

Arianna Caster is a eighteen year old witch, from an old powerful family and coven. She has been known to be the weakest Witch in her Coven.. but maybe that has just began to change. She will go through trials of love, family and loyalty, but which is more important to her in the long road? Copyright Paige Evans 2022

PaigeEvans_Writing · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter Twenty

I frowned at my reflection in the mirror; I began brushing my long straight black hair, I then plaited both sides of my hair and messed up my fringe slightly. This is the first time I have changed my look in quite some time. 

I then took my dark make-up out of my bag and began to draw attention to my eyes with the jet black eyeliner, I then decided on grey eye shadow. 

And that was me and my make-up done.. nothing too snazzy. But I liked it. 

I quickly buttoned up my black button-up dress that hugged my curves and smiled. 

That smile however was soon replaced by thoughts of dread. 

Was I really going to go behind The Creek Packs back and look for Hunter's little brother, who was possibly their prisoner? Would this not strain my relationship with Brax, if I got caught?

I frowned again, as I contemplated this. 

But then, I heard a light tap on my Bathroom door.