place.

I calmly retrieved my arrows. I then went on to check out the orc's village. There weren't any type of orcs roaming around. They seemed to be inside their houses. On the village's entrance there were two orcs. They were obviously guarding the entrance.

I went down the small cliff, leaving a rope made of nanomachines attached to the top, and entered the orc's village from the back.

Since I looked at the village from above, I had already deduced where the orc chief was located. I approached the building, making sure that I had not been seen by anyone. I took a peek inside through a small window. The orc chief was resting on what appeared to be a bed.

I entered through the window and quietly approached the orc chief. I took out a katana and applied electro blade on it while on my way to the orc chief. Once I arrived in front of it, I brought down my sword on its neck. It didn't make a sound since it was still just resting.

I got out of the building and went up towards the cave.

I entered the cave hoping that I would be teleported back to my world. I waited a couple of minutes, but I was still there. Then I looked at the quest's status window.

"It seems that these orcs are smarter than what I thought."

[Or you're just really stupid.] (Kunaigai)

Ignoring Kunai's remark I stared at the status window. I still hadn't killed the orc chief.


Zero stared at the orc's village and saw every building once again. No matter how he looked at it that building seemed like a place an orc chieftain would live in.

This assassination attempt was a complete failure. Once the orcs woke up in the morning he would not be able to try assassination again, or at least, it would become a lot harder to do so.


"Well, it seems I have no other choice. I'll have to finish everything tonight. I'll have to move as quickly and as quietly as possible, but if the odds are in my favor, I should be able to finish this quest quickly."


Zero then went down the cliff once again, determined to finish the quest this time. What he forgot, though, was that the orcs had a great sense of smell. The moment they smelled the smell of something burnt, they all woke up.

Zero wouldn't face off against each one individually, like he thought, but he would face a whole village of them.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts