
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 10

They went on to something akin to a portal.

'Is this the dungeon he was talking about. Isn't this supposed to be a portal? Why is it called a dungeon, though.'

What Zero didn't know now, but he would learn in the future is that what a portal was would be depicted by their rank. The lower the rank of a portal, the more it would be like a dungeon, even having its own type of quests. The higher the rank of the portal, the more it would start seeming like another world.

"Okay now we'll enter. Oh right! Before that, do you need to do something," asked Victor.

"No. I'm already ready. A question though. What are we doing?," asked Zero.

"The dungeon we're entering is a goblin dungeon."

"If it is a goblin dungeon then why isn't it used to test people."

"Because it is a lot more dangerous. In a dungeon you can't run away. You got to complete certain quest before you are allowed to leave the dungeon. It also takes the shape of a narrow cave so there isn't much room to move in, making it difficult to save people."

With the small lesson on dungeons over they then went on to enter the portal.

Once they entered, like Victor said, it was a narrow cave. Suddenly a window popped up in front of Zero's face. It said that he had to defeat the goblin's boss which was located at the end of the cave.

"Okay! I'll stay back and watch over you. You will go on to hunt the goblins that are scattered around. The whole quest takes about an hour to complete for the average person so as long as you complete it in that time frame I'll let you join the guild. Do it in less time and I'll even let you join the guild without having to pay."

The second he heard he didn't have to pay, Zero went on to hunt the goblins. He didn't want to reveal the Crimson loadout or his lightning to anyone at the moment so he stole a goblin's club. With that club he hunted various goblins, making sure that he killed them in as little time possible.

Passing the 13 minute mark, Zero quickly completed the dungeon. Victor was certainly quite surprised. Completing the goblin dungeon was easy for anyone who was experienced, but this person in front of him was able to complete it despite the fact that it seemed like it was his first time entering the dungeon. He even did it without using any of his own weapons.

"Well that was quite impressive. Just as I agreed I'll let you join the guild and even pay for your entry. Now let us go get you registered."

Zero walked behind Victor happy that he didn't have to pay anything at the moment. They then went back towards the guild. Before going to the third floor of the guild they went to the second. Zero was then able to see what was in the second floor of the building.

On the second floor was a cafeteria. It was clean and there seemed to be a few people there as well. They all looked towards the elevator greeted the guild master and continued eating or chatting with each other.

'It seems he is pretty well respected since people stopped eating or chatting just to greeted him,' thought Zero still walking behind Victor.

After they both ate they went on to the third floor of the building.

There, Zero would finally get registered before finally joining the guild.

Two chapters back to back. They were, of course, short, but I do hope you still enjoyed them.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts