
Crimson Moon

Hello, I wanted to apologize for not publishing in a long long time...but here is my new Volume that I would updating daily.... Thank you! The Borderland, a desert region located between two countries, two cultures and two rivals; This Region is full of mysteries and rich in“manna” (Natural Energy) a target for powerful individuals. Five Years ago, a tragedy hit the borderland with a massive earthquake and destroyed both cities completely,however, the most mysterious event was the dissaperence of a certain family: The Vazquez. After witnessing a miracle, Alejandro Sanchez, a regular student at the Study Abroad International Highschool, a prestigious school where students from all over the world come to learn with high technology in the Western World. He decided to form “The Supernatural Investigation Society” to investigate what happened on that fateful night, however, after five years of investigation, he found no positive results leading to loss of all his friends. A new adventure begins as Alejandro meets the mysterious transfer student known as Uriel Di Fiore who returns to the place he once called home with a simple mission: Assassinate the one who killed his father. Join the two boys as they uncover the secrets of Borderland and the whereabouts of the Vazquez family... Presenting a new and improved project taken by inspiration of my past project “The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher” with a new story and new characters... THANK YOU AND ENJOY....

Crimson_MZ · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Vol. 4 - Afterward

Hey guys, this is Crimson MZ...I wanted to apologize that it took so long for me to finish this volume but the truth is that I have been really busy with my work and studies once again I ask if you have feedback, please comment but don't go putting incoherent stuff just to get popularity by using my novel...if you like it then keep on reading. I like when readers are honest and have accurate feedback and not just dumb random comments that I received the other day...like "the female characters have "large breasts"...or "Your adding too much description on your characters" or the most weird one; "NOT ENOUGH FANSERVICE...or that it's turning into a HAREM...come one, that's just something I find dumb from people who only want to attack novels who obviously haven't read a single chapter of my novel...This is just an ameteur website, we are not professionals so please don't make excuses to comment on the novel in order to attack it, the point is for you to enjoy…

Anyways, for my next volume, be prepared because it's now the time for Yggdrasil to shine...The next part we will focus on Alejandro and the rest of the people in Sun City as they face a silent threat...Characters like Carlos, Chelsea, Shion, Jairo and others will have their time to shine along with the main character Alejandro Sanchez…

What will they do against a foe that moves silently within the Mist?

Please continue reading and keep having fun...Thank you…

Next Time…

Borderland Invasion Arc Part 2; The Silent Invasion

Volume 5: Assassins in the Mist

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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