
Crimson Sun - A Sci-fi original

Upon finding a secret that threatens to re-ignite a conflict between two galactic powers, our unlikely hero must unravel the sinister conspiracy to bring it to the light under the crimson sun... first book of the Crimson Sun series - an introduction to the universe through a single person's perspective on her journey across many different worlds, through sinister plots and conspiracies. navigating the interstellar intrigue between the Terran Federation and the Commonwealth of Systems. Will she find what lies buried beneath these interstellar powers?

Maude_R_Masterson · Sci-fi
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35 Chs

Chapter 4

Kara smirked at Ramon after a chuckle "Good to see you again, Ramon."

"You as well, Chica."

After a moment of awkward silence, Ramon cleared his throat "well, get in, Chica! We should get going before anyone sees us."

Kara nodded, got in the passenger's side door, and sat next to Ramon in the car. After a moment, they started down the road for a short drive. An awkward silence prevailed amongst them. This allowed Kara to go over her thoughts, and reflect on her situation.

Ramon was a known quantity to her, so she felt she could let her guard down partially. But she can still be in danger. Her clients clearly had their ways of tracking her down. They could be anywhere and strike at any moment. Best she did not get careless while she was at it. After a ten-minute drive down the run-down streets of Tokyo's decrepit undercity, they came to a decrepit, old resort hotel that served as Ramon's headquarters. "We're here, Chica"

Kara stepped out of the car after they parked. Within a few moments, some of Ramons' crew came out to meet him.

"Who is she, Jefe?" one of them inquired. They all carried submachine guns and looked on edge. Kara readied herself for a potential fight.

"Chillax, Jessie. This is Kara. I owe her a favor from way back when, and she decided to collect just now."

'Jessie' furrowed one bushy eyebrow in thought "Understood, I will be watching her though."

"All I ask, hombre." Ramon gave his man a reassuring smirk before turning to Kara. "you caught us at a pretty interesting time, Chica. So I apologize for my men's… terseness."

Kara nodded in reply before she walked up the steps with Ramon to the entry foyer.

"I have a guy who can get you off-world, but he's about 6 hours away. You'll have to hang tight here, Chica." Ramon smirked.

This gave her time to relax, but not much. She was still in danger the longer she was on Earth.

After arriving, she locked herself in a room to wait for her ride off-world. No one bothered her, as per Ramon's orders. Kara spent much of the past 4 hours quietly meditating with her eyes half-lidded. Her Telehaptics meant she could perceive molecules around her, which included people as they were made of billions of these tiny structures. She perceived people moving around outside her room, of the air being displaced by their bodies. The fly on the wall that made an annoying buzzing noise. The rats in the back alley in the garbage piles picking for food scraps. The rush of air drafting between the buildings. The slamming of car doors outside, and shouting - That was not normal. She opened her eyes and moved towards the window, drawing the curtain slightly to look outside - about two dozen armed men were in a standoff with some of Ramon's men. Kara moved to her duffle bag and found her gear - including a shotgun and a shell bandolier. After putting her vest and belt on, she loaded her shotgun and waited by the door.

Ramon was outside trying to talk to them "easy there, Hernando! Can I help you?"

"We know she is here, out of our way!"

Ramon furrowed one of his eyebrows, thinking to himself quietly. 'Chica, what did you do?'

As if on cue, her voice entered his head 'I killed general Moldsyava, but that does not matter now. A promise is a promise, Ramon.'

Ramon knew he could not hold the line, his men - and quite possibly himself - were about to die. 'I hope you know what you are doing, Chica.'

'Trust me. If I saw another way, I would take it.' - she was right; Ramon knew that. If she had another way out she'd have taken it. After this brief Telepathic discussion, which Ramon had gotten used to with her, he sighed and looked to his men "they are not to pass into the building." he then looked to the armed men outside "she is not here. I suggest you go on your way." After that brief exchange, Ramon went inside.

A few minutes later, the gunfire started. Kara moved out into the hallway after kicking the door to her room off the hinges, she moved into the hallways with the shotgun in her shoulder. She turned the corner up ahead to move to the stairs and encountered three armed men. Agency types by the looks of it. The first two shells ripped open the first man's chest, blowing it open and sending fragments of bone and bloody chunks out the back of his chest, hitting the wall with a grotesque splattering sound. She grabbed the second man's wrist, twisting it in an odd fashion, contorting it and breaking the bone before violently throwing him into the wall opposite before she used the girth of her weapon to break his compatriot's jaw and knock him to the floor. A moment later she leveled her shotgun's muzzle with his head and pulled the trigger. His skull split open and bits of gray matter oozed onto the carpeted floor. Her last opponent, jarred by the violent and sudden death of his partner, and his jaw being physically broken, tried to stand up to fight back, but Kara was too quick, and she turned on him, jamming the hot barrel of her weapon into his sternum the sizzling of his flesh and the jab to his sternum making the poor bastard scream. After he sat back on the floor with a pained groan as the heat seared his skin, she pulled the trigger. The wall behind him splattered red. She moved down the hallway, and down the stairs. Two more were coming up the steps. One shell, one down. Her shotgun clicked empty, so she quickly kicked at their foot, grabbed a shoulder, and slammed them into the ground, using her sidearm to finish them off with a single shot. She went further down the steps, loading more shells into her shotgun. She moved towards the hallway to the front lobby - Just in time to see them execute Ramon. Kara ducked behind a corner and gathered her nerves.

"Where is she? Didn't the Alpha team go upstairs to check?" one of the operatives in full-faced helmets griped

"They should have her by now. The bitch killed a lot of good people, now we get to bring her-"

Ker-Thunk! Their conversation was cut short by the racking of a shotgun. One blast tore through the first of the five. Shattering his spine and blowing his entrails out of his lower back. The poor bastard slumped over forward - his lumbar gone. A second blast tore the legs off the man next to him and screamed of agony started as Kara dealt with the other three. Headshot - through the base of the brain stem. Instant kill. Painless. The other two ran. Probably to get reinforcements. She turned to the writhing form on the ground - currently with no legs. "AAAAGH! YOU BITCH!" he squalled in pain as Kara calmly walked towards him, drawing her sidearm. She gave him the release of death with a single shot between his eyes. It was now she finally got a good look around at the lobby - Most of Ramon's crew were dead. Including Ramon himself. They died because they were harboring a fugitive - Criminals they may be, they also held their promise, She will make it out of there alive because of them.