
Crimson moon's ascension: The vampire's alpha

You think you can get away. Well it's in your dreams and believe me not the good ones. Ariel is a bold and possessive vampire queen living the life of a teenage human girl for past three years due to a revenge mission. Because of some circumstances she is forced to quit her mission and come back to rule her kingdom, after coming back she encounters her possessive werewolf alpha mate . What will happen when two obsessed lovers are paired together.? A little intro : "How dare you put your filthy hands on my mate? , only I have the right to touch him, to kiss him , to fuck him, to do whatever I want with him. " I was about to end her pitiful life when I saw my mate looking at me with eyes full of joy. He was happy that I believed him. That fucker I'll get even with him for this . While I was fuming with anger, I covered the scowl on my face with a smile, any one looking at me must think that I have gone mad, but the question is was I ever sane? I walked towards her " let's play a game" I whispered in her ear, feeling her shaking with fear.

Artemis_82 · Sci-fi
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61 Chs

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Having enough of her teasing Eric took control, his eyes dark as abyss.

Using his right arm he flipped them so that Ariel had her back against the bed. He gave Ariel the same treatment he received, leaving trail of dark hickeys that will take weeks to fade away.

His left hand grabbed the zipper of Ariel's dress, he turned her so that now she was lying on her stomach, his long, slender fingers slowly pulling the zip as he left wet kisses on her back. He pulled off her dress and turned her around.

Her black bra along with her lace underwear were perfectly contrasting her pale skin. Her cheeks were flushed red, eyes closed and her rosy lips slightly apart.

Eric laid on top of her using his forearms to support him, his lower body was pressed against her while their chests a few centimeters apart. Eric leaned down and whispered "You are beautiful, love". His breath tickling her ear.

He bit her ear, planting a kiss on her cheek, moving onto her lips. Their tounge uniting once again as they lost in each other's embrace.

Ariel placed one hand in Eric's hair pulling him closer while her other hand rested on his chest.

He was the one who took the drug then why am I more impatient to have him, Ariel thought in her mind.

Eric pulled down her bra with one hand while his other hand was playing with the hem of her underwear.

He moved his mouth from her lips to her breast sucking and biting, he slid down her body leaving open mouth kisses on her stomach.

He trapped the hem of her panties between his teeth, placing kisses as he slid it down and threw it in the corner along with rest of her clothes.

He hovered over her and looked at her with a admiring gaze before entering her without a warning causing her to gasp.

He used this chance to explore her mouth as he thursted deeper. Their bodies moving with a rhythm, the room filled with the sound of their heavy breaths as their moans echoed. Finally their bodies uniting as one.

Ariel couldn't stop the voices that escaped from her mouth. Her nails leaving marks on Eric's bare back. Muscles in her stomach clenching as she cummed. "Fuck Ariel, you feel so good." Eric moaned in her ear. He quickened his pace and after a few thrusts cummed inside her.

"I love you" Eric said kissing the top of her head. "I love you too."

"you have no idea how sexy you look right now." Eric whispered. Ariel felt him going hard inside her.

"one more round?" Ariel asked. " let's make that two".

With that Eric pounced on her devouring her like a treat.

While in a certain corner of a table sat tiny demoness and angel ( mini versions of Ariel) admiring the scene infront of them with a grin plastered on their face.